When talking with my mother the other day I really didn't want to get into the heaven or earth hopes I wanted to purely focus on where the scriptures state partaking is limited to a specific group of Christians. Even if I were to agree the scriptures teach a paradise earth which I don't believe they do, nothing should prevent a christian from partaking regardless of their hope. When Jesus said "unless you do this you won't have everlasting life" wouldn't that equally apply to everlasting heavenly or earthly life even in their own doctrine? I don't see anywhere the scriptures differentiate or limit partaking. Then again the scriptures also don't teach two class christianity, like a lot of witness doctrine they are connecting dots that aren't there.
One of the funniest bits was when my mom said there are actually two covenants Jesus instituted in Luke, the New Covenant and the Kingdom covenant which in all my years as a dub I honestly don't remember hearing. So I ask if the Kingdom covenant applies to the 144000 wouldn't that mean the new covenant applies to all true Christians. She says not they both apply only to 144000 but other Christians can take advantage of the New covenant benefits. First of all WHAT?! How does that make any sense. Why would their be 2 separate covenants that both only apply to the same group of people that essentially serve the same purpose, to go to heaven and rule? Second how can you benefit from a covenant or arrangement you aren't a part of? Makes no sense. But I guess that's what you get for trying to apply logic and reason to a book written thousands of years ago by superstitious people.
I agree but lately I've noticed a lot of witnesses acting like the memorial is somewhat of a burden. My coworker is a witness. He asked me today(not knowing I'm inactive) what time my memorial was. He then said he was glad they had one after theirs so they could hurry up and get out of the hall quick. I laughed inside because I can't imagine some other christian group in a hurry to get their precious celebrations over with. I know there a lot of mentally out in the borg I wish everyone could just walk away at once. Losing thousand of witnesses all at once might give the rest a wake up call that something is wrong. gahhh cults