I never believed in the trinity, it's what got me studying with them in the first place. I don't think there's a hell either, as for the rest i just don't know at the moment, i want to believe in life after death, a loving God etc. but when i think of all the suffering people have to go through, Beslan for instance,those little kiddies drowned,,james bulger could go on forever,i'm actually starting to think there isn't a God anymore, or if there is then he's not one i want to know, who would let these ones suffer like this,just so he can stick his tongue out at Satan.Sorry, didn't mean to rant bet someone'll tell me off now!I did want to believe in living forever, but i never thought i'd get there anyway and i'm starting to think maybe this is our only chance now.
Posts by dobbie
Do u believe much of the JW teachings but not Gods Representative on earth?
by breeze in.
i wonder how many are still drawn to the beliefs but just don't believe the wtbts is jehovah's representative on earth and the only hope for mankind?.
of course we know some are not correct like 607 bc and 1914 and 1975 etc.. breeze
by dobbie inhi i've noticed in one of the posts that the jw bible put gods name into the new testament,and that it shouldn't be there.
i admit that i'm not the brightest pebble on the beach, but when i was studying they told me that the name jehovah was restored to where it was originally and that the nwt was the most accurately translated bible around.
just wondering how they have got away with doing that if they have blatantly inserted it where it bible scholars would immediately see it shouldn't be?also is there any such thing as the most accurate bible translation cos i'd like to try reading it my myself(without the aid of watchtower publications), but don't know now if i can trust nwt or not.
jwfacts thanks so much for the information have looked it up,it's very interesting and will do so again tomorrow when i am not half asleep!I can't believe i went along like a meek sheep believing everything just because its what they told me-i feel so stupid!If Jesus did'nt use the divine name then jws certainly shouldn't surely-wouldn't that be a big sin or blasphemy?Just know i won't be able to sleep now my head's spinning with it all yet again!
by dobbie inhi i've noticed in one of the posts that the jw bible put gods name into the new testament,and that it shouldn't be there.
i admit that i'm not the brightest pebble on the beach, but when i was studying they told me that the name jehovah was restored to where it was originally and that the nwt was the most accurately translated bible around.
just wondering how they have got away with doing that if they have blatantly inserted it where it bible scholars would immediately see it shouldn't be?also is there any such thing as the most accurate bible translation cos i'd like to try reading it my myself(without the aid of watchtower publications), but don't know now if i can trust nwt or not.
Hi i've noticed in one of the posts that the JW Bible put Gods name into the new testament,and that it shouldn't be there. I admit that i'm not the brightest pebble on the beach, but when i was studying they told me that the name Jehovah was restored to where it was originally and that the NWT was the most accurately translated Bible around. Just wondering how they have got away with doing that if they have blatantly inserted it where it bible scholars would immediately see it shouldn't be?Also is there any such thing as the most accurate Bible translation cos i'd like to try reading it my myself(without the aid of watchtower publications), but don't know now if i can trust NWT or not. Am now wondering if John1:1 is correct translation or not as well now.Thanks
Kingdumb Halls??
by Wordly Andre ini'm not sure if this has been talked about already, but why are there no windows inside kingdumb halls?
Does it depend on the country you live?There's loads of windows in ours, though there are'nt any at the big building where the assemblies are held.Probably so you've nothing else to to look at or give you attention to other than the speaker - full mind control!(Come to thing of it now cos i haven't been for a while, all the windows have blinds up so no you can't see out of them anyway)!
Fair minded person with a fair point of view
by keo15929 ini have been one of jehovah's witnesses for about 9 years before i became inactive.
i just had some comments i'd like to make.. i think the reason why i'm inactive now is because i've come to a point in my life where i feel obligated to admit that i just don't know.
at one time i was as fiery and zealous of a witness as anyone could be but i had this nagging feeling that i really didn't know what i was talking about when i was witnessing to people.
Hi Keo welcome from another newbie. I thought your post was very well written, i wish i was half as eloquent!I too had problems going out in the ministry, i have had doubts for a long time, i so want to believe in a God etc but other times i just don't know. I agree that there are very nice witnesses out there, but then there are very nice "worldly" people out there too.They are just a bit misguided and quite a few feel doubts but follow the counsel to put them away. However i think you come to a point where you can't do that anymore. You mentioned about angry people etc. on this board, the reason i joined this one is because it is one of the friendliest and sincere.If you read some of the stories, postings on this board you can understand why there are so many people hurting because of the WTS. I am shocked to find how many here have been shunned by parents,children, siblings etc, when its not even necessary, they don't have to. It must only be because the wts elders have encouraged this. Yes i agree that i the witnesses have got some of it right, but then i haven't looked into other religions and i expect any religion has got its good and bad things in it.Please stay around look forward to seeing more postings from you.
by Gill inthe august 2006 awake, makes the claim that there is no benefit to blood transfusion except in trauma, according to proffessor bruce spiess:.
there are few if any (medical) articles that supposrt transfusion actually improving outcome.
" in fact, he writes that many transufusions 'may do more harm than good in virtually every instance except trauma,' increasing 'the risk of pneumonia, infections, heart attacks and strokes.'.
The benefits to my baby girl were instantaneous!She was born too soon, tried albumin, did'nt work, so we said about EPO which is what the liasion committee members told us to say.However it as it does indeed take 4-6 weeks to work this was not an option as she would have been dead! To my shame i was too scared to speak up and say give her blood, something i have to try and live with the rest of my life. I am so thankful the courts ordered one because i could'nt have lived with myself if she'd died, i have trouble even now. I would say that alot of jws i know don't realise that EPO isn't a quick fix solution if you have an emergency, but i think the wts are misleading and irresponsible. In order to push other alternatives they don't mention all the facts. As it turned out all a small baby needs as a transfusion is a couple of spoonfuls!Also in thinking about this as babies and young ones aren't even baptised why can't they be allowed to have them?I know blood isn't 100 per cent safe, but what is nowadays?In an emergency situation, you either risk blood and have a chance, or die anyway, and if God would really wipe you out for doing that one thing, he's not really a loving God at all.
Question about shunning from someone who has never been a JW....
by whyizit ini wondered, since the jws claim that jesus is their teacher, what evidence do they have of jesus shunning "bad associations"?
it seems to me, from reading the bible, that the religious people of his day really gave him a hard time, because he actually spent the majority of his time with "bad associates", rather than shunning them.
thomas, though he followed jesus, wasn't totally convinced.
Plmkrzy has pointed out just what i was thinking - it is just plain rude!Why can't jws say "hello" to someone no longer in the religion?People who have left for whatever reasons are surely in need of extra kindness not the reverse!It is not a loving arrangement like they say at all - it would'nt bring me back into it, i'd say stuff them. All it does is make them feel like dog poo. It seems a very harsh and cruel punishment and one not worthy of people calling themselves christians or friends, and what is also unfair is that apart from gossip no one really ever knows what the person did wrong in the first place.
I am inactive and have gone back and become inactive again. I never did any research before,believing all i would find was lies, but now i know better! But i used to feel so guilty about not doing "what was right", meetings etc that i'd go back eventually. But i soon used to find it all to hard to live up to, lack of warmth, not even wanting to walk into the hall i'd dread it all so much, and ministry would be the first thing to go as i did'nt feel right trying to get people interested in something i had doubts about.Even now, when someone came round recently and said i should be a good parent and go back to it all to save my childrens lives, i still had a bad dream that night and woke up the next day scared in case i was making a wrong decision and i think the problem is a part of you can wonder "what if they're right after all"? But what helps me is this site where i know people know what i mean because they've been there, buying the R Franz book and also finding courage to tell my non jw family and knowing i have their support - they didn't even say "i told you so!". Also my lovely husband, also inactive but supporting me in whatever decision i make. I do think fear drives alot to go back, and just the confusion of it all when you start doubting, its like the carpet being pulled from under your feet, and if you don't know where to go, you tend to return to something familiar.
Making real friends
by choosing life ini have been away from the meetings for about a year now.
i recently attended a funeral and the witnesses mostly avoided me even though i am not disfellowshipped.
my problem is i need to replace my old friends because they look at me with such suspicion now.. i never had trouble making friends before i was a witness,but that was 30 years ago.
Troubled Mind and Choosing Life - I've always found it hard making new friends as well, and left all mine behind when i became a witness. I have just started seeing an old workfriend regularly now, we both have young uns, and i have recently been to parties for my son, which i was dreading but everyone was so nice.Sometimes i think pushing ourselves to take the iniative is a good idea, however scary ( never thought i'd say that!). I recently invited a new neighbour in for tea (something i'd never do usually cos i never think i'm good enough), she stayed for 3 hours! I am also thinking of going down the voluntary route when my youngest is at nursery, not only is it helping others but you get to meet all sorts of people and having a common interest is a good start to making friendships, plus any friendships you do make out of jws are going to be better than the conditional ones yoiu get at the meetings.Sorry if i'm waffling just that i know how you feel and wish i could help you
jws celebrate birthdays?!
by dobbie ini was speaking to a friend last night, trying to explain why i don't go to meetings etc,(waste of time though she just can't seem to understand my point whatever i say), anyway she said as long as i don't d'a myself she can still speak to me.
she said they only d'f you if you commit a gross sin.
i refuted this saying if they knew i didn't agree with some of the teachings, sent a fathers day card etc and you weren't sorry they'd get rid of you.
24K this is what i was trying to explain to her at the time, that i disagreed with certain society teachings, things she herself admitted lots of jws have problems with, then she said this, but as she has been a jw most of her life i figured she must know more than me about it. I know they are going to call on me one day, and then my days will be numbered! She also said i wouldn't be d'fd or anything when i said i'd written to my dr to tell her my children and myself would accept blood in any circumstances i find that very hard to believe - will probably find out soon.