Bleep, I'd like to respond to your question about the NWT.
When I became a Witness, I accepted the NWT, without doing any research or really questioning it. I didn't have the internet access as I have now, at that time, so I just kinda accepted that the NWT was what it was presented to me as, that being a more accurate, modern translation of God's Word.
During my time in the Organization, however, there were a number of occaisions when I noticed that the Society would incert a whole sentence in brackets ( [ ] ) into the text that, rather then serve to just make the text make sense in English, completely changed the meaning, or reinforced WT doctrine, when otherwise the text made sense saying something completely different. The last time I remember this coming up was during the study of "The Greatest Man" book, I believe the text I'm thinking of was in Luke, but I don't remember exactly, and I have lent my only copy to a friend who I was witnessing too some time ago (she became a Christian, accepted Christ as her savoir in December.)
Later on, when visiting Bethel, (Patterson, NY) the sister giving us a tour said she believed that when the NWT is released in new languages, it is translated from the original ancient languages into the new foreign languages....but I found out later, that acutally the NWT is translated from the English version into the other languages.
Later still, when I was df'd I still used the NWT primarily, though I've always had a King James and a New International Version at home as well. Then, when I read Raymond Franz's "In Search of Christian Freedom" he sites compelling evidence that there are major problems with the NWT...for one thing, the devine name was inserted in the Christian Greek Scriptures all over the place were it did not appear in the original test- why? Raymond Franz identifies members (though not all) of the NWT Translation Committee, with his uncle, Fred Franz, being considered for years as the "Scholar" of the Society, being the ONLY ONE that had enough education in the original languages to even ATTEMPT any Bible is it that they could create a new translation, from the original texts, with such little education in the original languages? Compare them to translation work for other's obivious that there is a big problem there.
Then, as I attemtped to defend my beliefs as learned in the Organization to other Christians from where I lived and at work, I was at a loss to explain myself when over and over again, the NWT appeared to just change the texts to be in harmony with their own I did research to find out if maybe the NWT was just more accurate...but what I found was very disturbing....take any text which reads "living soul" in the NWT and compare it to the NIV or KJV. Do reaserch online about the origin of the orignal texts....I have done TONS of research on the trinity too...which I never believed in or understand the concept of, even as a born-again Christian, before I was a Witness....but after all the research I've done about the original languages, I cannot deny that the NWT is not what it claims to be, that being a "more accurate translation."
That's enough to digest for now I think.