Heavens NO! Not another religion! We have enough of them. I don't think Bill Bowen would even think of that. I had a good laugh at a previous post where someone said they can think they are talking to Jesus on this list and not be considered whacked. I can agree with that line of thinking. Queenie knows me and I am whacked. ha ha. But I am doing better now, I have stopped wearing my tin foil hat so I don't hear the voices of Russell and Drunken Joe echo in my head. Instead I let my answering machine take those calls. It's sort of funny, Rutherford keeps saying, "give me a bourbon neat." Now there I go, talking crazy and I just finished my days stint as an intern at a substance abuse clinic. But then after being a JW for 40 years I guess I can fit into any setting that doesn't deal in reality. Peace!
JoinedPosts by docpalo
by plmkrzy ineither surfing the net using key words jehovah" .
or someone we know told us about it.
i found this place after logging on to watchers of the watch tower.
Pro-Life or Pro-Choice--HELP
by Quincy inok...3 days ago, i found out that i was going to be a father!!
good new right?
well then she says that she is considering having an abortion...which i am totally against....so we discussed it...then she started to think that she might have the child....so she talked it over with her twin sister...and she told her to get the abortion...now she says she wants the abortion...now i am upset...not onlly does she want the abortion...but she wants me to pay for the entire thing...so not only am i going to be terminating a developing life...but i have to pay for it????
Being a father of 6 children I have a problem with abortions. But this is only a problem when they are done as a matter of convenience. Each and every one of my kids I welcomed into the world and loved them as much as the others. As others have said, she can have the child and place it for adoption or you can raise the child. I look at it as the unborn fetus as having no say, no rights and doesn't deserve death because his parents find him/her inconvenient. I fully support abortions where the situation dictates its necessity. Like the birth would kill the mother or the child would be still born regardless of whatever the doctors could do. I do not support the the fanatical pro lifers who go so far as to say that even stem cell research is killing a life. I also have an ethical dilema when tests reveal that an unborn would be severly retarded or handicapped. To preform an abortion then is playing God and we become like the Racial purists and Medical Ethicists who argue the costs and care over a life. I would do what your heart dictates and if she persists in having the procedure then there is not much you can do. I do not know how long she is in her pregnancy but the longer it goes the more of a human develops inside her. The argument as to when it is a life is simple, when it becomes an entity within that starts at the time of conception. One last thought, there has been some research that women who have abortions at times suffer from depression and withdraw from thier surroundings. I do not know why this is, I am just relating some article that I read in US News & World Reports. Peace, Docpalo
by Intuit39 ini'm working on printing a new bumpersticker, but i need a rough estimate of how many i should run:.
if the watchtower society doesn't lie,.
well then, jehovah god is the liar!.
I have 3 T-Shirts that I made myself:
"The Jehovahs Witnesses Never Brainwashed Me!"
I can do as I wish as long as I ask them!
"Are Pedolphiles Knocking At Your Door?"
Jehovahs Witnesses Are A Pedophile Paradise
For the Facts: www.Silentlambs,org
Would You Let Your Child Bleed To Death?
A Jehovahs Witness Would!
Guilt by association.
by seven006 innote: i will attempt to make my attitude as well as my language in regard to this subject in compliance with simon's wishes to keep the profanity at a minimum.
for those who have read my posts before you know how hard that will be for me.. i am really mad.
those gosh darn jw's have gone too far.
Are we talking about those bony assed, white socked, flood knees highs pants wearing, nickle loafer scuffing, book bag carrying, bone headed, moron FECALITHS the Governing Body here. I am ashamed of you all. They are such righteous men. I mean what do expect from someone who hasn't had sex for 35 years, thinks Minnie Mouse dresses lewdley, believes masturbation causes blindness and insanity and thinks loose conduct is copping a feel or kissing for more than 16 seconds. I mean these men are Gods prophets, whadya want here? Is is not their fault, God talks to them all the time, see they're busy with God and don't have time for us mere mortals. Peace, docpalo
The wailing wall of the Jews
by docpalo inrecently some hassidic jew who stands and rocks like a catatonic shizoprhenic at the wailing wall in jerusalem noticed some water stains up near the top of the wall.
immeadiately he summised this to be some holy sign of the messiah.
but the deputy director of public works says that it most likely is a ruptured pipe or drain.
Ahhh SS. you hit the nail on the head! For fear of being labeled anti whatever I didn't travel that path in this discussion but you are 101% correct. The Israelis would sleep with the Red Chinese if it served their agenda. And they do now. I also am sickened by these modern day so called Christians who believe that Jesus is going to build his kingdom at the present day Jerusalem. They don't have a clue do they? Todays Christian leaders like Falwell, Robertson, Graham and Jackson (if you can call him a Christian) have sold the faith out for three pieces of silver. They have a God and it is $$$$$. Did you know that Fallwell and Robertson have major stock holdings in Red Chinese companies that employ slave labor? Good Christians all! Now give me twenty Hail Freddies, ten Hail Watchtowers and send me $50.00 for a prayer cloth I personally sweated over. If you act now I'll send you a bonus video of how arrange your pioneer book bag for efficient field service. It's a hotty. ACT NOW! Peace!
The wailing wall of the Jews
by docpalo inrecently some hassidic jew who stands and rocks like a catatonic shizoprhenic at the wailing wall in jerusalem noticed some water stains up near the top of the wall.
immeadiately he summised this to be some holy sign of the messiah.
but the deputy director of public works says that it most likely is a ruptured pipe or drain.
Joanadandy, You are right about the diversity of the Jews. But you miss the point. Yes they celebrate passover with a vengence and avoid eating pork. yum yum, especially candy glazed ham. But I am talking about their agenda. People tend to look at me with a blank stare when I say this. I always hear the word racist when I tell of the agenda.And you are right it is a minority of the Jews who have a knowledge of this agenda, but the part that is scary is that these Jews with the agenda are rich, powerful and hell bent on seeing that it comes to fruition. Do you know who controls our mass media in this country? Why does the media in this country not dare criticize (ever) the Israeli agenda? Why do we never hear of Israeli terrorism and war crimes but only Palestinian terorrism and war crimes? It is because a cabal of rich, powerful Jews own and operate the main stream media. No I am not a conspiracy nut, do some research and you'll find I am right. I just hope as Spider Monkey said that these insane morons (Israel &Palestine) don't leave a land that glows. Also did you know the Israel has sold US military hardware and secrets to our enemy the Red Chinese. Some friend huh? Did you know that the worlds largest purveyor of child porono lives and is protected by Israel. Did you know that the Europes largest child prostitution ring is owned and operated by an Israeli who lives in Israel. He never uses Jewish children only us Goyim. Goyim is a dirty Christian. Are these the ramblings of a fanatic? I think not, I subscribe to many of European newspapers E-mail versions. I read the truth not the lies that our American media is feeding us. Try it some time, you'd be amazed as to what is really going on in the world.
The wailing wall of the Jews
by docpalo inrecently some hassidic jew who stands and rocks like a catatonic shizoprhenic at the wailing wall in jerusalem noticed some water stains up near the top of the wall.
immeadiately he summised this to be some holy sign of the messiah.
but the deputy director of public works says that it most likely is a ruptured pipe or drain.
Spider Monkey: I do not have the time right now to prove my point since my supper is awaiting. But I can prove my point about the worship of the Jews. BUT! I am not saying all Jews are doing this. I am talking about the Orthodox and Hassidc Jew who places a large amount of their faith in the Kaballah which is a book of spells and incantations that deal with specifically the subject of Lucifer. I don't care what a person worships, be it a rock or ehtreal smoke. I was trying to point out that the Jewish faith has becoem bastardized over centuries by the very same scribes and pharisees thatJesus spoke of in the Scriptures. Think of it, it isjust like when we where JWs, we where mislead and lied to by the Society. So too are many modern day Jews. How many people do you know today that really look into their own faith and know the deep dark secrets and the total doctrine behind the curtain. I'm sure you'' agree that it is a pitiful few. The Talmud is all man inspired if you accept that the Scripture is Divinely inspired. But then that is another topic altogether. Peace, live long and prosper. I'm hungry. Talkto youlater.
The wailing wall of the Jews
by docpalo inrecently some hassidic jew who stands and rocks like a catatonic shizoprhenic at the wailing wall in jerusalem noticed some water stains up near the top of the wall.
immeadiately he summised this to be some holy sign of the messiah.
but the deputy director of public works says that it most likely is a ruptured pipe or drain.
Spider monkey, I was not in manner trying to excuse the Christian history. I am fully aware of the bloody hisotry that has been filled with hate, intolerance and hypocrisy. I was trying to point out that the Jews of today are not the chosen ones as they claim. It appears that you are knee jerking as many do when one tells the truth about the Chosen Ones. I do not know if you have read the unfiltered and unedited truth about the Jews but I have and I did not obtain this information from any Neo-Nazis, KKK, or radical hate groups. I simply did some searching off the beaten path and lo and behold found it. There is even an Orthodox Rabbi in Israel who is very much against the Zionist state and says it is not scriptural. I for one feel that both the Palestinians and Israelis are insane and fear that a world war will erupt from their hatred and stupidity. If this is ignorance then I am ignorant.
The wailing wall of the Jews
by docpalo inrecently some hassidic jew who stands and rocks like a catatonic shizoprhenic at the wailing wall in jerusalem noticed some water stains up near the top of the wall.
immeadiately he summised this to be some holy sign of the messiah.
but the deputy director of public works says that it most likely is a ruptured pipe or drain.
Recently some Hassidic Jew who stands and rocks like a catatonic shizoprhenic at the wailing wall in Jerusalem noticed some water stains up near the top of the wall. Immeadiately he summised this to be some Holy sign of the messiah. But the Deputy Director of Public Works says that it most likely is a ruptured pipe or drain. Yet a group of Orthodox Jews still make claim that this water stain is a sign from God. They claim there are no pipes in this section of the wall. More likely to me, Fido couldn't find a fire hydrant and took a much needed pee. But then after making a study of todays Judaism I find that they are not the Israelites of old and do not give much credence to the Old Testament. Instead thier two Holy books are the Talmud and Kaballah. The Talmud is actually given a higher place of honor in Judaism today.The Kaballah is a book of spiritism and is held in high respect by Rabbis and not to be understood by the rabble or flock. The disdain that they have for Christ and Christianity is astounding. The Talmud in their own words is a better book to study than the Bible and a man who spends a life time understanding and writing about the Talmud is to be more respected than one who spends his life reading the Holy Scripture. Pleas note that the Holy Sxcripture is only the Old testament. Much of the contents of the Talmud and Kaballah come from writings during the Babylonian captivity. Remember than Jesus scorned these men scribes and Pharisees for they spent their days worrying about tradition and mans law not Gods. So too today, the ones who claim to be Jews are not the Jews or Israelites of old. They do not worship Yaweh, but instead worship a conglameration of Gods and customs that are man made and Satan based. Also when one says the word Semitic one does not only refer to a Jew. It refers to Arabs, Pheonecians and several other people indigenous to the are. One last statement. In their Talmud they make a statement: "Jesus is alive in hell and is being boiled in hot excrement" Then they wonder why the world does not love them.
Question regarding divorce
by docpalo ini have a conondrum that exists in the lowell, ma.
i left the borg 12 years ago.
In response to the question as to why my ex called me. It was to rub it in that she was getting away with the whole thing. No committee wanted to meet with me. I wouldn't have gone even if that had been the case. I had been out for some time already and she and they knew I held the clown princes among men in derision. I even wrote Mother about it and all I got back was an admonition to read some chapter in some publication about "repentance". What a load of manure that was. They would not even address the issue saying they couldn't because I wasn't a part of the flock. Like one of you said, they bend the rules for themselves. I even had court documents that proved my ex perjured herself in court. The clown princes refused to look into this, saying it was apostate writing. Yeah, I had a apostate Civil Court of Massachusetts give me these documents and the judge and clerks were all apostates working with me to hurt the congregation. If any of you believe that, I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn, cheap, about a 120 years old, low finance and is a historical landmark.Contact me via this site and we can work out the details. marco polo