Did the response come by email or snail mail?
I sent an email to Patricia Hewett, our MP for Leicester West, she is also Secretary of State at the Dept of Trade and Industry.
I haven't had a reply yet but I will post it when I do.
there was a thread encouraging us all to write to our local mp regarding the child abuse issue.
i did this by email to my local mp terry lewis, mp for worsley, greater manchester, uk.. here is his response letter which i received today:.
23 july 2002. .
Did the response come by email or snail mail?
I sent an email to Patricia Hewett, our MP for Leicester West, she is also Secretary of State at the Dept of Trade and Industry.
I haven't had a reply yet but I will post it when I do.
local elder called tonite, with a witness on the phone to ask if it is true we were smoking ?
we said yes, and we know who told on us.
it was a ms who was at the club just last week with another woman, not his wife of course, while she was at the meeting.
Well done!
The point is, now you can decide for YOURSELVES if you want to smoke or not!
That always irked me about the WBTS, the way all its followers were treated like children instead of adults. 'Mother' knows best.
ok, was it last night or this morning(?
), someone mentioned something about the possibility of bringing about a uk government inquiry examining the wt corporation/s.
also mentioned was the fact that a few mp's are interested in wt affairs.. if you need someone to spearhead this through the right channels, only too happy to oblige.
This thread may help to clarify:
i'm new to this site, found it whilst looking at panarama web site.
are there many here from uk, even lancashire?
if so, please let me know as it would be nice to speak to some ex-witnesses in uk.
Welcome to Michelleatkin and Tish, and all UK newbies!
It's great to have you on board; it's a rollercoaster ride sometimes so hang on!
I like the idea of a meet up but I can't stay overnight so it would have to be fairly local for me to consider attending.
Dean (Leicester)
a great man has left us.
my father-in-law died last night.
one of the most intelligent men i have ever met, ironically struck down with a brain tumour that eventually robbed him of all cognitive ability.
Thank you all for your kind words. I appreciate it.
this is how jehovahs witness keep the congregations clean.
when anyone does something wrong, adultery, childabuse etc only the elders dealing with the case are supposed to know about it , appart from those directlty involved.
this means that appart from rumors and gosip, which jehovahs witnesses are instructed to ignore (i suspect this is the reason why)no one knows about it.this creates the impression among the general publishers that these things rarely happen.
Yeah, it's like the Stalin years in Russia. If you read the Soviet papers you would read how bad it was in Capitalist countries compared to Russia, which of course had only very minor problems!
Control information and you control minds.
a great man has left us.
my father-in-law died last night.
one of the most intelligent men i have ever met, ironically struck down with a brain tumour that eventually robbed him of all cognitive ability.
A great man has left us. My Father-in-Law died last night. One of the most intelligent men I have ever met, ironically struck down with a brain tumour that eventually robbed him of all cognitive ability. Who says God hasn't got a sense of humour?!
George King, an Elder and PO in the Leicester Forest East Congregation UK for many years, and a CO for a time, was always a fair and reasonable man as far as he could be within the teachings of the WBTS. His fairly liberal interpretations of the society's edicts protected many in the circuit from the more rabid elders. He was fiercely loyal to the Society through thick and thin, but despite that we had some pleasant times together.
In the end we decided that it was best that we didn't discuss religion anymore, for the sake of family unity. But we had some real humdingers. My favourite was when the society abandoned the 1914 'generation' that will live to see the end. I had predicted it years before and I could tell he was rattled, the only time I ever saw him struggle to accept what the organisation said. At the time he refused to accept it, denying outright that there was any change at all. I guess, like most JWs, the fizzling out of a lifetime's belief needed time to acclimatise to.
Anyway, the Organisation has lost one of its staunchest defenders in this neck of the woods, and another capable elder. The newer elders are not of the same calibre and I fear for the congregation. There have already been petty disputes and power struggles during his illness and I think that the brothers and sisters will have to contend with a lot of bloody-minded and stupid regulations from the elder body now.
How this will affect my wife I do not know. She was taught that she would never have to bury her parents, Paradise was coming before that would happen. Now, like many others, she has to face the reality that the only certain thing in life is old age and death for all of us.
For the moment, she needs her faith to see her through these troubling times, and I will not attempt to take that away from her. The death of a parent is a defining moment in a persons life. I remember becoming aware, really aware, of my own mortality when my father died. There was also a realisation that I would have to put my own children through this pain and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. I will wait and see what my wife does, but I would imagine that she will embed herself further into the religion in the short term, at least while her mum's alive.
As for me, Ill miss the old bugger.
Edited by - dmouse on 21 July 2002 3:44:13
Er, like, WOW!
Excellent points all round.
We are not worthy!
edited by - wildturkey on 20 july 2002 13:59:47.
HbH, click on the link Teejay provided, that takes you to a larger scan.
that's right, what class of apostate do you fit into?
personally, i'm of the faithless (i'm close to being an athiest) and indiscreet (no explanation needed) class.. are you of the enviable smurf apostate class?
or perhaps even the haunted second-hand furniture apostate class?
Yeah Dutchie! That's her!
I fell in love with her when I was 8 years old! Poor girl was mute, so she could never tell Troy Tempest how much she loved him...so poignant! That song at the end of the show...*sobs*
Stingray, after Thunderbirds, was my favourite children's show. And yet there was Fireball XL5...showing my age again huh?