I'm scared now...
JoinedPosts by Dave_T
We are all lacking in Faith!
by The Truth inwhere do i begin?
well let's see i'm 24yrs old and since i was 5 i've been taught ''the truth'' i remember going to the hall when i was a little girl with my grandmother i attended did the bible study and i learned a lot and i'm greatfull even though i'am no longer in the religion i grew up like everyone else saw and learned a lot of other things of this world none which have made me belive anything i have found myself asking lately what is happening with this world?
why doesn't doesn't jehovah do something and stop the pain for everyone?
I almost bought a flag......
by AK - Jeff inthe fog must be lifted now for me after two and a half years out of the borg.. today whilst browsing for some lawn decor, i was drawn to the american flag display in the store.
i looked it over good - all the flag pole styles, sizes, quality.
i walked away without buying one, only due to trying to keep wifey out of the hot seat, as she still has relatives in - i don't any longer.
Hi Wordly Andre, Actually, Jean-Claude Van Damme is Belgian (In Belgium they speak both French and Dutch). Van Damme has a slight Belgian accent when he speaks French. I don't think many people like his films even in Belgium. In France he is most known for using a mixture of French and English in interviews, substituting the French words he seems to have forgotten with English words. Memorable Van Damme quote: "Je suis aware." France, as every nation, has disgraced itself many times. But I still think only governments are fully accountable for what nations did. A citizen shouldn't be embarrassed because of what the governement or compatriots have done. As BluesBrothers said, we should see ourselves as citizens of the world. I've never heard an interview with Van Damme in English. I was wondering: Is his English as mediocre as his French?
To what belief system do you subscribe? Belief-O-Matic!
by daystar intake the old belief-o-matic survey and post your results!.
here are my rather interesting results:.
1. unitarian universalism (100%) 2. mainline to liberal christian protestants (83%) 3. liberal quakers (82%) 4. neo-pagan (81%) 5. christian science (church of christ, scientist) (80%) 6. secular humanism (78%) 7. new age (67%) 8. baha'i faith (61%) 9. nontheist (60%) 10. church of jesus christ of latter-day saints (mormons) (57%) 11. new thought (55%) 12. hinduism (52%) 13. scientology (50%) 14. jehovah's witness (48%) 15. taoism (48%) 16. theravada buddhism (45%) 17. mainline to conservative christian/protestant (36%) 18. sikhism (32%) 19. mahayana buddhism (31%) 20. jainism (23%) 21. orthodox quaker (21%) 22. eastern orthodox (20%) 23. orthodox judaism (20%) 24. roman catholic (20%) 25. reform judaism (18%) 26. seventh day adventist (17%) 27. islam (5%)
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. Reform Judaism (86%)
3. Jainism (83%)
4. Mahayana Buddhism (78%)
5. New Age (78%)
6. Orthodox Judaism (78%)
7. Sikhism (73%)
8. Bah?'? Faith (71%)
9. Unitarian Universalism (68%)
10. Islam (67%)
11. Liberal Quakers (61%)
12. Hinduism (59%)
13. New Thought (50%)
14. Theravada Buddhism (50%)
15. Taoism (41%)
16. Scientology (38%)
17. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (35%)
18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (29%)
19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (25%)
20. Secular Humanism (25%)
21. Jehovah's Witness (22%)
22. Nontheist (22%)
23. Orthodox Quaker (18%)
24. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (16%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (7%)
26. Roman Catholic (7%)
27. Seventh Day Adventist (2%) -
Changes that will come in Jehovah's witnesses organization
by PeLe, ThE Soccer King ini have a strong reason to believe that the change that will be announced in next few days among jehovah's witnesses will bring a major "refining" work among its members.
take a note of this:
if are not regular in meetings and service of field than you're signalling that you're no longer a jehovah's witness.
I almost bought a flag......
by AK - Jeff inthe fog must be lifted now for me after two and a half years out of the borg.. today whilst browsing for some lawn decor, i was drawn to the american flag display in the store.
i looked it over good - all the flag pole styles, sizes, quality.
i walked away without buying one, only due to trying to keep wifey out of the hot seat, as she still has relatives in - i don't any longer.
I almost bought a flag......
by AK - Jeff inthe fog must be lifted now for me after two and a half years out of the borg.. today whilst browsing for some lawn decor, i was drawn to the american flag display in the store.
i looked it over good - all the flag pole styles, sizes, quality.
i walked away without buying one, only due to trying to keep wifey out of the hot seat, as she still has relatives in - i don't any longer.
This conversation is getting pretty boring but I'll just answer to your post, XJW4EVR.
There is the holier-than-thou European attitude.
Are you trying to invent an anti-European cliché?
OK... Statistics and European policies are quite clear: Europe is much, much more secular than the USA. So holier-than-thou... yeah, right...
Oh, maybe you say this because I refuse to attack the American people as a whole while you can't help offending the European people. Let me remind you that many Native Americans still call Caucasians "Europeans". Do you hate them too? What about Middle-Eastern peoples? Canadians? Russians? Latinos? I'm sure you couldn't possibly be honest and say that you like them all. Why? Because of your nationalist's prejudices.
Your mock brain works like this: this European guy has a holier-than-thou attitude. So the EUROPEAN must all have a holier-than-thou attitude. It's typically European.
Holier-than-thou? Not at all (consult an ENGLISH dictionary, "buddy"). More tolerant than you, XJW4EVR? Most definitely.I would print that post out and use it for birdcageliner but it would be a waste of good ink & paper.
Is that your idea of a subtle offense? Because it's neither subtle, nor offending. It's the kind of insults one could hear in schoolyards.What, that I was happy that the French lost? That makes me anti-French? Whatever!
Aren't you a little young to show the first signs of Alzheimer's disease? Allow me to refresh your memory:Zidane wanted out of the game? In other words he surrendered. Which is pretty much on par with much of France's behavior during the 20th century.(tongue-out smiley)
Seriously, though, the fact that the French lost was more satisfying to me than anything else.Remember now? I didn't know Alzheimers could be so convenient. But it doesn't explain everything: Since when headbutting a guy who has insulted you equals surrendering? You sound so knowledgeable about history. Are you referring to the Nazi occupation. My grandparents told me about that. Do you have any idea what it feels like to have your whole country controlled by military forces of a foreign power? To have soldiers in every street, yelling at you words you don't even understand and entering uninvited your house whenever they want? Let's ask the Iraqi (for example) what it feels like. Boom! Oh, I think the answer is quite clear.
Take whatever you are smoking, package it and sell. You might make a million or two.
Another tastelessly showy schoolyard insult. I didn't expect better from you.
Back to the (very sensitive) topic: Let's ask a great American man what he thinks about Nationalism. Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. -- Albert Einstein In case you've never heard of him, XJW4EVR, he was a guy with a real brain. -
I almost bought a flag......
by AK - Jeff inthe fog must be lifted now for me after two and a half years out of the borg.. today whilst browsing for some lawn decor, i was drawn to the american flag display in the store.
i looked it over good - all the flag pole styles, sizes, quality.
i walked away without buying one, only due to trying to keep wifey out of the hot seat, as she still has relatives in - i don't any longer.
Sorry, buddy, but your wait for some sort of bigoted remark was in vain. What is more, my son has a French name. So again care to reveal your own anti-American bigotry again?
As a matter of fact, I wasn't waiting. It was just bed-time. Besides, I've already heard bigoted remarks from you before (see the Zidane thread for example). Your kid's got a French name? I don't know what it proves (if it proved anything at all) but it certainly doesn't make a pro-french out of you judging by what you have posted before. You must have noticed that my English is better than your French. Why is that? Because I am a curious person and I have always been fascinated by the American culture. That was my prime motivation. I even have tons of relatives in the USA (my grand-mother and her brothers were born in the US). Like in every country, there are good things and bad things in the US. That's the most bigoted remark you will ever get from me, "buddy". Having said that, I must say that I don't believe any nation is worth dying for, nor any flag is sacred. Nations, like people, are born then they die. Sooner or later, nobody will ever remember that France or even the USA had existed. It will take time, sure, but it will happen. However, I would fight to protect those I love from an invader, for example, and I would die rather than let a soldier hurt someone I love but I wouldn't fight in a war because a government says it would protect "freedom", or because the other side is "evil". Those words are usually used in a not-so-subtle propaganda destined to get recruits who think they'll become "heroes". If there's one thing I've learnt from my JW experience it's this: It's so easy to have people do or believe what you want them to do or believe AND have them think they're proud and happy about it.
I almost bought a flag......
by AK - Jeff inthe fog must be lifted now for me after two and a half years out of the borg.. today whilst browsing for some lawn decor, i was drawn to the american flag display in the store.
i looked it over good - all the flag pole styles, sizes, quality.
i walked away without buying one, only due to trying to keep wifey out of the hot seat, as she still has relatives in - i don't any longer.
I almost bought a flag......
by AK - Jeff inthe fog must be lifted now for me after two and a half years out of the borg.. today whilst browsing for some lawn decor, i was drawn to the american flag display in the store.
i looked it over good - all the flag pole styles, sizes, quality.
i walked away without buying one, only due to trying to keep wifey out of the hot seat, as she still has relatives in - i don't any longer.
I almost bought a flag......
by AK - Jeff inthe fog must be lifted now for me after two and a half years out of the borg.. today whilst browsing for some lawn decor, i was drawn to the american flag display in the store.
i looked it over good - all the flag pole styles, sizes, quality.
i walked away without buying one, only due to trying to keep wifey out of the hot seat, as she still has relatives in - i don't any longer.
Good Girl, Your fear will probably disappear. It will take a little time though, then you'll realize flags and crosses are just mystified objects that have no power whatsoever except in the minds of those who believe in them. Just like the power JWs attribute to elders and the governing body.