Mostly no, they couldn't be bothered, for which I am grateful. I think it was because my husband was disfellowshipped and I was off and on irregular in service. I now realize I was doing a very, very slow fade for most of the thirty years I was in.
JoinedPosts by LisaRose
Do you or did you experience too much intrusion into your personal life by the elders in your congregation?
by UnshackleTheChains ini ask this question because i have personally experienced first hand the control and intrusion into my personal life by the elders at our hall; and for virtually trivial things or non issues!
what's more, i regularly hear of individuals moving to other halls because they were stumbled by the thought, i mean these elders.. have you had any such experience?
have your elders been a bit ott over trivialities?.
From enemies to friends: Did it really happen?
by StephaneLaliberte inyesterday, they showed the story “from enemies to friends” at the kingdom hall.
my mother in law told me about it as she was touched by the story.
so then, later in the evening, i searched for the video and found it in the january 1st 2017 broadcast.
I don't think the organization ever let facts get in the way of a good story. I believe most convention "experiences" we're either greatly exaggerated or just plain urban legends, borrowed from other religions and tweaked to fit the JW perspective.
Hello Again
by everbrighterhal ini'm sorry if this is in the wrong category!
i am formerly adimmedlight, or something close to that.
i have been lurking here a few years now and while i did make an account before, i used a fake email (i no longer remember it, since it was made only to log in the one time i posted.. )because i was so paranoid people in my home town would discover me and "out" me.
Welcome, thank you for sharing your story, glad you are moving on in your life.
I found it was fairly easy to realize that the Watchtower wasn't the truth and most of what they taught were simply opinions, what was harder was rooting out the deeply ingrained guilt about everything. Somehow the idea that I need to be perfect in everything was really hard to get rid of, It was so deeply ingrained in a subconscious level. I found meditation to be helpful for that, also for freeing myself up creatively. I am more artisan that artist, but greatly enjoy the creative process ( I have a small business making vintage style signs out of reclaimed wood). If you haven't tried meditation, I like the guided meditations by The Honest Guys on You tube to be very helpful.
It's funny how those stupid Kindom Maladies still give me ear worms sometimes, even though I have been out for 18 years. Is the one you are thinking of the one that goes "Kiss the son, lest God be angry and you perish on the way"? It does sound a bit like Hark the Herald Angels.
Lisa 🌹
"Worldly" boyfriend has never met my JW family, and might never will.
by BL_Poet inpublic service announcement: i am not going to write a whole backstory on myself, i just simply want to get to the point.. i have been disfellowshipped now for almost 3 years, for i had a baby out of wedlock, not by my current boyfriend, but by a guy i was dating at the time- don't judge me ;) lol- my current boyfriend and i have been dating for a year now.
i've met his family-only his parents, and his cousins family, of whom i knew before i met him, thus how i met him through a bbq- at the time, he knew i was a single mom, and didn't know too much of my backstory.
as you can imagine, i had to tell him about how my babies father and i didn't work out, due to his wandering eye, and how i had little to no support due to being disfellowshipped, or as the "world" knows it by- disassociated- from my religion.
Sounds like you have had a rough time of it.
You don't owe your boyfriends family a long explanation. Just say that you and your family are estranged, as they couldn't accept you having a baby out of wedlock. As you get to know them better you can expand, but Jehovah's Witnesses aren't the only religious nuts out there, just the ones that make it a requirement to shun.
Yes, they may give you the side eye, but they will get to know you and get over it, so dont dwell on it.
Hee Haw was not clean
by The Real Edward Gentry inso, my son bought me a device that allows me to look up and watch anything i want.
i remember years ago , i enjoyed the television show hee haw on sunday evenings.
i naively thought it was wholesome family entertainment.
Well I haven't seen that show since the seventies, and I rarely watched it then as it seemed kind of boring, but I may have to check it out, because if there is that much sex going on it must be better than I remember, what with the mini skirts and such.
What Makes Someone Become a JW?
by minimus inmy excuse is that i was born in the religion.
but if someone wasn’t, why would they become one?.
I converted at 13, back in 1969, along with my parents. The religion offered a narrative that appealed to me at the time. I liked the idea of a paradise earth, it appealed to me more than the idea of heaven. In a time of societal change it offered concrete answers, it was a very different time, and I was a different person. It was before the internet, so my ability to fact check was limited. I did research at the library, but it was an obscure group, there wasn't much out there, so the Watchtower lies about their history were not caught.
Secret sex in the Org
by pomo6780 in2 pioneers of the opposite sex.
the brother is in his mid-20s, sister is in her late 20s.
both are alone in car as the only 2 out in field service.
I am supposed to be the "mentality diseases apostate" but my life seems quite dull in comparison to these folks. I am happily married and faithful to my husband, go figure.
Maybe these are just extreme examples, but it sometimes seems like there is more weird sex going on in the religion than in the population as a whole. Maybe it's just because the rules are so strict that when people do transgress it gets gossiped about so much more, or maybe because repressing sex just makes people more likely to act out, or some combination, who knows.
the UK, 'the toilets' means the restrooms.
One of those American/British cases where the language is the same, but meanings vary. I have heard it confuses the Brits when Americans ask to use the bathroom, because bathrooms sometimes do not actually have a toilet (it may be in a separate room) so it's not how they refer to it, so it makes them wonder if they are asking to take a bath.
Does anyone like Steampunk?
by days of future passed ini love people's being creative with this genre.
i stumbled on this video which is a lot of fun.
past the end credits is out takes and how it was made..
This is our Halloween outfits from three years ago. The weapons are Nerf guns that I altered. Still looking for another occasion to wear this as we change our costumes each year.
Difficulty fading out
by Emily1987 inthis is my first post on here so i apologize that it is like an essay!.
my husband and i are currently 'fading out' of the truth.
we stopped preaching in may 2016 and limited meeting attendance in january 2017 and stopped completely in june 2017. my main reason for this was my whole life i have been doing things to please others, even getting baptized to please my mum.
. Not only am I distraught that someone I used to consider as my best friend could do this, I am confused as to why!!
It's a cult, people have been conditioned to believe that obedience to the whims of seven men is more important than anything, including friendship or family or even their own natural sense of right and wrong.
Fading can be done, but it's not easy and it's pretty hard to hide the fact that you are celebrating Christmas. You can try and stall the elders by simply refusing to meet with them, but it it's going to be hard. It's one thing to quietly do your own thing, it's another to simply stand up to them and refuse to answer intrusive questions or play their game, so carefully consider what you are prepared to do. Disassociating and fading each have their benefits and drawbacks, only you can decide what is best In your particular situation.
In any case, welcome to the forum and
Feliz Navidad
Joyeux Noel
Merry Christmas
what is the sales technique here?
by Kevin McFree injw's will never knock on your door and say, "hi, we are here to convert you".
speaking to a reporter recently a jw media rep at hq said " our main purpose going door to door is not to convert but to share bible truths with people".
does anyone know the sales techniques involved here?
It's called lying.