Thanks for the reply.
You raise a number of points which I feel deserve a response.
You say that even though I have not felt a connection with God, plenty of people have felt it. Felt is the correct word. I'm not denying people believe they are in contact with God, but this doesn't prove God. This proves belief in a god.
Why do people believe? I think it because either, they want to believe. Or, they were taught to believe. People don't always want to think that this is the only life they have, so wishing for something beyond this existence is a powerful motivator to believe. Life can be hard, and there aren't always people around for us. Believing that there is a being who will always listen to us is comforting. People don't want to burn forever or die at Jesus' second coming, so fear can play a part too.
But, why is it that people believe that the god who has communicated with them, is the same god that everyone around them believes in? If you are born in America to a Christian family, you may attribute the feeling to Yahweh or Jesus. If you are born in Iran to a Muslim family, you may feel Allah is with you. Further back in time, you may have felt a spiritual connection and believed Thor was with you, or Poseidon, or Zeus, or Hercules, or Ra. There is just as much proof for those gods as the god you follow. But would you believe those gods existed and helped people?
You say that it won't go away without violence on both sides. I already showed you were wrong about this when I mentioned Europe moving away from religion.
I don't say that the people in places like Sweden and Denmark (or other European countries) are superior, just that they aren't oppressed.
You seem to think any teaching is indoctrination. It isn't. Passing on our knowledge is how humans function, and children can take that knowledge and improve upon it with new ideas. With religion, the beliefs are stuck in the past, and it becomes heresy to go against the teachings.
If I speak out against religion, it is not indoctrination. People can look at the information and do what they like with it. If I have children, I will not force them to believe there is no god. True freedom is being allowed to believe whatever you like. Unfortunately, religion has many penalties for not believing in their doctrine. 'Believe this, or burn forever' isn't freedom. It is an abusive form of control.
We don't know what we may be fighting over in the future. But the point is, we already know religion is the cause of most of the wars now, so let's think more rationally about that cause. We can worry about any other causes, if and when they happen.
I don't claim to have all the answers. What I do know is that we are the first species on this planet to reach the technological capability to destroy this planet. We need to take away the things that may cause a nuclear fallout. One thing, proven time and time again to be a cause for mass killing, is religion. It is not hateful to want to prevent this happening.