Thanks everyone for all those interesting thoughts and comments. I agree with so many of you esp. Warlock ... loving your neighbour is a basic that will give us spiritual happiness even if you are an aethist. That is a concept that helps me a lot when I'm feeling angry with Dubdom. And James Thomas - your sentiments are similar to those expressed in Deepak Chopra's latest book. I'm still trying to get my head around that one!
JoinedPosts by serenitynow
"Religions tell us we have to give up this life for another ...
by serenitynow ingive up our desire, passions, pleasures ... what type of comfort is that?
'die while you are alive so you can be alive when you are dead?'".
this was a thought-provoking quote i read on the weekend from a french philosopher michael onfray, particularly when we know how much one gives up for life as a dub.
"Religions tell us we have to give up this life for another ...
by serenitynow ingive up our desire, passions, pleasures ... what type of comfort is that?
'die while you are alive so you can be alive when you are dead?'".
this was a thought-provoking quote i read on the weekend from a french philosopher michael onfray, particularly when we know how much one gives up for life as a dub.
give up our desire, passions, pleasures ... What type of comfort is that? 'Die while you are alive so you can be alive when you are dead?'"
This was a thought-provoking quote I read on the weekend from a French philosopher Michael Onfray, particularly when we know how much one gives up for life as a dub.
Thought it might provoke some interesting discussion. I'm so bored and need some mental stimulation.
need some feedback on music
by littlerockguy ini am going to switch out music on my ipod to music to exercise, walk and workout to.
what specific songs and music would you recommend or what is on your workout ipod currently?
You can't beat some good Australian rock/pop - try:
Jet (Rit it Up, Put your Money Where your mouth is, Are you Gonna Be my Girl, etc, etc)
You Am I (Cathy's Clown, and a million others of theirs)
Spurs for Jesus (check em out on Myspace)
And, not Australian, but fun for a workout - Kaiser Chiefs. If you prefer something funkier try Amy Winehouse - she's been wearing out my Ipod.
Is The Watchtower Society—A Prison Sentence?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-size: 18px; font-family: arial; } .style2 {font-size: 17px; font-family: arial; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #ff0000} --> is the watchtower societya prison sentence?more often then not individuals who are members of this discussion .
board will talk about freedom from the watchtower society.
some members even have their handles containing the word freedom.. not a literal prison sentencethankfully, i have never seen the inside of any state institution, .
My ex has returned to 'the truth' and in the process lost his family and the beautiful life we had. He said he is doing this to "better himself" and that he is doing it "for the family". His life is now a treadmill of work and meetings and lovebombing by the dubs. He sees his kids once a fortnight. So, yes, to me he is living in a prison of rules and regulations. He is a prisoner of the future, worrying about the Big A.
After my ordeal with the dubs, it has made me more acutely aware of personal and spiritual freedom. As part of my 'cleansing' and to commemorate this new awakening I decided to get a tattoo of a phoenix with the word "Libera" - latin for freedom. It is a constant reminder to celebrate my liberation and freedom.
Can you get along with a person with a completely different Rel. belief ?
by JH incan you get along with a person with a completely different religious belief than yours?.
would you even marry a person with a completely different belief than yours?.
is the bible right when it says to marry in the lord only?.
It all depends on the religious differences. In the case of JWs it is as much a lifestyle as a religious belief eg, meetings, study, field service etc. which takes away a lot of family time. Difference in lifestyle priorities can be very difficult to resolve. Also some JW beliefs could be dangerous if kids are involved, eg blood issue. It would be horrible living with someone knowing they believe you will die a heinous death at armageddon. Not to mention certain intimate restrictions ...
Is anyone going to the "Walk against (global) warming"?
by serenitynow ini'm planning on going to the "walk against warming" tomorrow.
this event is to try to make the australian government pay more attention to the public's concern with global warming.
i am really angry we haven't ratified the kyoto protocol.
I would... but my legs rub together when I walk... and I think that would be counter-productive.
Besides, it's a little bit chilly outside. Gordy, nothing like a bit of chafing to know you're alive! Good way to keep warm without using electricity. lol. Jayhawk, you are such a dedicated greenie - the solar project sounds awesome. I have never heard of a swamp cooler - I'm going to check it out! Thanks for the tip re fluoro bulbs. And congrats on owning a house at such a young age - well done. PS - no one has ever showed me a picture of their swamp cooler before! -
Is anyone going to the "Walk against (global) warming"?
by serenitynow ini'm planning on going to the "walk against warming" tomorrow.
this event is to try to make the australian government pay more attention to the public's concern with global warming.
i am really angry we haven't ratified the kyoto protocol.
Wow, that's excellent jayhwak. Are you doing it all yourself? Is that why it will take so long? I wish I could do something similar but I'm renting my house. I buy green energy and try to be sustainable with everyday living. Apart from that I figure the walk makes a contribution.
another new guy
by Art Vandelay inactually, i'm new to the whole forum thing in general.
i guess i should say something about myself...
i'm 23, born and raised in the organization.
Welcome Art. Guess how I came up with my name? One thing you'll find in common with this group is a healthy dose of humour. Enjoy your time here and try not to stress - when things get too hard remember to say "serenity now"!
Is anyone going to the "Walk against (global) warming"?
by serenitynow ini'm planning on going to the "walk against warming" tomorrow.
this event is to try to make the australian government pay more attention to the public's concern with global warming.
i am really angry we haven't ratified the kyoto protocol.
I'm planning on going to the "Walk Against Warming" tomorrow. This event is to try to make the Australian Government pay more attention to the public's concern with global warming. I am really angry we haven't ratified the Kyoto Protocol. I think it's so important we have a voice over this issue.
Apparently there are going to be events held world-wide. Is anyone else planning to go? Have you heard about it in other countries?
Please share any Aussie child custody experience re religious instruction
by serenitynow inare there any aussies out there who can help with some advice or experience please?
my ex left the dubs before we were married and had kids.
now 20 years later he has returned to the fold and we have separated.
Thanks Carla, you're a gem. The abbreviations will help a few others I'm sure. Hope all's quiet on the domestic front.
I was "rofl" a minute ago as a JW did the pretend knock on my door and slipped their latest propaganda under my door - even though my address is on their "no call" list! Pffft.
I think I'll use this material to start explaining to the kids that JWs think that everyone else is going to burn.