Wow Witness 007 sure seems to be taking a battering here in this thread, a battering that he never asked for. The mans hurting, hes angry, its all a part of that grieving process of losing his wife, cut him some slack ffs. What I'm seeing here from Witness 007 is a very typical psychological behaviour from a male thats been brought up in the truth. In the past he's lacked the balls to tell his wife to take a hike but hes doing it now.
Growing up in the truth emotionally castrates men, we take all kinds of sh*t and put up with it because of the cr*p we've had our heads filled with by the org. However coming out of the protective enviroment of "the truth" means growing balls, and I san see Witness 007 doing this. Real balls don't develope over night and neither do emotional ones so cut him some slack and get off his back.
My first "worldly" girlfriends was a passive / aggressive bitch, she treated me like crap but I put up with it because I didn't know any better but my resentment grew and grew until one day I woke up and realised I was being taken for a ride, *My balls dropped* and she got the boot right out of the blue she didn't even see it coming. I've walked in his shoes, I can judge him - have you?
Don't criticise a bloke for not having the emotional tools that he needs to get through a certain aspect of life, we weren't raised with the whole tool kit and we have to learn them AT OUR OWN RATE.