If you're talking about groups that can play their own instruments as opposed to just musical acts or singers, than my absolute favorite band both growing up and of all time is the Bangles.
Nuff said
If you're talking about groups that can play their own instruments as opposed to just musical acts or singers, than my absolute favorite band both growing up and of all time is the Bangles.
Nuff said
anyone here fall for the (what should have been straight to video) hype of snakes on a plane.
i am proud to say i saw right through it.the studios are getting wise on how to use the internet to do the dirty work for them.
they must have saved a ton and maybe even made a little.
I think a scarier movie would be "Awakes on a Plane," about a group of people who end up taking a flight that is overtaken by zealous Jehovah's Witnesses that use their Awakes to harm unwitting victims.
I'd file that under Horror.
what rules did you find, you couldn't help breaking as a witness?.
i swore sometimes, got me and a mate drunk, copied software e.t.c (caesars things to caesar), celebrated a birthday/christmas or two...went against some stuff we were told not to do in the young people ask book...erm.... how about you?
Let's see:
Went to prom, Figured out I was gay and haven't been celibate, Masturbation, Porn, Reading anti-Witness stuff, Missing the main meeting for about 48 out of the 52 weeks in the year, I swear now, My three closest friends are all "worldly," I go to gay bars, I've read "Harry Potter", played "Pokemon" and love "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer." I also have listened to some really graphic comedy- like Margaret Cho- she's wonderful!
OH- all this and I am still in!
Though I am not proud of that fact.
i just can't believe all the trouble witness kida are having lately in my area( (vancouver b.c).
3 years ago a witness kid (18 years old) jumped off a bridge to his death.. the latest news from the jw grapevine is that a jw kid that i knew (he is now 20) is in the insane assylum.
it seems he was found swimming towards bethel from vancouver (he left a note) this was at least a 1000 miles away and he never would have made it.
Occassionally I get a twinge of depression about being in the org, but I've been lucky enough to have good "worldly" friends that help ground me. A good thing because I also sometimes feel I will have a nervous breakdown, but have been OK thus far. :)
i am rather new here, so i may be repeating a worn out subject.
however, for me it is rather a new experience, since i have only just recently stopped going to the kh.
my heart has never really been in it, though i am not in total disagreement and have made some nice friends in "the truth".
My mother has also used the "come back to Jehovah" line and she has gotten increasingly hostile everytime I do something that seems Anti-JW. I've been baptized for ten years this year and I've definitely made my life the priority over the JW religion the past few years. She has been quite horrid to me recently, she was all like:"why'd you get baptized in the first place?" I would LOVE to answer: "Because I believed it was the truth back then, but not anymore," but am afraid I would be thrown out. But she wants me to "be good." I want to get out, but don't want to lose her.
Thank goodness for the "worldly" friends I have that know my secret. They've really been an anchor.
this morning amidst the news of the possible terrorist attack involving planes from the
i told her that nothing happened.
she of course pointed out that this time it didnt but maybe next time.
You know what is perplexing for me? The JWs teach that Satan was expelled from heaven in 1914 and he is angry because he has such a short period of time and so he is making things much worse for mankind. YET- history has been full of bloodshed and the like and things were bloodier before 1914 from what we know from history- so if everything happening now is because of Satan's anger- what about back then?
Also, I can't see why a loving god would send a creature like that down to the earth so that mankind can suffer and when it gets to the point that you can't bear anymore, he's like poof- all beter. It's like sending people to the slaughter or leaving a defenseless deer with a lion. Loving god? RIIIIGHT......
"i heard from ones that had gone to the convention that our time before tribulation is miniscule.
i am scared.
i know it must be true.
Here's what has been bothering me lately: My mom is worried that Armageddon is coming soon, and she says "it's so scary." Well think about it this way, if it is indeed coming and you've done all that you can- what's so scary about it? Is it because the Bible says "probably you will be concealed?" I've said to her- why are you scared- if it comes and you are doing your best to serve him then you should be OK.....but it is evident that even the ones who are waiting for it have been frightened by the GB and the WTS into thinking they're not good enough. Sickening.Of course I have been showing a little more disapproval of things in the org in a subtle manner and I think she thinks she's going to lose me at the big A and that she could have done more to make me "come back to Jehovah." I really am thinking of DAing one of these days but that'll kill the relationship with her.
today in his radio adress, bush said he hoped for isreal & lebenon states living next to each other in "peace and security".. the witnesses must be peeing in their pants!.
i remember when reagan said those special words in the 80's.
we all new the end was close!.
Amen! Human nature would never allow for true peace and security. There will probably always be racism. There will always be homophobia, etc. I would imagine true peace and security would have to have everyone loving one another like in some Coca-Cola commercial.
Never gonna happen, at least not in our lifetime.....
anything in particular?
The fact that my mom has grown increasingly fanatical about this sham of a religion.
That I am living a lie right now being gay and closeted from my mother
The fact that I feel like I am going to have a nervous breakdown at every meeting I go to.
That I ever got baptized in the first place
Conventions and assemblies where you are made to feel like the lowest common demoninator
I know there are more, but this is a good portion of it.
each year name badges are handed out at the kingdom halls for those attending the upcoming district convention.
i have always refused to wear one but this was not a major issue as i would say only about 50% wore them anyway.
however i noticed that as the years went by more and more 'brothers' were wearing them including during the lunch break in the city centre concerned.
I lost my badge at the convention on the Saturday of the program this year. It was the standard badge with my name all printed on a little transparent plastic piece to put over the card in the badgeholder, had it for a few years now. I took losing that as a sign that I won't be back again next year. I hate the conventions, assemblies, door to door and meetings with a passion now.