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Insistance on legal contracts
by StarTrekAngel injust asking those who still attend or keep up with the latest magazines.
there was a wt study not too long ago that insisted on studying every pact that god made in the past, but adding the spin of calling them "legal contracts".
this week's book study concentrated on the same thing.
What Sir82 said. They have an obsession with legalism and nothing spiritually uplifting. -
Re: Experienced Attorneys and Paralegals Needed at Bethel
by pixel ini thought we needed carpenters and plumbers in paradise...oh well... the hypocrisy.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territoryre: experienced attorneys and paralegals needed at bethel.
dear brothers:.
Please note that we are not encouraging individuals to pursue higher education or university degrees to obtain skills related to legal matters. (w13 10/15pp. 15-16 pars. 13-14).
But we sure are going to use the ones that got their degree!
Along Splash lines!
Re: Experienced Attorneys and Paralegals Needed at Bethel
by pixel ini thought we needed carpenters and plumbers in paradise...oh well... the hypocrisy.
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territoryre: experienced attorneys and paralegals needed at bethel.
dear brothers:.
I thought we needed carpenters and plumbers in paradise...oh well... the hypocrisy
TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN THE UNITED STATES BRANCH TERRITORYRe: Experienced Attorneys and Paralegals Needed at BethelDear Brothers:
Experienced, mature, spiritually-qualified licensed attorneys and paralegals are neededto assist with the work at Bethel. (Phil. 1:7) There is a particular need for those who have experience in litigation, corporate matters, or real estate transactions. We are hoping to locate several experienced attorneys and paralegals who have exceptional analytical, research, and writing abilities.
If there are any publishers in your congregation who may meet these needs, please encouragethem to submit an Application for Temporary Volunteer Program (A-19) along withtheir résumé to the United States branch office through the Congregation Service Committee assoon as possible. The letter to temporary volunteer applicants (A-20) and the letter to those applyingfor theocratic schools, Bethel service, or other forms of special full-time service (A-63)should also be provided. This will allow the branch office to review their application and possibly invite them to work temporarily for one week, three months, or more in the Legal Department.Thereafter, it may be that an invitation to serve at Bethel would be extended to them.We trust that you will use discretion in approaching publishers regarding volunteering toassist the organization in the above way. Please note that we are not encouraging individuals to pursue higher education or university degrees to obtain skills related to legal matters. (w13 10/15pp. 15-16 pars. 13-14)
Thank you for your assistance.Your brothers,c: Circuit overseers
PS to secretary:It is preferred that the Application for Temporary Volunteer Program (A-19) be submittedusing the Inbox feature. Please include the words “Attention Legal Department” in the subjectline of the message. -
List Of Watchtower Misquotes
by Bangalore inhere are some links showing various misquotes from wt publications..
Marked. -
by pixel inhello,.
this is a question for people with web knowledge (i'm looking at you simon :-)):.
i'm wondering why they named it instead of something like
lol at Vidiot. Thanks for the replies everybody. -
WT for March 15, 2015: “Consider the context”
by Doug Mason inmy study on the watchtower magazine for march 15, 2015 is available at:.
this watchtower presents jesus stories at matthew 25: the ten virgins; the talents; and the final judgment (sheep and goats).
It should be: "Consider OUR context". -
Re: Art Skills Needed at Bethel
by suavojr inall they want is some spiritually-qualified publishers blind individuals who believe they are god's mouthpiece on earth.
no wonder their artwork is so poor.. .
christian congregation of jehovahs witnesses2821 route 22, patterson, ny 12563-2237 phone: (845) 306-11001/8/15-e usjanuary 8, 2015to all congregations in the united states branch territoryre: art skills needed at betheldear brothers:the beautiful illustrations in our printed publications and on serve as teaching aidsthat emphasize spiritual truths from the bible.
Please note that we are not encouraging individuals to pursue higher education or university degrees to obtain skills related to art and graphic design. (w13 10/15 pp. 15-16 pars. 13-14)
This paragraph has so many wrongs, I don't even know where to start.
New BOE letter: Re: Survey on Use of Printed Publications
by pixel into all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: survey on use of printed publications .
dear brothers: .
the branch office is working on arrangements for the 2015 regional conventions.
Atlantis, I will send you a pdf as soon as I can. -
New BOE letter: Re: Survey on Use of Printed Publications
by pixel into all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: survey on use of printed publications .
dear brothers: .
the branch office is working on arrangements for the 2015 regional conventions.
Da furious, it says to the USA branch. So I dont know about others. I wonder how are they going to make the electronics available at the same time as the hard copies since not all english cong have their convention at the same time.
the Borg really loves tablets and electronics when it comes to save them $$
New BOE letter: Re: Survey on Use of Printed Publications
by pixel into all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: survey on use of printed publications .
dear brothers: .
the branch office is working on arrangements for the 2015 regional conventions.
Dear Brothers:
The branch office is working on arrangements for the 2015 regional conventions. This year an electronic copy of convention releases will be made available for downloading or stream- ing at the same time that physical copies are made available. Therefore, we are asking that a sur- vey be conducted that will be used to determine how many physical copies of each release we should send to each regional convention. It is thought that some families (or single adults) who ex- clusively prefer an electronic copy may choose not to obtain a physical copy of the release at the convention. Some may have access to the Internet on their portable device, and others may choose to download the publication later when a wireless (Wi-Fi) Internet connection is available to them.
The announcement on page 2 of this letter should be read to the congregation at the first Service Meeting after its receipt. Immediately following that meeting, the congregation secretary should use the attached 2015 Convention Release Survey to interview briefly one representative of each family and record the information needed by the branch office. If the secretary is not able to carry out this responsibility, another capable elder should do so.
After the survey is conducted with those in attendance at the Service Meeting, the secretary should consult his list of families and consider who was not able to participate. He should make an effort to contact those families and obtain the information as described in the announcement. For any who cannot be reached, an estimate should be made so that all in the congregation are repre- sented in the final tally. He should then submit the information using the path or Quick Reference (QR) code and password below no later than February 2, 2015. The survey should be retained for future reference until your congregation has attended the regional convention.
PS to coordinator of the body of elders and secretary:
Please arrange for the announcement below to be read to the congregation at the first Service Meeting after its receipt. Thereafter the secretary will follow the instructions in the letter.
The branch office is currently working on arrangements for the 2015 regional conven- tions. In the past, only physical copies of convention releases were available to those in attend- ance. Currently, many publishers use electronic forms of our publications for personal study, others use the printed publications, and others use both. The increased use of electronic publica- tions can result in substantial savings for the organization. Therefore, in an effort to conserve dedi- cated funds, we would like to ask that you please participate in a brief survey tonight.
It should be noted that this information will be used to determine the number of physical copies of the releases that will be shipped to each regional convention. For those who make use of electronic publications, information will be provided at the convention for you to download or stream the publications at the same time that the physical copies are being distributed. You may have Internet access from your portable device, or you may choose to access the electronic copy later when a wireless (Wi-Fi) Internet connection is available. In this way, all can obtain the re- leases in the format of their choice. As in previous years, additional physical copies will be available through the congregation in the usual manner after the convention season is over.
This evening, Brother __________ will conduct the survey immediately following the Ser- vice Meeting. We ask that one representative from each family approach him and inform him of your preferences. In order for you to respond quickly and accurately to the survey, please consider the following for each member of your family. You will be asked to answer these two questions.
Question 1:
Question 2:
How will each member of your family want to receive a new study publication at the convention?
A. Electronic copy only via
B. PrintedcopyonlyC. Bothelectronicandprintedcopies
How will each member of your family want to receive a new video at the conven- tion?
A. Electronic copy only via
B. PhysicalDVDonlyC. Bothelectronicandphysicalcopies
Please note that answers indicating only electronic copies will result in fewer physical copies at the convention. Therefore, it would be appreciated if those indicating only electronic copies would not later decide to obtain a physical copy at the convention.
Thank you for conveying this information promptly and accurately to the secretary this evening. We look forward to all of the blessings anticipated for the 2015 convention season.