Hi DJ,
Years after I left the WT, I became friends with a Mormon neighbor who introduced me to a network of other Mormon women. For the most part, they were such nice people, though very driven much like JWs. They were always bustling to and fro with their Relief Society activities, Bible studies and church functions very amusing to watch after I was away from that lifestyle myself.
Almost immediately they tried to get me to attend the temple and talk to their missionaries, which I stubbornly resisted. But even though they couldnt convert me, they didnt discard me as a friend (one big difference between Mormons and dubs that I could see).
My neighbor and I had lots of religious discussions. Some of the weirdest stuff she told me was:
1. The temple undergarments: she and her husband were married in the Temple at Salt Lake except to shower, they were never to take these big cumbersome HOT undergarments off EVER.
2. God has a physical body and is represented in pictorials as being blond (blonds are more celestial than brunettes).
3. Mormons believe in baptism (figuratively) of their dead relatives to move them to a higher level of heaven.
4. Heaven is made up of 7 levels, and if humans knew how wonderful even the lowest level was, they would commit suicide to get there. Only truly evil people wont go to heaven.
Its been a long time ago, but those are a few things I remember. I lost touch with the group about 10 years ago.
Hope you hang around our board. Its good to have all different perspectives here.