You need to really, (and I mean really), teach yourself the truth about "da troof". Once you do that, you will begin to see things such as holidays, and about a billion other things more clearly. Some important questions to ask yourself:
1. Why do I still believe the "basic" jw teachings? If I do, then do I believe they were ever the truth? If the answer to the second part happens to be no, then what is the significance of their belief system anyway? If yes, then what caused them to "loose" their standing?
2. Do you really believe that billions of people will be destroyed for not thinking like the jw? Especially if you believe the org is somehow flawed?
3. If the "world" is wrong, and jws are wrong, then do you believe that only the few thousand people that think as you do are right?
The obvious conclusion to these questions should be that if the jws have it wrong, then they really don't have it right. That would leave most, if not all of their teachings, (at least as it relates to the esoteric stuff like holidays), probably wrong. For your own good, spend some time educating yourself about the story behind these things. It won't take merely a day or two. Plan to spend some time on this. If your mind is open, you will see the jws don't have it right.