Gaila, thank you. Well written indeed
JoinedPosts by Jringe01
Open Letter To Jehovah's Witnesses
by Outaservice inyou may not remember, but i know you very well.
i met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices, and a bible tucked neatly under your arm.
you told me many beautiful stories of a "paradise earth," and a "righteous new system" which would be established shortly.
Why do the majorityof JW's look so happy at the hall?
by JH ineach time i go, i see a bunch of happy people, young and old.
some smile more than others, but just about everyone seems happy to be there.. maybe we left because we weren't that happy, rather than finding flaws in the religion.. maybe they look happy because they aren't allowed to look sad..
I think they do like Eleanor Rigby...wear a face that they keep in a jar by the door
Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore to Expose Global Warming Fraud
by Deputy Dog init was just on fox news.
on monday, while speaking at the 2008 international conference on climate change being held in new york city, coleman took his criticisms further by advocating that all those involved in the sale and marketing of carbon credits, including al gore, should be sued "to finally put some light on the fraud of global warming..
I LOVE this statement
That Weather Channel founder is a scientist who is more qualified than most of us to evaluate the evidence and his opinion shouldn't be taken lightly.
Forcher, this is the founder of a network that on several occasions was telling me it was raining in Montreal (current weather) when in fact it was a clear blue sky with not a cloud in sight. On comparing several different stations I would hesitate to trust anything from a network that can get something so simple right.
Torn between being Gay and the Truth.........
by ScoobySnax inis there anything worse than this?
sometimes it is ok, other times it sucks.
PS: Thumbs up to avishi for posting the link to that video. it is amazing. Thanks dude.
And for you real one:
YOU GO GURL!!!!!!!!
where is she going?
Well honey, to use another Star Wars reference...she's going down a path that you can't follow.
Torn between being Gay and the Truth.........
by ScoobySnax inis there anything worse than this?
sometimes it is ok, other times it sucks.
and as for real
Torn between being Gay and the Truth.........
by ScoobySnax inis there anything worse than this?
sometimes it is ok, other times it sucks.
Remember that scene in Return of the Jedi when Ben finally tells Luke his justification for what was said about Anakin's death. "So what I told you was true...from a certain point of view".
Then he goes on to give one of the deepest insights I have ever heard "Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view"
There is so much wisdom in that statement. In my expereince this is so true. I knew I liked boys since I was very young, from 5 or 6 years of age. I performed my first sexual act around that time (willingly on another boy a couple years older) yet when I was in my late teens I came into the truth because quite a bit of what I was taught fit my beliefs and personality, it jived with "my point of view"
Scobby, I've been where you are now and to some degree I am still there. Even though I have read a lot of the evidence against the JW there are still some aspects of it I haven't shed. I have never formally left, always wanting to keep at least one tentative doorway open just in case because there are still a few things about the truth I agree with because they fit my personality.
One thing to keep in mind is that everyone's opinion on what you should do is based on...their point of view. Like that oracle in the Matrix said "You're just gonna have to make up your own damn mind". One thing I will say is this: I don't know you from Adam but I am not an complete outsider to your situation, having gone thru something similar. If you ever need someone like that to listen to you then you shall have it.
Sometimes just having someone listen can make a world of difference.
German Government Trying to Ban Agnostic Children's book
by GermanXJW inin october 2007, author michael-schmidt salomon and illustrator helge nyncke published the first german agnostic children's book "can you tell me the way to god?
asks the piglet".. a piglet and a hedgehog live together in a house, enjoying life, one night, someone puts a poster to their house which states "those who do not know god are missing something".
the piglet and the hedgehog decide to find out what that means, .
Author Michael Schmidt-Salomon responded to the controversy on his website. “I don’t ridicule religions, they are ridiculous all by themselves,” he wrote, claiming children have a “right to enlightenment.” He denied that he was anti-Semitic, claiming he had been cursed and threatened because of his Jewish-sounding name.
“So I claim the right for myself to openly criticize those Orthodox Jews, as well as fundamentalist Christians and Muslims, who are struck by divine madness. This naturally has nothing to do with anti-Semitism,” he wrote.
Love the author's statement, especially the highlighted bits.
What's the old saying "If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen" besides if these religions are true then why worry about what one lowly human says in a book when you have almighty god on your side. If you really have the truth then what does it matter...the answer is that it doesn't which is why so many get upset over stuff like this. it's insecurity plain and simple. They try so hard to convince themselves they have the truth that in the end all they do is feed their insecurity and paranoia.
To my mind religion is a throwback to a more primitive time and now it serves no purpose other than to hold us back from advancing as a species.
I like gay people.
by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit inin fact, if what you are has 'people' after it, no matter what it is, i like you.
you don't have to club baby seals to be my friend.. myeah..
I will steal a line from my father. I am not prejudice - I hate everyone.
I thought Andy Rooney or Henny Youngman said that.
I like gay people.
by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit inin fact, if what you are has 'people' after it, no matter what it is, i like you.
you don't have to club baby seals to be my friend.. myeah..
littlerockguy: GAY PEOPLE SUCK!!!!!
Why yes we do and for my part I am proud to say that I do it very well.
I'd agree that there are some people I like and others I don't and it has nothing to do with orientation. There are straight and gay guys I drool over just as there are straight and gay guys that make me shudder in horror. It's all about personality and I have to say that generally I have more straight friends than gay ones.
Latest Watchtower Magazine Increases Odds of Surviving Armageddon!
by TooBad TooSad in99% of all jw's believe and are taught that to survive armageddon that you must be a jw or as a minimum be.
associated with the jw's.
however the april 1 "public" issue of the watchtower has some interesting wording.
If people are not to be judged untill the 1000 years after armageddon, then how are any wicked to be destroyed at armageddon.
I believe their answer would be that it's the survivors and the people brought back from the dead that will be judged at the end of the 1000 years while the people who die at Armageddon, since God has "killed them" that means they have already received his judgement.
That really isn't fair though because in this world of hundreds of competing faiths and given how the world has changed so dramatically then each person on earth doesn't have a genuine opportunity to make a truely informed decision