Mom.... born to a father who felt that women were useless and a mother who was schizophrenic. Left with the mom, who tried to kill her by smothering and basically was pretty messed up. Mom was tossed around to orphanage, relatives, everything, until her dad got remarried and took her home. Her new stepmom did not know what to do with my mum (who I guess was diagnosed somewhat autistic at the time) and was pretty hard on her. She grew up a Methodist / Presbyterian - basically a good kid, Sunday school teacher, etc. Her dad refused to pay for her schooling while he sent his son (born to the new stepmom) to MIT. She married some guy, divorced him, married my dad. The JWs found her at the door and she started to preach at them and it backfired. She became one and I was raised as such. However, she has always had problems with their theology at times and now tells me that she will be out before long. She introduced me to Franz' COC and is trying to reconcile her beliefs as a JW and having a hard time of it. I think she is most afraid that she will lose her friends of 30+ years when she leaves. She will lose her home (she rents from a sister), lose her friends, her support, everything. I think it is HORRIBLE that a religion would do that to an old lady, just because she is honest and candid about the truth.