My mum cos she's the best and she's one of the few people i could spend all my time withquite happily, apart from my children.
Posts by dobbie
Who would you have loved to have as neighbour in the new system?
by JH insince so many people will resurrect, jw and non jw's who would you have liked to have as neighbour for eternity?
I woke myself up last night screaming "Jehovah"
by ButtLight ini think i replied to too many threads yesterday about demons and jehovah.
must have been in the back of my mind when i went to sleep.. i was dreaming that this ugly demon with a pointy hairy chin was after me.
i dont remember alot, but the end part.
haha buttllighti 'm glad its not just me cos i posted on your thread last night and i had a horrendous nightmate about differennt ghosts trying to get me and i hardly slept a wink!I new it was cos i read your post cos it stayed in my mind as i was trying to get to sleep, my husbands not home til 230am this week so i kept the lights on but i was still freaked out!I didn't scream jehovah though i admit that sometimes i want to and then remind myself that i don't believe in him anymore so he can't help me anyway!Just hope the same thing doesn't happen again tonight now that i've gone and posted on this thread!lol!
Bumping into J Dubs
by beautifulisfree inis it just me or does anyone else get that 'sick' feeling when they see a jdub?
i live in a fairly small town but i knew alot of dubs from all over the state.
i can (gladly) go months without seeing a single witness...but then sometimes no matter where i go they are all over the place.
Well i have to face them everyday as there are several in my boys small class at school, which is awkward as we all wait in a small area to pick them up.Somedays my son will go and talk to them and i find it hard as i have to get him 2 leavewithme whilst they are right in front of me acting as though i'm invisible.Today he went up to my sis in law and his teacher and i was stood right in front of my s in l and she said to him she'd ring mum or dad and see f he could go to her house soon to play with his cousin- she only mentoned me to him though for the teachers benefit, she will txt hubby but not me.It used to upset me but when she told my hubby that she wasn't scared of the otherjws and if she wanted to talk to me atthe school she would, i realised that she obviously doesnt want to speak to me then which is fine - i'm no longer a last minute babysitter, moneylender nor am i paying a fortune for the electric anymorenowthat i am not having to do all their tumble drying! On the days when J's not at school i still bump into jws cos i have a polish jw family living right next door!One of the mums openeda door for me at the school and i thanked her, she mumbledsomething back i could tell she was embarrassed.But i tell myself they are the ones with the problem and stuck in it and i am the lucky one for The weird thing is like gcbc my hubby hada txt from my old jw friend asking after us all though hes refusing to answer it although i said i don,t mind if he does.He just says if they treat me like that then he doesn't want to know them.This shunning thing has really opened his eyes to what a terrible religion it is so in a way its good they treat me like it cos its put him right off it.
The Moment You Have All Been Waiting for Has Arrived:
by Crumpet inplease congratulate me on my posting prowess - have reached my 4000 post mark!.
cakes all round!
Well done crumpet - i'm still trying to work up to being a 'master member' - at my current rate that could take a few years!
Im off to buy a video camcorder w/ night vision!!!!
by ButtLight infor those of you who think im nuts already (which i am), i am going to by a cam with night vision and infrared recording.
the reason why, is im going to set it up in my sons room tonight and see if i can catch any paranormal activity on it.
i know what i saw, and i know my son see's stuff, im either going to prove to myself im wrong, or prove you sceptics wrong about the paranormal.
just wondering does anyone know if anything like this has ever been caught on a camera before?Whenever i watch things like 'most haunted' etc and they are there with the tv cameras rolling nothing ever seems to happen.
The "Stupid Jokes" Thread
by Warlock inhere is my stupid joke: why did cinnimon roll?
because he saw apple turnover.. thank you, jim of tx for giving me the idea.. warlock .
How many men does it take to change a toilet roll?
No one knows cos its never been done!
For anyone struggling to free themselves or loved ones from the Watchtower.
by nicolaou ini just wanted to share an encouraging thought with anyone who is struggling to fade away from the watchtower.
six years ago, when i first started posting here, i was a ministerial servant with doubts.
my wife was an active sister and my 11 and 12 year old sons were enrolled in the theocratic ministry school and going out in field service every week along with their 7 year old sister.. there has been a lot of stress and tears along the way, my wife and i often wondered what our future would bring, but i can honestly say that we have made it.
What a lovely post. I'm so glad your whole family is out it must be so hard when one half is still in it. I started coming to this site last july when i couldn't ignore my doubts any longer, and am now officially out of it. Although my husband wasn't v supportive at first (v scared at the time) he is now the opposite, and says that all the things i've said to him about the religion and double standards, etc has really opened his eyes and he now has nothing to do with it. It can't be easy with his family in it. Despite still having upset from members of his family (only left officially in nov 06 so not long ago) i feel so much calmer happier and stronger for going through it and realising i can now get on with my life. All those years i was too scared to leave and i wish i'd just done it sooner now, though it was very upsetting. But coming here and reading everyones posts and a couple of other sites really helped me face up to it and so a big thanks to you all!!
by Dansk ini started a thread a long hug which touches on the below, but feel this subject deserves a thread of its own.. a study, highlighted on bbc breakfast news yesterday, acknowledged the importance of holding hands in a relationship, courting or married.
it was stated that couples who hold hands in the street are more likely to have a solid relationship - and especially those who interlink their fingers when holding hands as this indicates a desire to be as close to each other as possible.
arm linking is ok, too, but couples who just walk about not holding hands - and this includes married couples - indicates the relationship could be in trouble.. do you hold hands with your spouse/partner?
Me and hubby used to always hold hands but nowadays i have noticed that if i try to he drops my hand as soon as can be. I took him to his workplace today and didn't even kiss me goodbye. He denied it when i phoned him up and asked if he did'nt want to b seen with me though. I was told that about hand holding in meetings as well, that it was 'inappropriate' in front of singletons!
Parents Jailed for Sadistic Abuse
by Crumpet inparents jailed for sadistic abuse thursday february 8, 04:53 pm.
a sadistic couple have been jailed for a total of 22 years for the abuse of their three-year-old disabled daughter.
middlesex guildhall crown court heard they forced her to sleep naked in a locked toilet during a catalogue of "revolting cruelty".
Evil gits -my boys four and i can't imagine how anyone can do this sort of thing.They should lock them up and throw away the key - only they will probably be out in half the time of their sentence anyway.Sick
Its snowing in BRITAIN..........disaster !!!!!!!!
by vitty inwell the uk got 3 inches of snow last night and the country came to a standstill.
schools all round birmingham closed, luton airport closed, people were advised not to take unnecessary journeys whew........................ive lived in a country where it snowed a foot in one night and then continued for days and days and then it stayed for 4 months.
the schools would never shut and the trains and buses (yep the same ones as the uk) kept running, oh and so do the airports !
I had one very disappointed young man this morning - the news told us we'd be getting up to 4inches snow in the night so i told him he'd be able to make his first ever snowman today, and what was it when we opened the curtains - no bloomin snow!flipping weather people!