Behold! The incredible efficiency of Jehover's Organization.
However, I bet that if you sent them a sizeable donation cheque, it would be cashed before the envelope hit the bottom of the trash can.
can anyone tell me how long i might have to wait - in general - for a letter from the watchtower?
i sent them 2 different letters in regards to some questions that i have and i just want an idea of how long to wait until i send a follow up.
in actual fact i'm not even expecting them to respond but how long do i give them?
Behold! The incredible efficiency of Jehover's Organization.
However, I bet that if you sent them a sizeable donation cheque, it would be cashed before the envelope hit the bottom of the trash can.
hey i was on holiday last week and we went to a sea-side night market and there was a food stand called "roadkill restaurant".
the motto was "you kill it, we grill it".
charming place.. they had crocodile, buffalo, camel, and kangaroo and emu kebabs.
I live in the jungle...
Curried monitor lizard ..Good
BBQ'd python ..Good
Roasted fruit bats ..Good
Sting ray ..Very Good
and I have even tried dog...NEVER again!
what year was this bible translated?
it doesnt even say who translated it.
did this russel guy get bored and want to start his own religion or something.
Some years ago, I met a fellow in California, that claimed to have been instrumental in translating the New Wierd Translation. I don't remember the dude's name, however, he is the same clown that passed himself off as Michael Jackson's "spiritual advisor".
just wanted to update on my situation.
some may know that i had been invited to this past memorial by an po i'd known all my life, after i ran into him and nearly invited myself.
anyway, the memorial came and went, and i didn't attend.
woke up this morning to find that someone had broken into my house while i slept.
all that is missing is my billfold (didn't have much money, but replacing the cards will stink) and my cell phone (with a couple hundred numbers).
i wonder why they didn't take my laptop and camera?
from the "official" wt site comes this gem:.
for a man who was a child molester before he was baptized, there may be another consequence.
when he learns the truth, he repents and turns around, not bringing that cruel sin into the congregation.
woke up this morning to find that someone had broken into my house while i slept.
all that is missing is my billfold (didn't have much money, but replacing the cards will stink) and my cell phone (with a couple hundred numbers).
i wonder why they didn't take my laptop and camera?
i've been a member of the site for a month, but have been reading the posts for a lot longer, however this is my first post.
i was raised a j-dub by my mother (my father wasn't religious) with my sister and brother.
i was pretty much convinced by my dub friends, bible study conductor, and mother that i should get baptized when i was 15 and decided to go for it.
this is your response to a 16 year olds plea for help in
first you should cry out to god to demonstrate his presence to you and your situation.
after you pray this pay very close attention to anyone who comes into your life or any event that shows god heard your cry.
AMEN Nic!!!
I would have personally used a few more f bombs, but you said EXACTLY what needed to be said.
Good for you . Just pissed you beat me to it.
it seems that some of you live in areas with a lot of people, that left.
if there were enough of you that left and incontact with eachother.
would it be possible to reclaim a hall.
I'm not sure, but I would guess that the watchliar society has filled every loophole when it comes to what they consider to be theirs. They are a business first, and spend millions on their legal department.