Chopins polonaise in A flat major, Pachelbels Canon (along with everyone else it looks like!) Mozart and everything with a violin in it!
Posts by dobbie
What is your favorite classical music piece and artist?
by restrangled insince modern music keeps coming up, we need to address the classical!
what are your favorite pieces and the artists?
if you play an instrument, pick the piece that's your favorite to play or you wish you could play.. r.. my favorite is fantasy impromtu by chopin.
There is no reason you ever have to see this baby at all.
by reneeisorym inits a website that is something like "ask a circuit overseer" instead of "dear abby".
this just one portion just broke my heart.
it is all pretty sad actually.
I can tell its fake cos the 'co' uses the word shun and jws say they don;t shun people don't they!Can well believe this sort of thing does happen though, what warped minds they have, its v sad
Thank-you to all
by hambeak ini just want to say thanks for all the love i really do appreciate it.
a very special thanks to decki you really are wonderful and a good cook to..
Hugs to you Hambeak thinking of you
Hambeaks Extremely Heartbreaking News
by Sparkplug inour friend hambeak just got the most dreaded phone call from his jw child.
the news was passed on as he was asked for by name and not as"dad" and let known that "they" just called to let him know that his other son, brian, age 26, is dead.
he was in a car accident.
I'm so sorry for the terrible pain your'e suffering, I know there's no words that i can say to help you, but i am thinking of you and we are all here for you, you have so much support here. Hugs to you xxx
I thought that was really cute til my little lads heard it , they've been dancing round the room listening to it over and over and over .......aagh!Oh no they want it on again!
Have they started using BADGES at the doors?
by Inquisitor ini had dinner with a non-jw friend the other night and he said that two young jw men had paid him a visit.
though they did not verbally identify themselves as jws, they apparently wore tags (the kind they wear for conventions) that had their personal names and their organization in print.. now i don't recall us ever using tags for assemblies.
and they couldn't have come from a dc since we've just had ours in august (?).
I don't know about badges but in my congregation they all had id cards saying who they were etc as proof that they were jws, that they could show to the householders if they were elderly or whatever.
One of the worst things I've ever heard *WARNING: DISTURBING*
by under_believer in
i realize that human stupidity and evil has always existed, and that it's today's technology (enabling the news media) that brings it out into the open.
but damn if that isn't the worst thing i've ever heard.
Thats so disgusting, things like this make me sick to the stomach and i can't ever sleep for thinking about them since having my little ones. We seem to have had a spate over here lately of little kids being killed by their parents, stabbed to death, beaten i can't understand it. I just wish the same woud be one back to these people, but very slowly. Not nice i know but its the only thing that i can't handle, innocent little ones suffering and betrayed. Going to go and give my two boys a big kiss and hug now.
Roll call time - What KH's have you attended.............
by Check_Your_Premises innaperville, dekalb, joliet......... il.
i tried to bump an old thread on this topic, but i couldn't find it.. anyone?
Taunton, and visited Wellington, Minehead, Tiverton and conventions at Plymouth. Didn't visit many, just going to my own was bad enough!
Apple Catch (Cool Game!)
by averyniceguy in
hit f11 on your keyboard for a full screen to play the game.
good game but i sucked only caught 30!Maybe its easier if youv'e got a mouse (my excuse anyway!)
Field Service for Lazy People
by Nosferatu inhere's a great way to get your hours in every month: make a myspace page to spread the good news!.
haha i am so bored i did the test - it says my ideal religion is athiest- thank goodness for that, i was worried it was going to say jehovahs witness!LOL that would have freaked me out!