JoinedTopics Started by Doc_jedd
Are the Nephilim Still Exerting Influence?
by reporter inarticle found here, click on left-column "updates/nesara", then click on first link....
nibiru and the anunnaki by d.m.
these anunnaki elite were later known as elohim and nephilim.
by QUEENIE ini got my issue just the other day and there was an article / a letter from an elderly lady named erma...the jws have her daughter who has not spoken to her parents for 32 yrs...they were told in the 80 to not speak to her parents as they only studied in the 60s and 70s...she is alone now and 86 yrs old,,,her daughter will not answer letters or phone calls as she is afraid of being shunned or ex-communicated if she sees her mother...erma is saved and a believer for years but wants us to pray that erma and her daughter will be reconciled before erma dies !!
! may get in tough with peter barnes at [email protected] in regards to this dear elderly lady..i find this so sad and hope with all my heart that this daughter will wake up and smell the coffee perking before it is way to late and erma is passed on..there is no comming back to make things up !!!
:( (((hugs)))) queenie
What's your dirtiest habit??
by Beck_Melbourne ini don't have any but i am going to tell on my lady boss, who is a 26 yr old lawyer of the hoity toity breed who was incidently born with golden slippers.
this morning as i walked into the ladies room we passed each other as she was on her way out.
we smiled and said hi, then next thing i see her pass her hand under a drip from the tap...and then hastily wipe her hand on the towel before rushing out.
Ruth Moshonas' Watchtower
by Stephanus inas mentioned in this thread: .
i got hold of a 1st february, 1989 watchtower belonging to a ruth moschonas.
by minimus inone of the major reasons that a disfellowshipped or disassociated person has for coming back to "jehovah's organization" is that perhaps they will miss the "sweet fellowship".
after hearing comments regarding the km article on how to treat disfellowshipped ones, i must wonder why anyone of sound mind would think a disfellowshipped person would miss anything from the organization.
viewing persons as "dead" while out of the organization would not make one feel anxious to return to jehovah's loving arrangement through the organization.whoever coined the term about missing "the sweet fellowship" was pretty clever.
OH WELL BOB it is life after all !!!
by QUEENIE ini went steady with you 38+ yrs ago.
we got close and i think 4 a time i was in love with you...i have your phone # and address but you r forcing yourself to be a good jw by not ever having any thing to do with linda lou an heathenistic demonized apostate queen--bob salnave of santa maria,calif.
i feel so sad for you / you r missing out on a lot sweetheart by making this decision but i am praying 4 you to reconsider ((((((healing hugs))))))) queenie aka linda lou kersey
west nile at my house
by not interested injsut a note to any horse owners:.
yesterday my neighbor's horse came down with west nile, he had just given the vaccine a week ago, at the same time as i vaccinated my horses, the local vets were saying that it wouldnt be a problem here untill next year and now there are 75 horses that have come down with it,.
so if you have horses and havent vaccinated them for west nile please do it, it is so sad to see the effects take over a strong, healthy, young, horse.. what has me worried is that with my l\uck im going to be the first person localy to get it.
27 warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by haujobbz in.
just remember this website is for topics only jw related so there.. "resistance is futile"
Is there anything that could make you go back?
by sleepy inis there anything that could make you go back?.
what do you think, is there any change of belief or change of circumstance that could make you return to the jw fold?.
i cant see anything that could make me go back,but i was thinking mabye some of you religious types would go back if they changed some doctrinal things,or if they stopped banning blood.. how about if a family member was dying and hoped to see you in paradise would you go back for a while just to make them feel happy?