Later he explained, that his bride was so hung up in guilt over the act, that it was often an awkward and less then exciting experience.
My ex-wife.
i remember being a teenager and my hormones were on overdrive.
the young witnesses i knew, male and female, were all feeling the same thing.
we would bring up sex, in one form or another, all the time.
Later he explained, that his bride was so hung up in guilt over the act, that it was often an awkward and less then exciting experience.
My ex-wife.
curious as to what exwitnesses have become or believe.
i haven't joined any religous group and do not attend any services.
(have visited a church's service)
Atheist by one definition. Agnostic by a different one.
we are all doomed to death, i think by the end of this year too, so we dont have long .
i heard that the work is going to stop, that would be kindof nice here since it is so cold in the winter and knocking on doors waking people up is really lame in the first place, i often wondered why we had to hit the streets so early and make people so angry?.
well supposely this new track is hitting him where it hurts, they are out right telling people they are going to die at the hands of god if they do not join up with the jws right now.
Its almost as bad as saying 'I am a Jehobah Witness'.
How 'bout Jehoverrrr?
the reason i heard constantly by the elders, as to ones spiritual progress in the organisation was, .
"brothers are appointed by holy spirit.".
if this is the case, why is god speaking to himself when he says in 1 tim 3 v 6 .not a newly converted man, for fear that he might get puffed up with prideetc.. to re-iterate if god appoints elders, why would he give himself this advice ???.
Let's see here, I heard "You need to maintain the monthly publisher average", after doing this, I heard "You need to be more VISABLE in the field service". Well, I never granted them that second wish, and just disappeared completely.
there are the abuses of course, the diabloical 'two witness' rule applied to allegations of molestation, the reckless 'blood ban' in all it's tortuous complexities (which by watchtowers own admission has resulted in many fatalaties) and the cruel punishment of shunning which has caused so much suffering and pain to many of us here.. is it for these reasons that you want to see the watchtower fall or is it simply that you want to see them humiliated and broken for what they've done to you?
most of us aren't bitter or selfish enough to want personal revenge against the watchtower but i'd be lying if i said i didn't sometimes think like that.. the reason for my original question is that i sometimes feel a bit hypocritical.
i try to accord respect to jw's and individuals of all faiths, (yes, even when i go off on one of my atheistic diatriabes) but whereas i allow myself to be hostile to the watchtower i shrink from being so forthright against other 'christian' faiths whose corrosive nature may not be so easily apparent but is there nonetheless.. i guess my question is; why do we want the watchtower to fall but do not wish all religion to fall?.
While all religion can potentially exert problems on the world, the WT, (by it's own brand of extremeism), already does. I don't consider it anything personal, but the world would be a better place without any fundamentalist religions, WT included. Furthermore, despite my atheistic stance, I strongly believe that people's beliefs are personal and that a person needs to learn to think critically first, before they can let go of religion. There is no amount of reasoning that will work otherwise.
are things sooooo different now??
Welcome Ex Jo-Ho !;
No more guilt over stupid things. Free time on weekends, and evenings. Confidence. Self-honesty. Better decision making. More fun. Able to pursue intrests without guilt, and have time for them. MUCH less judgemental of others. Don't get angry nearly as often. Don't blame/praise mythological forces for everything that happens in life. HAPPIER!
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #ff0000; } .style4 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style6 {color: #000099; font-family: arial, sans-serif; } .style8 {color: #b70000} .style9 {color: #00008c} .style10 {color: #00008c; font-family: arial, sans-serif; } .style12 {color: #00008c; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } --> silencing former jehovah's witnesses often times there would be an article about a web site.
being shutdown by the watchtower bible and tract.
All it takes these days is some circumstance to get someone "away" from the org for a while. They will look into the internet soon enough.
the magician?
he is unbelievable - i don't see how it can be smoke and mirrors out on the street.
some of it seems impossible unless it is staged.
Probably the most brailliant "smoke and mirrors" guy ever. I actually knew him growing up since the 3rd grade, (real name is David Bukalow), He was always into that kind of stuff, so I seriously doubt anything paranormal is really going on. But an f'%^n genius, yes.
of course, as it's the murdering, war-crime-committing, un-mandate-ignoring, nuclear-non-proliferation-flouting israeli friends of america, they probably won't see it as an issue at all.. funny that ... they were dead keen on going to war over just the hint of this very thing but probably won't even condemn it.. it's about time that sanctions were imposed on israel.
I truly believe it has to be their religious cult mindset imprinted on them from birth. Now if we can just find a way to change that.....
Agreed wholeheartedly. Richard Dawkins put this very well in latest book The God Delusion, that is, (I'm paraphrasing here), that even non-extreme religions leave the "door open" for religious extremeism. When one puts faith in something that cannot be proven, no matter how benign it may appear, he or she is always under the potential risk to believe something so strongly that they can rationalize any type of behavior if they feel it supports their religious beliefs, (this should not be unfamiliar territory to us as ex-jws), I'm beginning to believe much more clearly now that "religious extremeism" is not the problem here at all, but religion is the problem period. Ironically, the only solution to this problem is religious tolerance, go figure...
<!-- .style1 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} .style2 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style3 {color: #ffbe2f} --> holiday viewpoints and former jehovah's witnesses being in the organization the viewpoint was that holidays were.
of pagan origin.
whether it was halloween, christmas, easter.
I don't let them bother me anymore. True, many holidays have origins other than their supposed "Christian" application, but even Judaism and Christianity have origins in polytheistic religion. Bottom line: holidays just don't matter. Celebrate them if you want, don't celebrate them if you don't want to. Just don't not celebrate them strictly for their "pagan" origin, because almost anything has similar origins when looked at closely enough.