I always hated the phrase "the Faithful Slave and its representative governing body." It's misleading because they have never represented any group of people.
A representative in Congress is--in theory--supposed to represent you and the people in the district when dealing with national affairs. If I want to write to my representative, which happens to be Susan A. Davis, I can. In the California state legislature I can write to Lori SaldaƱa. The bottom line is that with representation comes accountability because I can vote against my representative during re-election if I do not approve of the work my representative is doing.
Do anointed members have this ability? Of course not. The Watchtower throws in the strawman argument that "not everyone makes decisions," which is the same scenario in the state legislature or in congress. I don't get to vote on bills and then send my decision to Susan Davis for her to follow. But I do have the ability to tell her how I think she should vote on something. Or I can voice my displeasure with her voting record. If enough constituents don't like her, out she goes.
So now the question is, are these governing body members accountable to the anointed class? If I were anointed, could I write Ted Jaracz and tell him how I think he should vote on a certain issue? Upon that rhetorical question the myth of representation is slain. We don't know what goes on in those weekly GB sessions. There's no transparency. We don't know who voted on what issue. And there's no voting anyone out because the appointments--chosen from within--are for life.
Furthermore, how is anyone to be represented when they aren't even properly accounted for? Allow me to return to the comparison with Congressional representation. Based on my voter registration (which I finally had the testicular fortitude to submit last year), I can only vote on the incumbent or challenger(s) for my particular district. I can't vote on another state's representatives. Now think of the anointed: who are they? Besides a head count after every memorial, what data are there about them? Is there an official list of partakers? Of course there isn't an official list; to have one would expose the literal 144,000 doctrine as false. The end result is a faceless sea of partakers which will keep growing, thanks to "new light" on the 1935 cutoff date. Members of this group have tried to influence doctrine, but were flatly denied consideration, despite claimed anointed status.
The Watchtower Society is a totalitarian state. Since when did totalitarain states make themselves accountable to the governed?