This relates to the thread where this line was written: Unlike the WT that likes to tell "unproven" stories and repeat unlikely, laughable stories at conventions and assemblies
This is done everywhere, especially in advertising "Florence K says she lost 35lbs in 3 weeks...". In telling such tales with no hard evidence JW's mearly mirror the world in which they live.
jringe: Nope. Uh-uh. Not having it.
You see, the WTS painted themselves into a corner a long time ago with that line of reasoning. They claim to be God's chosen people, bearing his name. Set apart from the world. Not partaking in the ways of the world. Better, if you will. Adhering to strict tenents of honesty. Guiding by God's Holy Spirit. Does the word "truth" ring a bell? Do you honestly think that the WTS would agree that they reflect the same standards of truthfulness as..........wait for it ...................... drumroll............... ...................................ADVERTISING!!!!!!??????
Nope. Try again.
This is my point: They are not as set apart as they claim. They mirror the world in which they live when they tell "unproven" stories and repeat unlikely, laughable stories at conventions and assemblies " as one poster put it.
Speaking of truth how do I know that "Florence K says she lost 35lbs in 3 weeks..." and how do I know that "Brother B had the following experience.." They are all unsubstaniated stories. They make for good reading/listening and good storytelling yes but without more evidence the teller/author could easily be exaggerating, unintentionally conveying a misunderstanding or outright lying.
A friend is trying to push me to adopt the Atkins Approach. I was reading the latest edition of Dr. Atkins book and he does the exact same thing. Mind you he is a doctor and can't reveal too much without violating doctor/patient confidentiality. However having said that, how do I know that all the testimonials he cites in his book are 100% accurate???
I don't! I cannot use those tales in any decision making because they are biased. They are only in support of the subject matter.
And as for "Do you honestly think that the WTS would agree that they reflect the same standards of truthfulness as...ADVERTISING!!!!!!??????" I don't really care what the WTS thinks. The fact is when anyone WTS or otherwise tells these stories how do you really know you are getting the whole complete and unabridged story??? And given some of the previous threads discussing the WTS failed prophesy's one could conclude that the WTS may be guilty of some of the same streaches of truth as advertisers, political propaganda etc. However i will only admit to the possibility of this for obvious reasons.
People live by belief. If you can get ahold of that belief you can get people to do anything (The Holocaust). By and large people are so stupid and gullible because they believe such stories (almost) without question. In fact I do believe there have been threads posted before discussing some of those stories that go around and that's why urban legends remain popular. In this JW's are no better or worse so to speak than anyone else on this planet.
(That's also why any credible Research firm that calls you for a survey at suppertime (I've may have called some of you in my time ) will not reveal who comissioned the study. If people knew then their answers would not be as honest because what they believe about the company would colour their replies. I have seen this before however given my arguement above you should not trust that assertion 100%. LOL )