Honestly, if manuals were available in more cars, (I drive an '06 Impala SS, no manual option), I would get one.
my first cars were all "manual" and they were small cars, cheap on gas.. then later on in life, i spoiled myself and bought automatic cars.. last week, i tried a manual yaris, and wasn't that comfortable with the manual transmission.
maybe it's the fact that i didn't drive a manual car in 6 years.. just wondering if anyone here after driving automatic transmission cars since many years, if you would come back to manual..
Honestly, if manuals were available in more cars, (I drive an '06 Impala SS, no manual option), I would get one.
i posted last week about wanting ideas to bring up for a visit from my old teacher and her elder husband.
the visit went awesome, they only managed to stay for 3 1/2 hours then made up a lame excuse and bolted out of here as fast as they could.
i am very grateful for the responses i recieved, although we never made it to those issues, i didn't get a chance.
The Elder then proceeded to empathise with my situation back then, and beings I was under great stress, if I had gone out drinking, got drunk, had a one-night stand, but was repentant and came forward right away, nothing but a good talking to would have happened and I would have then been scriptually free from the marriage as I would have commited adultery. I asked what would have happened had I did what I did, which was meeting my fiance and respecting myself and him as well by waiting for "relations" until I felt ready, which wasn't for about 6 months after we met, but I don't feel repentant over it, and I continue on with the relationship? He said, well, then I would have been disfellowshipped
Sad but true snarf. Incidentally, this was the very thing that made me come to my senses and say WTF???
i'm getting married in a couple of weeks and my mother is under alot of pressure not to go because i've been living with my fiance.
my 3 jw sisters are not attending the wedding and i feel that my mum will be under continued pressure not to have contact with me after the wedding.
so i'm thinking of a plan... what if i went back to the meetings just so that my mum can feel 'ok' about having contact with me and so she can tell my sisters to back off.
If it is known that you are living with your fiance, you will be facing a judicial comittee. And most likely a disfellowshipping. Just saw it happen. Said it shows a pattern of wrongdoing and no repentance.
That will happen, no getting around it.
As far as going back goes, IF you can stomach the above then maybe, but I think that defeats the purpose.
my friend marion, who i've posted about on here, was announced at last nights meeting as being no longer one of jehovahs witnesses.
she sent a da letter in recently, and of course the elders tried to get her to change her mind, but she insisted, and threatened to forward a copy to the uk hq, so they made the announcement.. she had a phone call from her jw son just now, and not a pleasant one at that.
he asked her how she could be so stupid, and told her that this was the last call of any kind he would be making to her, and she won't be allowed to see her grandchildren again until she comes to her senses.
FDN, Please give her support, and let her know were thinking of her. Also, tell her to come to JWD.
so... i finally have thought about somethings that i want to say in my letter to disassociate... in my last topic starter regarding this, someone had meantioned disfellowship papers?
why would they be sending disfellowshipment papers if i take myself out?.
in the letter, i am thinking about making the one to my friends kinda short and sweet and to the point.
They need to know the basic basics of why, I can understand.
No they don't.
I have consdiered this myself recently. Just fade. Don't give two shits about them.
BabaYaga, Welcome!
raised in the organization
"for those not born into the organization .
not having been born into the organization i believe.
It was an awful lot of sacrifice, (as the posters above have clearly shown), even more during adulthood. Getting married too young, staying married to someone VERY bad for me because it was the "right thing to do", etc. Couldn't hack that anymore. I Left, "knowing" something was very wrong with it all. Finally, because of the internet, I was able to see for sure. I would say it was a HUGE relief.
i thought it was time i posted here, having been lurking for over 4 years (on and off).
well my wife is now out.
we never really discussed the issues i had with the troof, although she of course new what some of them were.
Welcome, Gilberto!
so why didn't you think you were in a cult when you were a jdub?
my "worldly" husband always told me i was in a cult when we were dating..i didn't believe him.
but, to this day i still don't know why i didn't agree with him.
First of all, I don't think most of us knew the true definition of the word until after we were out, (maybe I should just speak for myself here). But the very concept mind control never occured to me until I began to have serious doubts. Once I learned that I was under that mind control, and learned that it is the principal tool of a cult, only then did I realize it was indeed a cult. For the most part, it didn't matter to me at that point, I was out.
more and more i find myself coming to a materialist view of the world.
i don't believe in afterlife, ghosts, angels, auras, astrology, revelations and the like.
so what am i to make of people who claim to have spiritual experiences?
Agreed. As witnesses it was not optional to believe some things that were taught to us, and not others. It was all or nothing at all. It certainly explains my leaning towards atheism, but I'm beginning to use terms such as "leaning" much more liberally now. I think the longer we are out of the org, the easier it is to be more accepting of others beliefs, and more open to modifying our own.
it seems to me that all the jw's i knew while going to the meetings, weather they were spiritually strong or weak, never criticized.
they were like real sheep.. i used to always bitch about the length of the meetings and the time of the meetings and so on.....when i drove the brothers back home in my car or talked to them in private.. naturally i would only say this to my closer jw friends or those i knew wouldn't squeal on me.. .
Many times. Sometimes petty, sometimes not so petty. Of the not so petty complaints, these days I find it relatively easy to take advatage of these and turn them into a good counter WTS discussion with the two or so witnesses I still talk to.