Yes Jamie your correct. I was married to Bill and we left the cult at the same time.
creepy that people who were so closely related to the discovery of the child molestation problem remained jws?
Yes i is creepy. It is very frustrating because they know all about the corruption of Watchtower but choose to push those facts so far in the back of their minds that they forget. They go on proudly following those men. I have been round and round about all those things with them. It does no good.
They put their own blindfolds on and purposely stay blind about their precious Organization.
Hi Skally,
Bill was working on the Conto case for about two years.
Others were involved helping on that case as well.
I am so appreciative of all their hard work.
The outcome was worth it.
Bill sent out the press release immediately on Friday June 15th, the very next day after the case was won.
He posted it on the Silentlambs website and on on his Facebook page.
He updated his site and posted News stories about the case and new info on his FB page as it came out.
This story was plastered all over the internet through various news sources and people like us spreading the news.
I'm sure people tweeted about this story the same way Sparlock made it to Twitter.
Not sure about You Tube though. I haven't looked there yet.
He is still working very hard for this cause.
He is traveling a lot due to working with lawyers on research and as an expert witness on other JW child abuse cases.
He is spread very thin.
He told me about a custody case they won yesterday.I don't know very many of the the details but a JW mom was fighting for custody of her 7 year old girl.
Bill served as an expert witness on that case and the non JW Father won full custody.
They were going to baptize that little 7 year old girl at their next assembly which was only a week away.
Some of the rulings in that case were great.
The judge ruled that the Mother could not try to influence the daughter with JW teachings or any other religious teachings.