So you say the Big Plan will be reveled Fri or Sat. Sat. was always the last day of the week for me. This is not a jehovah week is it?
JoinedPosts by uwishufish
That's progress !!!--chance of a lifetime
by Junction-Guy infirst of all this isnt my my big plan that i plan to reveal later this week.
i just got off the phone with my brother, and got the shock of a lifetime.
the old kingdom hall that we attended as teenagers apparently is gonna be demolished sometime in the future.
My boyfriend is a JW and we want to get married but I want him to get OUT
by blueday ini'm am so heart broken to see my boyfriend with so many internal strugles.
he is a good man, a good god fearing man and this is why it has been so difficult for him to leave the jw's religion.
we love each other so much and we want to be married but he fears the consequences of marring somebody who is not a jw.
Get a good prenup!
Stuck in a dead-end job because of obeying anti-higher education policy?
by nvrgnbk indid you refrain from obtaining a degree or advanced studies when you had the chance because it wasn't the witness thing to do?
how has this affected your life?
comments, rants, and personal experiences please.
When I hire people education is a factor for any position. My belief is that if you have the staying power for a 4 yr degree, hopefully you get the picture.
Why do the local congregations always pay for the D.O. and C.O. visits?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inevery time a circuit and district overseer visited our congregation,the elders always wanted a show of hands from the congregation to see if we would pay for their car expenses and travel.sometimes the congregation would pay for airline was always approved.. do you know if the idea came from the local congregations to pay?
did the wts send out letters to each congregation to see if they would pay?
we know that the wts always get what they want.. it's amazing how we paid $250-$400 for each overseer visit and the wts paid nothing..
D.O. & C.O. are the first paid level of minister for the jws whether they want to believe it or not. I wish I could turn my receipts in for my DVDs, CDs Cable, water, electric, gas, and plane tickets to NYC for a nice visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The list is endless!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe I don't want to live in Paradise
by pratt1 inwhen i was a teenager, and really trying hard to be a "super witness" i remember thinking that if all the wicked people were destroyed, how would this change our everyday life.. what happends to the people that supply electricity, water, garbage collection, gas, fuel for cars, mechanics, farmers, cattle herders, etc.... how would we survive?
if armafoggeten happened in the winter would those in colder climates die?.
i you were on some sort of medical equipment that required electricity, would you die if there is no one a run to work in the electrical plant?.
CT Russell if he stepped from his grave and on to the first class section of a jumbo jet about to land, and upon landing was wisk away to one of the mega cruise ships(>100,000 tonnes) with a caribbean venue, I am sure he would declare this Gods Paridise.
weird places for Watchtowers & Awakes
by defective light injust curious...... where are some weird places you have seen watchtowers and awakes placed?
doctors offices and laundermats seem to be most popular, where else have you seen them placed ?
( i saw a bunch placed in a dumpster once!
A similar thing happened in Nashville at one of the local malls. I read about in the News of the Weird collum. The local police refered to him as carot man. I wonder why?
memorial new light
by shadowofbathory inno spoilers here.
take note in the new memorial outline for somewhat new light.
unusual to mention it at the memorial but its related to the remnant.
Sorry what this person is refering to is not new light but instead it is NEW BS as all wts writtings are.
No What is it?
What did you have to dispose of when you became a dub?
by exwitless inlittle drummer boy's comment on the d&d thread made me think about this:.
when i became one of the borg, i threw out about $600 worth of pnp materials and books, a fact that i was proud of at the time and which makes me sick now because almost all of it is irreplaceable.
he also threw away who knows how many cds that were "bad" for dubs; also threw away a framed picture of a dragon that was really cool, and maybe some cool rock band t-shirts.. i don't remember having to physically throw away a lot of stuff, but i had to resign from the citizen's band i was in (played the clarinet), threw away my good friends from high school, etc.. what did you all throw away when you became dubs that you regret now?.
My normal childhood was disposed of for me as I was born a jw. My access to normal friendships was disposed of for me as I was born a jw. My want to play sports was disposed of for me as I was born a jw.
Do I need to go on?
Flirted for awhile..making it official today!
by uuus2b1 inhi all, been "lurking" (phrase i picked up here) for some time now, felt it was time to come out of the closet!
quick bio: live in the us virgin islands.
baptised at 18. elder at 28. married but separated 6yrs now.
One of my favorite places to eat was Wyndam Sugar Bay. The the place I stayed was on Crown Mtn. Great view.
Do the other dubs you work with shun you?
There is a great deal of opportunity in the USVI. The USVI gives many benifits to those who start their own businesses." Economic Development Program" you can get a packet that describes all the benifits. The tele # is 774-8104