I heard the story about the sister witnessing to the killer as well, the tale reached over here in the UK! Load of rubbish, why would one witness be protected when others have been killed -just a ploy i thimk to make them go out in service even more, to make them think they will have Jehovahs 'protection'! Whats all this about smurfs being demonised though?I used to love them when i was little(not a witness then) are you talking about those cute little Blue things with the white hats?
Posts by dobbie
SCARY(actually hilarious) JW Urban Legends (smurf content)
by *jeremiah* indoes anyone have any dub urban legend stories?.
i remember a story running rampant when i was in my pre-teenage years that went a little something like this:.
word on the street was that a young child went to the circuit assembly with his parents.
Congratulations GRANDAD!
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology Report on Pregnant JWs and Blood
by stevenyc ini found this and thought it may be useful to some, also, check the responses, one is from a jw ex-gynecologist:.
When i had to be put out for my first emergency c-section i was alone and verbally said i'd have blood as a very last resort, i was petrified.Shamefully, as i felt so guiltridden over that and my husband was with me saying no to blood for my prem baby when the court people asked me if i agreed with him i said i did.I was secretly glad that they overruled us though and it was this that made me first want to get out of the religion. The next time i signed the papers and verbally said no under any circumstances to blood although i wanted to say yes, and when i haemmorhaged during surgery i was very scared but fortunately id taken iron tablets regularly and was ok but i knew that if my baby had needed blood i'd have let them, i had been saying it from day 1 of the pregnancy.Trouble is, people tend to think EP0 will have an immediate effect in any situation and that is not the case, we could'nt believe it when we were told it takes up to 6 wks to work!Also those in the religion don't realise until they're in that situation exactly how scared they will feel.I'm just one of the lucky ones whose child was protected by the courts and i'm so thankful.I kept it quiet though about agreeing to blood because i was scared of the reaction,In my congregation we had several mothers who refused antibodies for rhesus negative blood (if the men have positive blood second pregnancies onwards get attacked by mothers cells rejecting the baby if he had positive blood) but i had the injections and felt very guilty whilst they were seen as saints.
The Loved Up Thread [Fluff]
by diamondblue1974 init might have escaped your notice but sirona and i are totally in love and seem to have a mutual appreciation society thing going on; however this has not taken place without causing some online problems as some of you might be aware.. both dawn (sirona) and i are conscious that we have hijacked a number of threads given our perpetual state of being loved up.
given the untold frustration we might have caused to some posters we have decided to launch our very own jwd loved up thread.. this hopefully should allow threads to go on being productive without the frustration of people (us) whispering online sweet nothings and flirting and we therefore invite you all to use this thread if you are loved up, have similar mutual appreciation societies or simply wish to flirt with other online posters.
you can even use this thread to dedicate a post to someone who isnt online and who just lightens your life and makes you smile.. please join us and reassure us that we are not the only loved up people on jwd.. .
Aww how sweet i feel all soppy now!Very happy for all you loved up ones!I don't mind you hijacking the threads i can remember what its like to be in lurve!
by ballistic ini had an idea that i could build a uk map of everyones location which would show you instantly who is in your area from jwd.. (it might be an idea to do a seperate us one aswell but i'll wait and see if this one takes off first, or if anyone from the us wants to volunteer to do that one).
(and australia but you are all in the same backyard anyway - literally!!!).
anyway, all you have to do is post or email me your username and town and i will draw you on the map above which will change gradually to include everyone!.
Thanks Ballistic that's really great
Vegetables on Front Porch Cause Uproar of Scandal and Intrigue for Local KH
by Check_Your_Premises inapupi - illinois.
local jw, susan estrogen, recalls her horror when she first saw the large, orange vegetables on the porch.
"there i was between breaks while out on field service when i saw it!
Thanks Aude - i will try carving them out - think i am going to make a dreadful mess though!
Vegetables on Front Porch Cause Uproar of Scandal and Intrigue for Local KH
by Check_Your_Premises inapupi - illinois.
local jw, susan estrogen, recalls her horror when she first saw the large, orange vegetables on the porch.
"there i was between breaks while out on field service when i saw it!
Actually i DID come home two nights ago and found two pumpkins on my doorstep!For a moment i'm ashamed to say my mind did switch back to jw mode and i instantly thought someone had put them there as a joke(which i thought was v funny actually!), but there was a note in the door , saying they were from our nice neighbours two doors down for our children LOL!Trouble is i have'nt a clue what i do with them!The next day my sis in law dropped her little boy off and i could'nt stop laughing when she'd gone cos i'd forgotten they were in the hall - more gossip now!Do they go off quickly and how do i carve a face into them i suppose i cut their tops off?That story was very funny could imagine it being true..
Lets Welcome a newbie, "TheCoolerKing"!!!
by ButtLight inwe met on myspace in an ex jw forum there, i gave him this link so he could meet more people who have experienced what he has.
so lets give him a warm welcome!.
welcome to the board thecoolerking!!!!
Hi Coolerking and welcome!
Are Faders "better" than DF'd or DA'd?
by ESTEE inthis is something i've been mulling over.
just would like to hear opinions as to whether faders, or inactive ones think they are superior to disfellowshipped or disassociated ones?
what is your experience with this?
I don't think anyones better than another , in fact the support everyone gives shows how great EVERYone is!.we are all having to deal with the same problem - the wicked wts, its just that we have different characters and different situations and whilst one thing might work for some such as d'a ing for instance, others may not feel they have that option if they have family still in and opt to fade instead. I think this will be an interesting thread though!
I've just finished cooking our Christmas cake!!
by Gill ini've just finished making our christmas cake!.
it took nearly five hours to cook but it's a beauty.. it contained nearly 4 lb of mixed fruits.
12 eggs.
Fullofdoubtnow<<Linda>> thats so sweet!What a lovely xmas present so romantic!(move over Mr Darcy!)
Gill - that cake sounds absolutely delicious - or is it the thought of all that brandy?!x