I have a question... what about hot chocolate? Yea or nay for Mormons?
And Double Edge, have you looked at the www.exmormon.org site? I think you'll find it interesting.
john corrill here from the ex-mormon board.
i've found your forum interesting.
mormons and ex-mormons struggle with many of the same things jw's do.
I have a question... what about hot chocolate? Yea or nay for Mormons?
And Double Edge, have you looked at the www.exmormon.org site? I think you'll find it interesting.
my mamma always told me it is better to thought of a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
here we are in the serverroom all is well- win2000 is running fine-- so what are the 6 of us doing --we are looking at the words of the wt spokesman.. .
i asked the guys and gals to read the comment above and what they thought about it.. .
I just went off on this in another thread. I completely agree with the sentiments you raised in your post. It's utterly absurd behavior on the part of this group. It's totally outrageous how they treat their own members and then turn around and demonstrate zero concern for the well-being of those outside their group. Grrrr.
thursday september 26, 2002 6:40 am .
tullahoma, tenn. (ap) - joe and barbara anderson have been abandoned by their peers.
their son won't talk to them, and won't let them see their 3-year-old grandson.
I'm an outsider. Do they not understand that I, as an outsider, do not think that their handling of abuse cases is sufficient? Do they not understand that I do not acknowledge their judicial process as the end of the story? I don't get it! How can they miss the fact that I DON'T want a pedophile at my door whether he or she is with another witness or five other witnesses? Don't they get the fact that I'm not interested in hearing "bible truths" from someone who behaves as a moral degenerate and a criminal?? Is this who they want representing them? It's absolutely insane of them to think that their procedures are evenly remotely sufficient!
Perhaps if they don't mind a Mormon missionary with a history of pedophilia coming to their door to talk god with them then maybe it makes some weird degree of sense. But if a JW doesn't want a Mormon pedophile roaming freely and coming to their door to preach to them, how can they expect an outsider like me to feel when it's the JWs who are sending out these people? So I guess I'd like to ask JR Brown how he would feel if he knew the Mormons were sending pedophiles to his home?
This is ridculous. They are so incredibly self-absorbed. I think the press coverage would be even more effective if they played up this angle! After all, it's the publics door that this high and mighty group is sending it's organizationally known and acknowledged criminals to. I think it's easy for the public to distance themselves from the issue a bit by thinking that they won't be in the witness congregation and therefore this issue won't touch them. However, when you really sit down and think about the unknowing householder who opens their door to a pedophile that the organization knowingly sent to them- it's disgusting. I do wish this end of things would be emphasized more. I think it would gain even greater support and empathy for the cause.
Edited by - detective on 26 September 2002 10:31:44
can someone please tell me the beliefs of j w?
do they believe that jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for us?
do they believe that through jesus christ we shall be saved?
Sure, you can take my liking your style as a compliment. Actually, I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek when I was saying it because I felt as if you intentionally dodged my question. But I'm glad we've cleared that up!
You said your marriage is better now that you're christian? How is it different than before you joined your church?
What were you doing in your life before you joined your church? You said everything is better now. What specifics can you offer? And how is being affiliated with your group any better or different than affiliating with another group? Is there any other group that you think would be equally spiritually beneficial to join?
it's my life .
i just want to live while i'm alive .
(it's my life) .
I thought you meant "It's my Life" by Talktalk. Now, that's a good song!
Don't really know my Bon Jovi though.
can someone please tell me the beliefs of j w?
do they believe that jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for us?
do they believe that through jesus christ we shall be saved?
But wait...there's more:
here's where you can access yet another form. I'm sure these former JWs haven't had their fill of forms. Remember, god is very f organized!
Or... how about some goals...
Mission21, initiated in 1997, is the natural descendant of Target 2000. Its focus is on our mission for the first decade of the 21st century. In anticipation of that mission, God has been at work among us, renewing our minds, building our faith, cultivating our gifts, honing our skills and testing our resolve.
Goal & ObjectivesOur Goal: To Reach 6 Million
We believe God has helped us to identify our role in reaching our world. We now commit ourselves anew to this faith goal. Each ministry must identify and implement its role in this task by setting, evaluating and revising short and intermediate-term goals. The following objectives will help us reach our goal:
- Praying daily for world evangelization through intercession and spiritual warfare.
- Multiplying believers and churches through revitalization, personal evangelism and church planting.
- Planting strong churches and increase our ministry presence in the urban centers of our world.
- Developing shepherds hearts that reflect the compassion of Jesus Christ.
- Mobilizing all members of the IPHC to discover, develop and deploy their spiritual gifts.
We call on all members to identify their role in accomplishing this great task. It is the responsibility of all leaders To Inform the membership of our church regarding the Vision, the Resources and the Opportunities, for ministry. With effective partnerships, God will help us do this.
Becoming a Touch 3 Woman
The third step in touching the world - Pursuit.
The proof of desire is in the pursuit. If your heart burns to see souls saved, you must pursue them. Desire alone wont achieve results. Action is required. God will send divine appointments your way. Dont hesitate. Boldly proclaim the Good News each time God provides an opportunity.
Edited by - detective on 25 September 2002 21:15:21
can someone please tell me the beliefs of j w?
do they believe that jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for us?
do they believe that through jesus christ we shall be saved?
You know, Bigdaddysgurl, I like your style! It's not your church literally, is it? But it's more than a little bit related, isn't it? Are you saying that you are not affiliated with the IPHC? Is the website I provided related to your church or isn't it? If not, where can I find information online about your group. Have they got a website? What's the scoop, Bigdaddysgurl?
Here's some excerpts from their IPHC site that might be of interest to folks here. It should eerily familiar:
OUR RELATIONSHIPSOur relationships reveal our preferences and positions. Thus our people are not to align themselves with organizations or movements that stand in contradiction to Christian principles (2 Corinthians 6:14-18). The believer's commitment to Jesus Christ stands above his commitment to any political party or economic structure or social institution. Any time there is a conflict between the Christian's commitment to Christ and his commitment to any other relationship, he must recognize that all other commitments are governed by this highest commitment (Luke 14:26-27). All our members are to be honest and ethical in all their relationships (Romans 12:17).
The family is the basic unit of society. The divine origin of the family makes it of vital concern both to the church and to society. Our commitment to a biblical lifestyle profoundly impacts the family. We give priority to the sanctity of marriage and to the biblical pattern of relationships in the home. While the husband is recognized as the head of the home, he is also commanded to love and cherish his wife as his own body (Ephesians 5:25, 28). Wives are to respect and honor their husbands (Ephesians 5:22-23). Parents are to teach and correct their children, but at the same time refrain from provoking them to anger and resentment (Ephesians 6:1-4). Children are to respect and obey their parents. Christian families should worship together, play together, and work together. The relationships in the Christian family should reflect the healing that Christ brings to all human relationships.
Our commitment to Jesus Christ includes stewardship. According to the Bible everything belongs to God (Psalm 24:1). We are stewards of His resources. Our stewardship of possessions begins with the tithe (Malachi 3:8-10). All our members are expected to return a tenth of all their income to the Lord. This tithe is to be paid into the "storehouse." This storehouse is the treasury of the local church or conference to which this member belongs. In addition to the tithe, all our members are expected to give offerings out of the ninety percent of God's wealth which He allows them to use (1 Corinthians 16:2). Stewardship also includes our time, talent, and spiritual gifts, as well as our money (Ephesians 5:16; Romans 12:3-8; Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27).
Loyalty to Christ and His church are basic to the success of the Pentecostal Holiness Church. The faithful participation of every member, both lay and clergy, and every local church and quadrennial conference in the various ministries of the church is necessary if the Pentecostal Holiness Church is to fulfill its mission. Loyalty involves commitment to all the ministries of the denomination. Since leaders should be role models, all those in leadership in the local church, the quadrennial conference, and the general church should set an example by their faithfulness in supporting the ministries of the church. Loyalty involves attendance at the gatherings of the church. This is vital at local church, quadrennial conference, and denominational gatherings (Hebrews 10:25). Loyalty involves financial support. Faithfulness in tithes and offerings is essential to the prosperity of God's people (Malachi 3:8-12). This applies to local church members, quadrennial conferences, and all other individuals and entities of the church. Loyalty involves affirmation. The morale of the church requires the positive affirmation of the leadership and ministries of the denomination. While negative criticism tears the church apart (Galatians 5:12-26), positive affirmation builds it up (Ephesians 4:16).
Edited by - detective on 25 September 2002 21:24:49
can someone please tell me the beliefs of j w?
do they believe that jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for us?
do they believe that through jesus christ we shall be saved?
By the way,
would this be your church?
can someone please tell me the beliefs of j w?
do they believe that jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for us?
do they believe that through jesus christ we shall be saved?
what other beliefs have you dabbled in before Christianity? Why did you leave them?
what is it about you life that is better now that you are christian? (eg. new friends, a higher paying job, better self-esteem, a sense of security...etc.)?
john corrill here from the ex-mormon board.
i've found your forum interesting.
mormons and ex-mormons struggle with many of the same things jw's do.
No we are not "shady" with our true beliefs when dealing with converts. Milk before meat is a simple enough concept. How many 4th grade children are handed books on physics? While physics is something they may need to know someday, trying to teach it to them before they are ready serves no useful purpose whatsoever. Not everyone needs to learn everything there is to know. For those who do want to learn it all, the information is there, readily available, the same as in real life.
Wow, that paragraph is incredibly patronizing! I sure hope someone lets me know when they think I'm "ready" to know more about this belief or that belief. Yikes. But I've really already heard that 4th grader analogy or a very close variation of that argument. That's the one my JW friend tried on me. Yes, I'll understand better after I've spent time being heavily indoctrinated... funny how that works. I think the scientologists and moonies also tend to take that tone.
Oh, by the way, I read an article that contradicted your statements that you do not shun. I believe ran originally in San Francisco but was then circulated throughout the nation sometime last fall, I think. I would have hung onto it, had I realized I would need it as a counter-argument! Susan, either you are wrong, or the people in that article were wrong. Or, maybe you are both right, albeit, in some parallel universe type of way. I really don't know which.
Edited by - detective on 25 September 2002 12:55:29