I think they would be helped if they had even more lawyers. Between the Jesus Cano predator charges, and the class action suits for abuse, etc. I would imagine they are getting stretched pretty thin. Just think of the late night brain storming sessions they must have on how they can keep up the image while getting rid of those pesky abuse victims that don't seem to be giving up.
JoinedPosts by Quandry
What do the JW's need most desperately right NOW !!!
by JH in.
what do you think would encourage the jw's enormously right now?.
another war, a pandemic, a meteor striking the earth, bird flu in the us?
Gregg Stafford returning to the Big O
by Amazing ingreg stafford posted on july 1, 2006 that he is returning to the organization.
you can read his article at: http://www.elihubooks.com/greg-stafford/another.htm.
his rationale and logic are most interesting.
Stephanus, you make an excellent point. He seems to think he can follow his own agenda. He can have reservations about the Society while attending meetings and still writing his book. Could you or I make some arrangement under those terms of agreement with the local elders? I don't think so.
Along the lines of the Williams sisters-I was so shocked when I found out they claimed to be witnesses. I thought those who were into sports would give up the traveling and big money. Also, their outfits were definetely NOT modest wear. How do they get by with it?
Little things that mean alot
by beautifulisfree inokay i hate to sound mean but witnesses in my opinion are mean and rude (that once included me) without even realizing it, maybe.
because the little things that non-witnesses do in everyday life for others and their family mean alot to ones they love or complete strangers.. what are some little things you can do know that show someone you care..that you weren't allowed to do before?.
1. saying "bless you" after someone sneezes
I tried never to be mean. I always thanked someone for saying Merry or Happy anything. I wanted to be a real Christian. I wanted to do little things for people. I always held doors open or gave little old ladies a hand. I wanted to believe the end was near. I wanted everyone to live in happiness in a paradise. What a powerful, horrible letdown to find out that the W.T. was part of the UN and that abusers of children go on in their positions while the abused are thrown out. I could go on, but I just know that there were and are many like me that want to be kind to others. Seems that eventually the nice are viewed as weak who can't knuckle under to the powers that be.
How Many X-JWs Do You Know Who Don't Come on These Forums?
by Seeker4 ini was thinking about inviting a friend over for drinks this weeked.
he's a former witness like myself who no longer has any belief that the witnesses had the truth or anything close to the truth.. as i thought about that, i realized, just from my own former congregation, i know at least a couple dozen x-jws who left completely, and see the witnesses as no better than any other religion and lots worse than most.
yet none of these folks are at all involved in sites like jwd or any of the other anti-witness sites.
Because my family was so recently "in" and my husband was an elder, I had no idea there were sites like this. I do not begin to personally know anyone who is an ex-jdub. But since the Society says that about 60,000 are disfellowshipped each year, and about half return, that must make for many people-most of them in the U.S.--that are former JWS. I wonder where they all are? I wonder if I will meet any or any of you?
What keeps you from killing yourself?
by AlmostAtheist inevery once in a while, the whole "futility of life" thing washes over me and something inside of me mentions the suicide option.
not that it's ever seriously considered, but one of the low-level accounting-types in my head quietly sends around a "worst-case scenario" memo that everyone reads, then dismisses.. after all, things always perk up.
"but," reminds the pessimistic little guy that should've been fired years ago, "they always go back down, too.
I read with interest all the posts on this topic. My teenage child was disfellowshipped in the harshest, coldest manner recently. She was called a liar and then these bullies made her read the scripture in Rev. "Outside are the cowards and the dogs and those disgusting in their filth....and they will burn in the lake of fire with the devil and his angels."
Well, my husband and I had to struggle hard to help our child want to live. Many nights we had to talk to her into the wee hours of the morning. This in turn made it hard for us to want to keep on living. But one thing I told my child was, NO ONE has the right to tell anyone they do not deserve to live. EVERY PERSON ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH HAS JUST AS MUCH RIGHT TO BE HERE AS ANY OTHER. Whether we are fat, thin, ugly, handicapped or badly dressed, we are all in this together. I will fight for the right of every human to be here. I hope you stick around. I plan to.
The depression has been getting better lately as I finally realize that even though my family was nothing to these people, we are still in the family of mankind, and will eventually make new friends. We have to work to make new experiences, now, and look for new things to enjoy.
Disassociate the Inactive? Maybe Not.
by metatron inimagine what would happen in countless congregations across the globe if the society formally announced that "so and so is no longer one of.
jehovah's witnesses" simply because they became inactive.. not only would many congregations suffer under the burden of having their younger witness demographic get "expelled" , often one by .
one, in a steady drip as they fornicate/smoke/do weed/whatever, man - but you now add a regular stream of .
It sounds as if everyone in attendance at the Halls will eventually be shunning everyone else, anyway. No one is good enough for the one seated next to him. All are viewed with suspicion. Are they really good associates? I don't like the car he drives. How dare they allow their child to get a higher education!! Did you hear that? They went on a vacation last weekend instead of service!!
Napa Valley, CA Child Abuse Court Case Victories
by AndersonsInfo innapa wt child abuse case.
two important court decisions, which came out of napa valley, ca, are now available for us to post on jwd.
these significant rulings overturn objections regularly made by the watchtower in recent lawsuits and may serve as a precedent for future lawsuits.
The Attorney firm of Love and Norris are really working hard and are to be congratulated for their tenacity. They are in for the fight of their careers. The WTS undoubtedly has a barrage of lawyers working overtime (but on their meager living allowances of course).
As to the Organization being a Pennsylvania based, and not California based organization, were we not at one time a part of Jehovah's WORLDWIDE Organization?
<thoughts> Having left just the JW's "cult" or some more to?
by spiceant ini have read a lot of text and story's about people that leave the jw's and this appears to be pretty much all that's being talked about.. i assume you believe that you have done right by your opposing stand to the jw's because you believe you have been done evil (or have seen jw's do evil) and probably right so.
do you people still pray to jehova and study the bible (on your own for once) as to get to know jehova's purpose for us?.
i wonder about this because i fear that you might "revert" back to the common western culture (assuming you live in one because you'r after all reading this over the internet) which i appal and detest in very many of its motivational aspects (that is, the motivations of its people) that are crudely speaking, selfish and ultimately, in the generations long run destructive.
You state that you don't really think that you will really learn too much on these web sites as we are "biased by our experiences with J.W.s. Yessssssssss........that's why we are on this site. May you never have some of the experiences many on this forum have had.!!!! We are here because we have learned the hard way about the organization. LOVE? When my family begged for it, we got none!
I'm new to the forum and desperate for support
by muse ini will be very brief on my introduction as i need to get straight to the point.
i was raised in the 'truth' from birth.
i got baptized at 16 (elder dad hassled me) and managed to do the 'slow fade' at 18 (it helped that i moved 50 miles away from home).
I am happy to know that you are able to enjoy such a warm relationship with your parents. My dad died last year. He wasn't a witness and we had a strained relationship because at the time I was.
I hope you will be able to tell your father what he means to you. That should give him a good feeling going into the operation. He will need your encouragement and closeness. You are a good daughter.
Not a part of this world..ain't that the truth!
by Virgochik inwhen jw's say they are no part of this world, i have to wonder if they know just how true that is.
if they could see themselves as others see them, carrying the scripture to the ridiculous extremes that some do.
for example, i had a recent conversation with (left un-named fro security reasons) elderly relatives.
If you go to five meetings a week, study for all of them, work at low paying but hard job because you have no higher education, care for family, keep house sparkling elder's wife clean, have book study get togethers, go out in service regularly, keep all the dress clothes meeting clean, keep the car clean, then who has time to even know modern stuff? How can you learn how to really use a computer? (refer again to the no higher education) How do you have money to buy the items you mentioned? (refer again to the no higher education) I am now trying to get into step with the modern world. I am going back to school which is not easy when you have to work at the low paying hard job all day (refer again to the no higher education) and you are past fifty.