Posts by detective

  • Joker10

    High Unemployment Among Apostates

    by Joker10 in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    a few days ago it was asked how many people here work.

    of the 44 people who posted, 37 responded.

    of those who admitted

    1. Joker10
    2. Joker10
    3. larc
  • detective


    please count me among the gainfully employed. Additionally, I am also self employed so that's two to three jobs for me.


    (just doing my part to screw up your "scientific" findings)

  • shotgun

    Awake on taxes asleep on chronology.

    by shotgun in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    if you have a copy of the december awake magazine dealing with taxes note the first page of the article.. the wt uses two quotes to show taxes have been a concern for thousands of years.. the first quote is from a babylonian artifact dated to 2300 bce.

    the problem that presents is that only 69 years previous the world had been destroyed by a global flood according to wt chronology.

    which means that in a mere 69 years noah and his three sons have produced a nation with sufficient infrastructure to require taxation.

    1. fdsjeffanthony
    2. fdsjeffanthony
    3. freelife
  • detective

    Now that's rich!

  • doodle-v

    My brother died last night

    by doodle-v in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    my brother turned 21 on september 24th, a month later the doctor told him that his leukimia had returned and he had a 10% chance of surviving.

    ten days before he died he spent four days at my house.

    he had already made up his mind that he wasnt going to take blood.

    1. Tinkerbell4125
    2. Valis
    3. Makena1
  • detective

    Doodle-v & savage Buddha,

    My sympathies to you and yours at the loss of your brother.


  • flower

    Snow, Snow, Go away...come again another day...

    by flower in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    checking in from new england where the snow is still falling steadily.

    its been snowing since friday here and were pretty much buried under about 30 inches already in this particular part of massachusetts.

    just came in from walking to dunkin donuts for coffee after digging out the car.

    1. franklin J
    2. rocketman
    3. detective
  • detective

    I'm with ya, Flower! Much shovelling and the commute this morning was none too fun! Only a half an hour late today, which is pretty good! I'm expecting the commute tomorrow will be worse though as the schools will be open again and the roads are still terrible!

    I get crazy being stuck indoors...

  • minimus

    What Do You Try To Do To Get JWs OUT??

    by minimus in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    do you try to get any friends, relatives or witnesses in general, "out"?

    1. detective
    2. Mysterious
    3. minimus
  • detective

    hi kg,

    my friend is "out" now after much, much heartache. However, as my friend hasn't really done much research beyond our discussions, i am fearful that my friend may one day relapse. He still has it in his head somewhat that the jws are correct in some areas which frightens me. I find myself worrying about it fairly frequently. I suspect it will be a long time before he ventures onto a site like this, if ever. In some way, he still wants to believe, even though in his heart I think he realizes that if he pokes around, he might find out the "truth" isn't as um, truthful, as it seems.

    On the downside, he is shunned by his former friends. He is shunned by his parents (although one of them wouldn't shun him given a viable choice). One the upside, he has established ties outside the group and since married a non-jw. also, he has re-established ties with an estranged sibling who left the group and subsequently home when he was still young. He is substantially happier now and it shows.

    Sadly, I feel bad for one of his mother whom I suspect wants out and has wanted out for a long time. She wants a relationship with her children. I think she'd leave on emotional grounds alone (not factual grounds) if her situation weren't so complicated. His mother is trapped. Unfortunately, I'd love that to just be a dramatic overstatement, it would be extremely difficult for her.

  • minimus

    What Do You Try To Do To Get JWs OUT??

    by minimus in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    do you try to get any friends, relatives or witnesses in general, "out"?

    1. detective
    2. Mysterious
    3. minimus
  • detective

    When I first got tired of the strange behaviors and attitudes of my JW friend and finally typed "Jehovah's Witnesses" into a search engine- I immediately became overwhelmed by what I found. Initially, I wasn't sure what to think. I threw out a fact I had learned and realized quite quickly that I shouldn't have spoken up.

    I did some damage control (while still learning as much as possible about the organization) and I started a collection of articles and other materials. Since throwing facts at my friend was pretty much disastrous, I formulated a lengthy "attack" plan . I didn't just read anti-jw or ex-jw stuff, I also read books on mind control, read several books on the bible (and in the bible) and became familiar with other religion/cult beliefs (though I'm hardly scholar on those topics, I was simply gathering ammo) I started laying the groundwork over several months- primarily by slightly altering his language patterns, mentioning fascinating tidbits about other high-control groups and fun & exciting bible facts. Pretty much "prepping" for when I was going to drop the dub-bomb.

    I put a substantial amount of time and effort into it. Tragically, 9-11 happened and it became necessary to do the "intervention" soon there after. A bit rushed...

    end result- did the "intervention" type thingy. I did a pretty good job, I was proud of not losing it entirely. But... lost my friend as a result (but only for nine months so things worked out well in the end)

  • Lady Lee

    Dilemma - possible new book deal

    by Lady Lee in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    ok the group of writers that i collaborated with for the tales of christmas book (that chapters will be selling) is considering trying a second book about mothers.. most of the stories in the book will probably be about wonderful mothers.

    well as many of you know i didn't get one of those.. i don't have to submit a story for this book if i don't want to.

    and i am not a fiction writer (as i'm sure most of you have guessed).

    1. Lady Lee
    2. little witch
    3. Country_Woman
  • detective

    If it's intended to be a heart-warming type of book then a negative story might seem out of place.

    If it's intended to pull on the heartstrings, another suggestion might be to explore the "mothering" of a pet. have you got a favorite pet?

    Granted, it's not my style personally but there are lots of people who feel mother-child relationships with fido.

  • badwillie

    Famous JW's (or exJW) almost complete listing.

    by badwillie in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    famous jehovah's witnesses

    dwight d. eisenhower - u.s. president (raised jw) .

    venus and serena williams - world chamption/olympic gold medalist tennis players .

    1. AK - Jeff
    2. blindersoff
    3. jam
  • detective

    Well, Morty- get ready! My friend swears she saw Jim Morrison driving a Pinto around hicksville Massachusetts in the mid-90's.

    I'm sure she was right!

  • Lovely


    by Lovely in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i love the fact of meeting new brothers and sisters.

    one day we will live in a place where there will be nothing but jehovahs people around.

    what a grand day to look forward to.

    1. JamesThomas
    2. Nosferatu
    3. little witch
  • detective

    Loooove the picture, Nos. Hysterical!