Thanks for all your input, folks.
Another more serious issue cropped up last night after I post the first question.
I decided to ask my nine year old son if his great-grandmother and/or his grandparents (my parents) ever talked to him about Jehovah.
Well, he said of course!! and launched into a rhetoric that I thought I had long left behind...great houses left..bad people destroyed and that he would be playing with lions, blah, blah.
THEN, he said to me, why don't you believe it Mummy? Shocked, I said that they had been saying the same thing for years and years and Mummy has seen no evidence of anything happening.
Then he said, then you won't make it to the new system if you don't believe.
I am really at a loss as to what to do. Saying anything might alientate me from my family even more, yet if he starts spouting this to his father when he visits him in the UK, his father would have every reason to be outraged like me.
What should I do? It's a tough call, since next to my son, my grandmother is the most important person to me on the planet.
Any more advice would be appreciated.