Well, Massachusetts realty prices are astronomical- even if it a speck of a town we're talking about- so it's possible it's worth that amount.
I wonder if they would mention it if he was a member/former member. I hadn't thought of that!
i hope this isn't a repeat... .
from yesterday's boston globe: .
Well, Massachusetts realty prices are astronomical- even if it a speck of a town we're talking about- so it's possible it's worth that amount.
I wonder if they would mention it if he was a member/former member. I hadn't thought of that!
i hope this isn't a repeat... .
from yesterday's boston globe: .
I hope this isn't a repeat...
From yesterday's Boston Globe:
WESTFIELD, Mass. -- A teenager was charged with setting a fire that destroyed a Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall Sunday morning, officials said.
Robert Nicoletti, 18, of Westfield, was arrested after he was seen leaving the area of the church. The fire was reported shortly before 6 a.m.
No one was injured, but the two-alarm blaze gutted the church on Southwick Road, according to Deputy Fire Chief Joseph Pac. A nearby storage shed that Nicoletti allegedly broke into was also destroyed.
State Fire Marshal Stephen D. Coan estimated the damage at between $400,000 to $500,000.
Pac said a suspicious liquid that may be gasoline was found around the building, and that apparently sped up the fire's spread. He said it took about two hours to get the fire under control.
The fire was not thought to be a hate crime.
"We found there's no direct motive of an anti-religious activity," Coan said.
Nicoletti was being held Sunday on $10,000 cash bail and was scheduled to be arraigned Monday morning in Westfield District Court for burning a building and breaking and entering
looking best possible resources on line or 1 on 1 to show my wife the whole truth behind the watchtower lies , phalse proficies & controls.
Try thumbing throigh Cult expert Seteven Hassan's books. "combatting Mind Control" and his latest, "releasing the Bonds: empowering people to think for themselves".
"Releasing the Bonds..." in particular was very helpful to me as I worked to get my dear friend out after being raised in the organization for over twenty five years. My friend is now out, but it took years of heartache to get him to see his way out (and he still has a long way to go).
Seriously, read "Releasing the Bonds..." and during the meantime, bone up on Watchtower history. You've got a battle ahead- get armed!
does the marriage of an active jw have to be to another active and practicing jw?
It's time to pull out the classic poem I pulled off an old, now defunct JW website (maybe "greatcrowd", I can't remember). It was originally passed around in email form hence those little arrows, but some insightful witness thought it worthy of sharing on a JW posting board. Sadly the author is unknown. Behold a stunning piece that details the travails of a jw/non-jw union with thought-provoking imagination and fantabulous rhyme-scheme to boot! Enjoy!
Poem "He Doesn't Serve God"
> >
> > I met him at work one day
> > On my lunch break, I was about to pray
> > We talked on and on and oh, he's such a gentleman
> > I wished that moment would never end
> >
> > But then reality brought forth, the end of my lunch hour
> > As he arose, he stood as strong and tall as a tower
> > We met again and again; our souls began to cling
> > I've pondered, "Could this be the real thing?"
> >
> > He doesn't smoke, drink or gamble money
> > He doesn't take drugs and he's no else's honey
> > Let's face it, he's fine and has a great bod
> > The truth? Oh well, he doesn't serve Jehovah God
> > For I know that he will change in time
> > So that is why I shall make him mine
> >
> > My friends tried to warn me. Did I listen? Did I care?
> > Little did I know, my life would be one of despair
> > The wedding went fine; the judge married us in fall
> > You see, I couldn't have my wedding in a Kingdom Hall
> > My dad? No, he didn't give me away
> > With the pain in his heart, he didn't have much to say
> >
> > Mom, can you hear me? Mom, why do you cry?
> > Don't worry bout me, we'll do just fine
> > I got a good man, who has a good job
> > The only thing is, he doesn't serve God
> >
> > Everything went fine, only recently at night
> > When the meeting times come, we fuss and we fight
> > "Who is this God, breaking us apart?
> > Don't go tonight, follow your heart."
> > So I listen, to keep the peace in my home
> > But often times, I feel so alone
> > Guess cause I don't associate much with the friends at all
> > You see, I stopped going to the Kingdom Hall
> >
> > Service? Oh, well that's history
> > I just decorated my first holiday tree
> > The holiday celebrations are now a part of my life
> > I must obey my husband, for I am his wife
> >
> > The brothers would call, I wouldn't answer the door
> > I stopped reading the literature, it got to be a bore
> > You see, marrying out of the Truth, gets one free
> > Free from Jehovah's love that I once had within me
> >
> > Oh blessed news, a little one to come
> > I couldn't wait, had to hurry and tell my Hon
> > He was in a bad mood, just lost his job that day
> > He told me all this as he struck my face
> > "I'm sorry, babe. Forgive me this time, please."
> > I've heard these words more than once you see
> >
> > Two jobs I have now, as I support my household
> > My husband stays home--still out of work--it's getting old
> > I'm tired a lot lately, and feeling kinda strange
> > My schedule at both jobs, I've rearranged
> > The baby is due anytime now
> > Things will get better some way, some how
> > For I married a man for better, or worse
> > One who refuses to put Jehovah first
> >
> > The baby came, so little and light
> > It wasn't crying, something was not right
> > What could it be, I wondered in bed
> > Then came the Doctor, he just shook his head
> > "Mrs. Unbeliever, there's something to confess
> > You and the baby tested positive to the HIV test"
> > Oh my!! What a death sentence to hear
> > That the end of both of our lives is near
> >
> > Listen to me, let me tell you to your face
> > To marry an unbeliever is a total disgrace
> > Jehovah, a loving father, who cares for his sheep
> > So he set guidelines for us to hold and to keep
> > Let me say this, just to set things straight
> > He'll give you a nice brother, a theocratic mate
> > Cause there's nothing a worldly man has to offer at all
> > But unhappiness, sorrow and a serious fall
ah yes, i was rummaging around jack chick's website and couldn't help but realize how mr. chick knows just how to reach an audience.
(www.chick.com) whether you stumble onto one of his well-crafted tracts in a dank bathroom stall at your local denny's or find them strewn about the parking lot at walmart, chick knows that people can't help but eagerly thumb through his charming life-saving pamphlets.. i couldn't help but wonder just how powerful the preaching effort would be if the watchtower employed some of mr. chick's winning tactics to reach the doomed populace.
for example, note how mr. chick explains the appeal of his artful renderings:.
Ah yes, I was rummaging around Jack Chick's website and couldn't help but realize how Mr. Chick knows just how to reach an audience. (www.chick.com) Whether you stumble onto one of his well-crafted tracts in a dank bathroom stall at your local Denny's or find them strewn about the parking lot at Walmart, Chick knows that people can't help but eagerly thumb through his charming life-saving pamphlets.
I couldn't help but wonder just how powerful the preaching effort would be if the Watchtower employed some of Mr. Chick's winning tactics to reach the doomed populace. For example, note how Mr. Chick explains the appeal of his artful renderings:
Before you can share the gospel with someone, you must first get their attention. The world knows how to get and hold people's attention... with pictures! Television, movies, videos, comics, etc. Chick tracts use the same technique, using irresistible cartoon pictures to grab the reader's attention. Nobody, young or old, can resist cartoons. |
"I remember Chick tracts from my childhood. They made such a lasting impression on me that to this very day my mental picture of judgment day is that picture in THIS WAS YOUR LIFE! I never forgot that tract. I'm now 31...I enjoy leaving Chick tracts places I go and especially sending them in letters. They are great and have a powerful witnessing tool. Like I said, they left impressions on me that I remember 23 years later." AZ |
Once attracted by the cartoon, people are drawn into Chick tracts by the interesting real-life or dramatic stories. The combination of dramatic stories and cartoons make Chick tracts irresistible. Many Christians who were discouraged because their wordy tracts were rejected or thrown on the ground have been thrilled to see how readily people accept Chick tracts. The devil doesn't mind it when Christians hand out gospel tracts... just as long as nobody reads them. But when Chick tracts are distributed, he blows a fuse, because he knows that nobody can resist them. "Chick tracts GET READ!" It's more than a motto... it's a fact! |
"My dad thinks Christians are 'Sky Pilots.' But the other day my mother caught him reading ROOM 310. Praise God." |
Once hooked by the cartoons and drawn in by the dramatic stories, readers soon learn that woven into each story is a basic gospel message, presented in a way that anyone can understand. No deep theological concepts, no confusion, just a simple gospel message, showing that everyone must be born again through faith in Jesus Christ. |
"I just wanted to share something wonderful with you. My grandson is 10 years old and accepted Jesus when he was 6 and told the preacher that it was the best day of his life. I just got the word from my son that my grandson led my 7 year old granddaughter to the Lord using your Chick tract "The Little Princess". E-Mail |
Many Christians feel they are not qualified to witness because they don't have the necessary theological training. They fear being asked questions they cannot answer. But with Chick tracts, that fear is eliminated. Every Chick tract presents the basic gospel message for you. Plus, each tract includes several Scripture verses that people can look up if they want to verify what is being said. Then, the last page leads the reader with step-by-step instructions on how to get saved, and even includes a sample prayer. No, you don't have to be a Bible scholar to witness... all you need are Chick tracts. |
"I am 10 years old. I think that your tracts are wonderful. I led a friend to the Lord using your tracts." |
You know he's lost... you know he needs to be saved... and you'd love to witness to him. But like Rocco, here, he's much too intimidating. No problem! Just leave a few Chick tracts where he's sure to find them. God has used Chick tracts to melt the coldest and hardest of hearts. |
"My prayers have been answered! For so long I have been praying for a way to witness and now I have found one. You are exactly right about people being afraid of witnessing for Christ in front of crowds. I surely am!" OH |
Many Christians would love to witness, but feel they are too shy. Chick tracts solve that problem. Just leave Chick tracts wherever you go. People will find them...and read them. We have received hundreds of testimonies from people who have gotten saved after reading a Chick tract that they found. |
"It has never been easy for me to witness to people, but giving out Chick tracts has made it joyfully easy to do." "I found a copy of THIS WAS YOUR LIFE in a phone booth one day and shortly thereafter I accepted the Lord as my Saviour." CO |
If you are not completely satisfied with your stock order, simply return it undamaged within 30 days for a full refund. |
"Your ministry and service are excellent." |
Chick tracts are never a waste of time because God promised His Word would never return void. |
"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Isa. 55:11 "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Ps. 126:6 |
Just think of the benefits of the governing body taking a meeting with Chick. Think of the possibilities! It would make the already lovely 'tower magazines even more appealing- if that's even possible! Television commericials worked for the Mormons, celebrity endorsements for Scientologists. My suggestion to the Watchtower for improved preaching: get even more cartoonish.
Any other suggestions?
this is a sad note.
i met margaret years ago at a conference on satanism, deception and discernment.
what a fightin' gal!
Sad news. Her efforts won't be forgotten.
since we all know that thousands lurk this site, why not help them get started by suggesting a poster name?
i've heard of some posters regretting the name that they have chosen.
(personally i like minimus
Fred Franz
before she can though she needs my dad to admit to adultary.
they've been divorced for years but he has never remarried and has no plans too.. she says she's in love with a widowed brother but before they go any further she wants to be scriptually free.
she called my dad and asked him if he would help her out and he laughed and hung up the phone.
Wow! I can't even imagine actually revealing personal information to a group of strangers to "free" someone to remarry!
I can't agree with offering that information to anybody, let alone pandering to a destructive cult. Your father would be doing more harm than good by supporting the rules and regulations of a cult. Softening the blow of the reality cult members face is not the answer. If your mother is "forced" to live life alone it is because her group requires it of her. It is NOT because of the actions of your father. Allowing her to shift blame to your father only furthers your mother's denial about her cult involvement. They control every aspect of her life. Your father does not.
By not pandering to the cult lunacy, your father is actually doing her a favor. She may not realize it now, but perhaps she will eventually (perhaps not, who knows!) I would not pander to the weird whims of the scientologists to win a date with Tom Cruise, I would not bang a tambourine in a bathrobe to make a Hare Krishna feel better and I wouldn't sell my soul to help Prince become the future panda-petter he's aiming to be. Cults are destructive. I wouldn't suggest sugar-coating it.
I'd suggest your father simply refer your mother to god and let the big-guy-in-the-sky guide her. After all, this isn't about her relationship with a group of elders, is it? I thought this was about being on guy-in-sky's good side...
p.s. another question- will elder boyfriend wait around if she can't "get free"?
billy johnson is a jehovah's witness .
who says he takes kids to meetings to supervise them.. .
The foster child was forced into what? About six hours a week of religious training? That's hardly a once a week sunday service! Was she required to participate in other religious activities as well? Family bible study?
Was she required to follow along as the foster parents went door to door as well? Certainly they couldn't let her be unsupervised while they peddled books in field service. Did she have to go along then too?
This guy is playing it off as though the group does not require excessive time-consuming participation.
It's nice that he doesn't mind holding a baptist child hostage and toting them to his religious meetings. Tell me, is he ever attending a baptist service so that the foster child can have their spiritual preferences met?
i received this at work the other day.
it was sent to myself and quite a few others who work in my department via email.. i have to say, it sounded an awful lot like a story i heard from some dubs.. i just thought it was interesting.................dubs always take everything as their own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
cheers, bliss.
This story is completely true. Trust me, it happened to a friend of a friend...
okay, maybe not. www.snopes.com check religious urban legends.
Just wondering, you think girl number two, the rape victim, made the mistake of praying to Allah for protection that night? Buddha?