Nvr, my take on the subject is this:
Probably the most convincing aspect of "the Lie", to most dubs, is that there really is a "top down" belief in the rhetoric they teach. In other words, a person who truly believes in what they preach is a very good salesman, no matter how wacked out thier explanations may be. Hence, I would say that as a group, they believe. (Can't get red to turn off, damn, the idosyncracies of this website drive me nuts sometimes!!). As individuals, they can and do disagree with what the org. officially teaches. This, unfortunately, is built in to their system. They are allowed to do that, so they see nothing wrong with it, and can remain true believers as a group.
I knew Dan Sydlik on a personal level somewhat, and he often had his own ideas on things, privately. He also saw nothing wrong with telling others these things. The trouble is, as a group, they believe in the "group think" concept, more than anything else.