I tend to agree that the WTS underestimates the internet. But truth be known, they really do know how to handle it, so they don't deal with it head on. Instaed, the choose to put blinders on, (and hope the R&F do also), and continue with the same drivel about the "dangers of the internet", and so on. It really is their only defense. If they become too specific, obviously that would only incite curiosity, and they certainly don't want that. It is far easier to criminalize the act of using the internet, than provide a rebuttal, (which we know they can't do).
If we see the WTS as a corporation, (which it is), it has been a very successful one. 130 years is quite a good run, (GM, IBM, Toyota, etc can't claim that). Thier methods do work. However, their methods have no way of directly combating the threat of the internet. If any corporation is going to remain successful, one of the things it needs to do is adapt to current technology. The WTS is indeed a book publishing corporation, and as such, unless it adapts to current media technologies, (such as the internet), it will fail if given enough time.