One of the things that really got to me was the 1995 generation change. The generation were now people who saw things happening but did not "mend thier ways." I also was around in 1975, and had swallowed the gobbledygook that spewed out when they blamed JWs for reading things into what the WTS said. But I had studied the "Truth Book" which had clearly stated that those of an age of understanding in 1914-the great tribulation would be "the generation."
When the 1995 change came out, I remember sitting at the KHall, looking at others around me, and noting that the WT study was "business as usual" as if nothing new had happened. I spoke to my husband about it. He was an elder, and the WT conductor. I remember having an uneasy feeling that I was "questioning" and shouldn't do this, but couldn't reconcile the "new light." Inside I began to have a queasy I wish I had gone with that gut feeling then, but hung on for some years.