In the terminology of the DUBS, they are worldy and have no understanding of the real meaning of this site.
Breeze, the site indicates that all those who are interested can join in. Nowhere does it indicate that you must have been a witness to be here. I haven't read a "worldly" post yet that indicated that the poster knew exactly what it was like to walk in JW shoes. Some "worldly" types like Hawkaw for example, have been instrumental in gathering information in the UN debacle. Besides, if a "worldly" person is here, you may want to find out why that is rather than down them for their presence. In my case, I probably wouldn't have ended up here if JWism hadn't entered my life by association. I've always been interested in religions and issues of faith, but I hadn't really given JWs much thought over the years. I'm glad I found this place. It's given me alot of answers and much insight.