99% of all JW's believe and are taught that to survive Armageddon that you must be a JW or as a minimum be
associated with the JW's. However the April 1 "public" issue of the Watchtower has some interesting wording
on the last page last paragraph of "Our Readers Ask" ( I love how they hide this stuff (new light?) on the last
page of the Watchtower). Here is what it says "Lovers of Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ, need not fear
Armageddon. God's battle is directed solely against those humans whom God judges to be incorrigibly wicked."
So only the wicked will die at Armageddon. How many wicked people do you know? I do not know one person
who is wicked. I have read in the news about people who are wicked. Is the Watchtower throwing out some
"new light" or just giving the appearance of being more mainstream? If you were not a JW would you think that
you would die at Armageddon based upon the wording of "incorrigibly wicked"? If only the incorrigibly wicked
are going to die there are going to be billions of survivors not just 6 million JW's.
So the Watchtower paints two different pictures. Only the wicked will die at Armageddon however once you
become a JW, then only JW's will survive Armageddon keeping you from leaving the JW religion.
What do you think about this?
TooBad TooSad