JoinedTopics Started by serenitynow
"Religions tell us we have to give up this life for another ...
by serenitynow ingive up our desire, passions, pleasures ... what type of comfort is that?
'die while you are alive so you can be alive when you are dead?'".
this was a thought-provoking quote i read on the weekend from a french philosopher michael onfray, particularly when we know how much one gives up for life as a dub.
Is anyone going to the "Walk against (global) warming"?
by serenitynow ini'm planning on going to the "walk against warming" tomorrow.
this event is to try to make the australian government pay more attention to the public's concern with global warming.
i am really angry we haven't ratified the kyoto protocol.
Please share any Aussie child custody experience re religious instruction
by serenitynow inare there any aussies out there who can help with some advice or experience please?
my ex left the dubs before we were married and had kids.
now 20 years later he has returned to the fold and we have separated.
JW ex-husband's influence on kids
by serenitynow inhi, i am new to this forum.
i was hoping for some advice ... how do i protect my kids from exposure to jw teachings when they are visiting with my ex.
he was brought up a jw until we met and married over 20 years ago.