JoinedTopics Started by LuciousJ
by Dansk inmost here will know of the serious illness i've been fighting for the past two years.
well, this morning i decided to go for a stroll to try and help build up my fitness.
at the bottom of my street lives an elder from my old congregation and i have to pass his house.
I need some friendly support...
by LuciousJ inso, we left the org.
back in december.
i went & visited my mother in february & shared with her some of the research i had found.
What does DUB mean??????
by LuciousJ inhi everyone- i'm new to the forum so i'm not hip to some of the lingo.
i've been wondering for a long time what dub means?
could someone tell me so i can understand the threads a little better?
Remember when KH's had a piano and real singing?
by WingCommander inthe thread about got me thinking about my very early childhood, back when witnesses were allowed to be social and have get togethers.
they also had a piano in every congregation i ever attended, and an older sister would always play the kingdom melody.
there was actual singing - not mindless droning and humming.
by LuciousJ inwe wrote our da letter, mailed off a copy to the society & put the other copy in the drop box at the kh yesterday.
the elders had called us every day from saturday through tuesday wanting us to come in to they could df us i'm sure & probably at tonight's meeting mind you.
funny thing......after dropping off our letter yesterday before service time started, we received no phone call last night.
by jayhawk1 insometimes i wonder how something made it into the bible in the first place.... genesis 38, the story of judah and his daughter-in-law tamar.
background judah's firstborn son er was bad in jehovah's eyes, so jehovah put him to death.
genesis 38:6. so judah being the good father that he was gave tamar to his second son to have sex with and have children in the name of the fallen er... we pick up reading in genesis 38:9.
Here is my families story
by mama1119 inhi, i have been posting for a while now but haven't shared my story, and feel it would be theraputic to do so now.
my family is also on the site, although they dont post, just read.. i grew up a jw.
my parents were baptized when i was just a toddler...they were brought in by the only jw members of my dads side of the family.
September KM - 70 alterations in Revelation Climax Book
by dozy ini can't find a thread on this subject yet - if there is one , please delete this one.. the september kingdom ministry has a 4 page insert detailing the 70 alterations in the revelation climax book which is due to be studied at the book study shortly.
i'll provide scans if anyone is interested.. i will leave it up to more experienced analysts to examine the reasons for specific changes , but just a few brief observations for now:.
p32 box - "they were completely exonerated" changed to "charges against them were dropped" - interesting change of terminology for the 1918 watchtower eight.
Does anybody know..if I disassociate myself, how will I be announced??
by Lady Liberty inmy husband and i have been out for well over a year now.
but we have not been dfd (because we have not done anything wrong) we just stopped attending.
our question is..if we go ahead and disassociate ourself, will they say at the meeting.."so and so has disassociated themselves", or rather will they say, "so and so is no longer a jehovahs witness"?
should I disassociate myself or wait to get disfellowshipped?
by Mrs.Congeniality inmy closes friend asked me today if her and her husband should just go ahead and write a letter of disassociation or wait to be df.
many months ago i talked with them about 607, etc.
all the things i was finding out.