JoinedTopics Started by Core88
by Core88 ini think of you all allot for the helpful thoughts, and comments that you sent my way this past week.
i think one of my problems is that now that i don't have the routine of going to the meetings and feeling my head with the watchtower and awake, i seem to have little faith in anything now....i don't feel like i "know" god anymore.
every time i have gone to another church i just don't seem to fit in and feel "at home" like i used to at my old kingdom hall.
E-Watchman/E-Jehovahs Witnesses
by Core88 inso here is my question for anyone and everyone, do you all think that those two sites are e as in e-vil?
to me it seems that they are thanks.
More on the Memorial...
by Core88 ini just got home.
took my son, a friend, and the women i have been faithfully with for two years, a worldly gal, mother of my child and the only person i have ever had sex with (which was one of the reasons for my being dis-fellowshipped now for almost two and a half years) to the memorial tonight.
anyway i was trying to make the best of it and was actually surprised when my family aka mom and brother boldly shook my hand afterwards...feeling pretty good about that, but still uncomfortable because i had to hang around everyone i have every know as they did there best to pretend not to notice me as they had there way with my cute as fuck son whom i dressed up in a little suit and tie.
Table of who???
by Core88 inhi everyone here is something i think is wrongly translated in the nw bible, and it bothers me.
you cannot be drinking the cup of jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partaking of the table of jehovah and the table of demons.1 cor.
10:21, nw.
I Need Help
by Core88 inhi, my name is corey, i live in indiana, so much to tell, allot of witness history.
i was a ms and regular pioneer for two df'ed, don't know what to do or if i believe in god or not now...have had a few beers tonight, got mad at my gf.
MOve on!???
by Core88 inok so i am a ex-witness,(disfellowshiped) i have posted here before...but i must say why have'nt we moved on?
come on i mean if we all really thought that the jw sect was just that then why are we not trying to forget it and let life go on as it has; and try to be true to ourselves and our neighbor and read jesus words as recorded in the bible?
i have been reading my bible on lunch breaks at my work, as well as reading in the dhammapada.
Is this life all there is???
by Core88 ini have been a df'ed witness for two years now.
i have had a son around that same time moved twice and changed jobs all around that same time.
it has been the hardest two years of my life.