I’ve not been so angry for a long time.
The Watchtower article entitled ‘Jehovah Hates The Course of Treachery’ in the May 1st 2002 issue is a masterpiece of bullshit. There are so many points in it I feel that I should make more than one thread.
In this thread I will deal with the issue of marriage discussed from paragraph 13 onwards. Paragraph 15 warns against ‘marrying an unbeliever’ and confirms the society’s view that only Jehovah’s Witnesses will survive Armageddon, so why bother marrying someone who will die soon?
15…. Still, if the unbeliever stays in his or her unbelief, what will happen to that one when God shortly brings this system to an end?
How sick is that? How will my wife feel when she reads that? Uplifted?
Of course, Jehovah’s Witnesses have a monopoly on morals and basic kindness. Wives, husbands, how do you feel if you are not part of ‘God’s organisation’ and you read the following?
19…Happily, God’s organisation today abounds with such men who ‘assign honor to their wives.’ They do not abuse their wives physically or verbally…
Some do, I’ve seen it. I’ve also become aware of JWs who have affairs. They (JWs) are NO DIFFERENT from every other group, they do not live in a Disney-esque wonderland except in their own distorted minds. And another thing, what about all those millions of ‘pagan’ people who have no religion and who treat their spouses far better than many JWs do?
I am not a JW but I do not abuse my wife and have remained completely faithful. Am I just an anomaly? I think not. This paragraph is offensive to people like me.
Think the Society no longer stick their noses into the private lives of a married couple?
Think again:
19…They do not abuse their wives physically or verbally, do not insist on degrading sexual practices, and do not dishonour their wives by flirting with other women…Jehovah’s organisation is also blessed by having an abundance of faithful Christian wives who are loyal to God and his laws. All such men and women know what Gods hates, and they think and act accordingly.
The ‘degrading sexual practices’ are not defined but Christian men and women ‘know what God hates’ !!!!!
My God, how many marriages are going to be condemned to a life of sexual frustration because of this one stupid sentence!!! ‘I’m sorry darling, I’m not going to let you kiss my breasts because I think it’s degrading, all that foreplay stuff, and we want to be obedient to Jehovah now don’t we?’
Jehovah, the supreme God of the Universe and creator of all things and has power and intelligence beyond our understanding is of course minutely interested in what your sexual habits are - What you do in your own bedroom with your own mate is a matter of life and death.
16. Soon, Jehovah will bring this entire world into judgement. Every individual will have to answer to him for his or her beliefs and actions. “Each of us will render an account for himself to God.” (Romans 14:12) So an intriguing question at this point is: Who will survive the day of Jehovah? The third and final article in this series will take up that theme.
Who will survive the day of Jehovah? We all know the JW answer to that don’t we?
Or do we? I feel another thread coming on…