Wow. I can't imagine such a thing as free healthcare. I myself am not insured, and just a visit to the Doctor for like 10 min. costs 55-110 dollars. Then w/ prescriptions, I had one for Ambien, since it's not generic, it cost $80 for fifteen pills!
Ninja, has Charles in Charge or Growing Pains managed to find their way to the Scottish airwaves? It would make America proud to disseminate more fully the jewels in our Sitcom crown. Full House maybe? Step by Step?
Greendawn, thank you! Yeah! I love Burger King. I still remember the days when their fries weren't spackled. Those were the days.
JoinedPosts by smellsgood
A few questions for the Brits!
by smellsgood inso, have i heard right?
do you guys get free health, dental care?
including like, orthodontia, braces which cost roughly $5,000 w/o insurance in the americas, usually half with?
Favorite love songs
by littlerockguy inanybody got a favorite love song?
if i name one i would later probably name another one that i like better so i can't say i have a favorite.
i will post an old one i like; love the foreign accent of this 70s group, lol.
Garbage-You look so fine
STP-Still Remains
Baby I'm amazed by you-forgot the name of the band, it's Country
No Doubt-Rock Steady
Radiohead-Nude (Big Ideas-don't get any)
Madonna-Get Together
Gwen Stefani-The Real Thing
I've seen your face a thousand times
have all your stories memorized
I've kissed your lips a million ways
but I still love to have you around
I've held you too many times to count
I think I know you inside out
And we're together most days
but I still love to have you around
And you're the one I want
and its not just a phase
you're the one I trust
our love is the real thing
Chorus:Don't go away (my love)
Want you to stay (in my life)
Don't go away (my lover)
I need you you're my love supply
etc. It's cute! -
Atheists vs Theists - IQ Score
by serotonin_wraith ini've heard about a few studies that show atheists are smarter than theists in some aspects of life- science, maths, etc.
i'm not sure how true it is though, so let's see how we do.
i did my test at
rightio, Twitch, rightio, I better not catch you giving me any more guff from here on. And shucks, thank ya. *titters and waves*
Danny, OMG, that is freakin hilarious! I've seen everyone of those people! -
Atheists vs Theists - IQ Score
by serotonin_wraith ini've heard about a few studies that show atheists are smarter than theists in some aspects of life- science, maths, etc.
i'm not sure how true it is though, so let's see how we do.
i did my test at
Twitch, I can honestly say that hurting your feelings has made me feel much better
You make a good whippin post! j/k ... I'm all worried that I really did now, tell me your spirit is intact!
s_w: Where else could be better to collect the scores of atheists and theists than a board with many atheists and theists? i.e. this one. But I can't force the theists to post here, can I? I'll let you have the last moan word now, it will make you feel all special inside."
You're such a sweet talker. You're so spot on, I think I might pass out if I'm not able to win, I mean get the last word. I may just start bawling and throw a titanic sized tizzy fit. of course you're wrong. There are a vast deal more atheists here. If you're still attempting to gather enough data to form some sort of conclusion, and since clearly the 12 theists aren't posting, it might be wise to look elsewhere. Or you can be pigheaded and insist that even after it has proven to be fruitless that it was still the ideal sight to test your theory.
And as for the last word, I guess it shall have to be::
carbonated -
A few questions for the Brits!
by smellsgood inso, have i heard right?
do you guys get free health, dental care?
including like, orthodontia, braces which cost roughly $5,000 w/o insurance in the americas, usually half with?
Thanks for your replies everyone. I read them all and it was very interesting.
I can't believe how high your petrol prices are. In my State, we're paying around $3 a gallon right now, and every American thinks that is extraordinary.
The thing I find strange is, and I can't really account for it, is why would your prices be so much higher when you are so much nearer to countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia?? I mean, does the U.S. produce enough of its own oil to keep prices relatively "cheap?" I would think that being a vastly larger country, with likely much longer drives, and much less public transportation popularity on the whole, we would have a much higher demand, and therefore be paying more!
Thank you for explaining the NHS and the dentistry. Y'all know you are the butt of many a bad teeth joke, so it is interesting to learn of the inaccessability, even if it is cheap or free or whatever.
I only saw a bit of Michael Moores "Sicko" on the Oprah show, and it had a clip from Britain where they had the "cashier" who gave YOU money for things like transportation expenses...but its interesting the drawbacks you get with the rather "socialised" medicine.
I don't know if any of you are checking this thread still, but on the whole do you think that you would ideally prefer the Nationalised medical services, or would you rather have a more Private system of medicine?
15% is ALOT, Crumpet! I think that's higher than the Social Security percentage that most Americans pay, which typically seems to be the largest cut out of the paycheck.
I don't think the private costs of insurance would nearly climb to that exorbidant of a rate! I don't really know the percentage my Dad pays for example, for four people to be covered, but 15% it ain't!
That kinda sucks, because even if you have a very vigilant oversight Bureau, I can imagine that there are quite a large number of abuses, such as Doctors charging too much for an operation, performing an unneccessary one, or some such thing.
I know I once saw a thing about Medicare where they were billed $2,000 for BAND AIDS! It was just paid.
I can't believe more of you don't like the fast food. I think you might have more of a variety...Because you are so close to so many countries and we're a huge Island basically. For example, in my city of around 1 million including the city and county, I know of ONE Indian Restaurant, THREE Vietnamese (yummy), that are not chain restaurants. We have many many Wendy's, McDonalds, Arby's, Burger King, Jack in the Box, KFC, etc. They are definitely more accessible.
I am also surprised about the College tuition. That really is very affordable compared to many U.S. colleges. I think the best I could do right now would be going to a Community College at around 6-7,000 dollars a year.
I love having David Beckham play football here btw.
The accents of course are varied around the country, I have a very "unaccented" American accent. I can say I really don't like the MidWest,Chicago, Michigan type accents.
I am drawn more to I suppose an Oxford/Southhampton/Ian MacKellan type accent. I don't like the Manchester/Liverpool, Northern England accents as well.
Doesn't Germany have free college tuition?
Alright, I was going to make a short post but, yeah. -
Atheists vs Theists - IQ Score
by serotonin_wraith ini've heard about a few studies that show atheists are smarter than theists in some aspects of life- science, maths, etc.
i'm not sure how true it is though, so let's see how we do.
i did my test at
You know Twitch, did you choose your username after reading one of AGuest's posts? I knew I shouldn't have, but I read the whole thing to refresh my memory, now I'm in the clutches of what can only medically be diagnosed as a "truth seizure." It's all clear to me now. I was so blind, but now my synapses have collapsed in on themselves.
It hurts to be grossly in error, is that what you're trying to say Twitch? I'm afraid I can't say I know how you feel. -
"Thy Kingdom Come..."
by AGuest into the household of god, israel, and all who go with, may you have peace!
i am compelled by the spirit of our lord, jaheshua mischajah, son and christ of the most holy one of israel, whose name is jah of armies, to share the following truth with you.
true, we hate suffering and pain, but all of mankind does, whether they belong to the christ or not, whether they are righteous or unrighteous.
(Smiling) And what, pray tell, does "normal" look like, dear 'Self (may you have peace!)?
smellsgood: It doesn't look like crazy.
I would very much like to know your position on this, truly. Please do not take offense; it's just that I am always intrigued by the conclusions we seem to draw, seem to need to draw, based on what a person looks like. What if I had looked... ummmm... "afflicted" in some way? Would that have reduced the truth of my message? I certainly hope not - I hope that we are not SO shallow a species that we only listen to the truth IF the messenger "looks normal."
smellsgood: I draw no conclusions typically based on appearance. There are times when appearance is a clue to certain, thought processes of a person. If a message is "truth" than a whole bunch of ugly won't change that of course.
This is a very interesting need we have, isn't it, to see who it is that is speaking? Sort of undermines that whole "walk by faith and not by sight" thing, doesn't it? Especially when considered in light of what my Lord actually looked like when he was in the flesh, and what he looks like now as a spirit... versus what most people THINK he looks like (based, quite erroneously, on the very misleading depictions thrown out by "religion"). I have to tell you, earthling man is off. WAY off. In both instances.
smellsgood: I assume Jesus was of average looks, probably short, probably dusty at times.
AGuest, can you tell me, if you can, if there's any belief system, like if there's a denomination whose beliefs that resemble yours, or even a creed. What do you fancy yourself besides a 'Slave of Christ?' A prophet? Do you believe you have a special mandate from God to warn people? I'm just curious. -
Atheists vs Theists - IQ Score
by serotonin_wraith ini've heard about a few studies that show atheists are smarter than theists in some aspects of life- science, maths, etc.
i'm not sure how true it is though, so let's see how we do.
i did my test at
"I beg to differ in that there are theists here."
Well, anyone who knows anything knows that. I can probably count the ones I know on two hands. While there are what, 10K registered? He's gathered precisely HOW many theists scores? How dare you beg to differ with me! I am not to be differed with.
"I might add that if I were one, I probably wouldn't post on this thread. It does seem the atheists are more vocal in proving their point. "
Yeah, um, would you run around in your rainbow underpants declaring your love for Liberace at a Texas rodeo? I think so. But you might find yourself being chased down by a Rodeo Clown who suddenly looks like the Sherriff of Testosterone City. I'm just saying. -
Atheists vs Theists - IQ Score
by serotonin_wraith ini've heard about a few studies that show atheists are smarter than theists in some aspects of life- science, maths, etc.
i'm not sure how true it is though, so let's see how we do.
i did my test at
Ok, I would just like to say, I know the line is "Mailer" but damned if I know who that is, so "Mayer" as in John Mayer works for me. I agree with the song he wrote for me that my body is a wonderland, but he really ticks me off with his troutstyle of singing and the fact that he's so good at guitar, yet arranges a song as well as a water buffalo arranges the queens furniture.
Also, my mental wheels have made another 2 degree rotation, and by doing so has engineered another torrent of amazing insight.
I was thinking that perhaps at this point the fields that you spoke of were by nature Atheistic. I think that if you are to believe different from the party line default as it were in the Sciences today, you would be laughed into homelessness. I think it is rather exclusive, because it bases all study on evolutionary models. Of course, since the theory is beyond refutation at this point. -
Atheists vs Theists - IQ Score
by serotonin_wraith ini've heard about a few studies that show atheists are smarter than theists in some aspects of life- science, maths, etc.
i'm not sure how true it is though, so let's see how we do.
i did my test at
all I was really trying to point out was that, er, obviously on this board, you have a very itty bitty pool of theists, believers, morons, whatever.
If you wanna see a panda, go to a zoo! If you wanted to learn the eating habits of indigenous females of Asia, you probably shouldn't head to Wisconsin. If you wanna see a tree, go to the forest, a baby, go to a nursery, wanna see a coke-whore, get a ticket for "I know who killed me."
You wouldn't head to a graduation to poll how many attending were dropouts.
I'm just saying, and with your wonderful I.Q. I thought you'd realise that you'd probably need to gather your I.Q.s of theists somewhere where there are some.
That's all.
Anony-mouse-you're adorable. Whatever to the numbers, you're only seventeen, and your clever enough to realise the WT is bullsh*t, whilst elders and lifers are toiling without raising their head to see the road.
And another thing, you're brain is still growing! It grows and grows and grows til like your 25 or something. Scary for me because I have limited time to make a vast number of improvements
Don't smoke!