ok, everyone, you know my story by now.
we da ourselves a week ago.
my mom wrote me a letter saturday disowning me.
well, it's been about 6 months or so since i've turned in a time report and things are heating up a bit.
i still attend the meetings with my wife - i am still "visible" - but i have not gone out in service for a conspicuous amount of time.
just this afternoon the po called and wanted to meet with me.
....or........if you feel really strongly about your 'beliefs' and don't want to could say "I don't see the love within the congregation and it's really made me back off." That is, if that can apply. We did that at first (which was so true of our congregation) and then we kept uncovering more things that caused us to finally open up. Well, that did it. They called EVERY DAY and showed up here EVERY WEEKEND. You really can't avoid them for long without it becoming overwhelming and tiresome for you & your family. Decide if you really want to live the 'double lifestyle' or not. We didn't. We couldn't. So we DA-d ourselves. Tough decision but one we felt best for us. You have to do what you feel is best for YOU not your family who are still JW's. I just lost my mom because she 'disowned me' due to us being labeled apostates. Very devastating but, I know Jehovah is proud of me for standing firm against what is really wrong. Isn't that what is first and foremost the important thing.......pleasing HIM? That's what we're taught anyway.
Follow your heart. That's really all you can do. Hang in there. Many people are here for you.
well, it's been about 6 months or so since i've turned in a time report and things are heating up a bit.
i still attend the meetings with my wife - i am still "visible" - but i have not gone out in service for a conspicuous amount of time.
just this afternoon the po called and wanted to meet with me.
I make me laugh EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, everyone, you know my story by now.
we da ourselves a week ago.
my mom wrote me a letter saturday disowning me.
OK OK. I did it. I went on line, found a customer service contact and sent a letter. It was tactful but also pretty demanding (I told them something needed to be done....whether it's just to appease me or to uphold the reputation of their store, I don't care!) We'll see what I get back.
P.S. I also gave her name.
ok, everyone, you know my story by now.
we da ourselves a week ago.
my mom wrote me a letter saturday disowning me.
GOOD ADVICE EVERYONE......I'm taking it all in and deciding on what to I stoop to her level and have her fired (and prove their philosophy that all ex-JW's are bad people and out for revenge....) or do I play it dignified and be above them and just keep going there with a smile on my face each time........
What to do, what to do....
ok, everyone, you know my story by now.
we da ourselves a week ago.
my mom wrote me a letter saturday disowning me.
ok, everyone, you know my story by now.
we da ourselves a week ago.
my mom wrote me a letter saturday disowning me.
Strange you should say that Warlock because now the more I've thought about it.....I've thought....why should I have to go somewhere else? I wasn't asked to leave. but in the back of my mind, I've thought....what if they mistreat my dog or he's neglected? I doubt it.....but, the thought is still there.
ok, everyone, you know my story by now.
we da ourselves a week ago.
my mom wrote me a letter saturday disowning me.
Ok, everyone, you know my story by now. We DA ourselves a week ago. My mom wrote me a letter Saturday disowning me. YADDA YADDA today......I call the local refuse company about an order I had placed on my account. Well, a JW works there and she & I used to be good friends. She answers, I pretend to be a regular customer (out of respect and not wanting to make HER feel uncomfortable). I tell her about my order and I'm just checking to see if they remembered........she knew it was me......she asked for my address. I tell her & she says "Hold on"......she NEVER CAME BACK TO THE PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, I was pissed. So, I called back and got the general voice mail and left a message about it. She calls my house and leaves a long-winded 'professional' message saying she was 'sorry we got cut off' and wanted me to know that 'my order would be taken care of by 4pm" and she says "again this is NAME from Such & Such" and my number is *********. Talk about COVERING YOUR ASS!!!!!
2nd incident happens RIGHT AFTER THIS ONE. I go to PetSmart Grooming to have my dog groomed & his toenails clipped. Well, a JW (another friend) works there and she ALWAYS does my dog's nails. I get there, she comes out of the back and talks to us all. She says hello to my son (addressing him by name) and he says "how do you know my name?" She says, "because you go to the KH silly", mind you we've been gone since December.....wouldn't she know that if she were regular? Anyway, he politely says "we don't go to the KH anymore!" (out of the mouths of babes.....) she looks at me and asks me if I've been DFD. I said no. I said but we have DA ourselves. She asks me why. I said for very long and personal reasons. She said.....IN FRONT OF MY KIDS & THE STAFF......"Well, I can't deal with you any longer." I'm like "deal with ME? You deal with my DOG and you're shunning my DOG???????" OMG I was so humiliated. Anyway, then she says "Well.....I will still cut his nails but I can only be on a business relationship basis with you." I said "perfectly understood." Whatever............I saw her a few months ago and both her daughters had on AMERICAN FLAG NECKLACES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HYPOCRITE. So, needless to say, PetSmart Grooming has been DELETED from my cell phone address book and my dear Oscar will be going to a JW-FREE groomer.
What an UNBELIEVABLE few days I've had.
my husband and i have been out for well over a year now.
but we have not been dfd (because we have not done anything wrong) we just stopped attending.
our question is..if we go ahead and disassociate ourself, will they say at the meeting.."so and so has disassociated themselves", or rather will they say, "so and so is no longer a jehovahs witness"?
Hi Lady L- You know my story. I'm torn with my decision. I'm glad to be 'free' and 'clear' of the harrassment......but I have been shunned terribly by many (including my family) and that makes it hard. Hang in'll know what to do when your tells you what's right!
so, we left the org.
back in december.
i went & visited my mother in february & shared with her some of the research i had found.
Yep, she went to the convention and of course there was stuff on apostacy and how hundreds of people are 'leaving Jehovah' and poisoning the minds of believers. NOT go to any websites except for's the only TRUE website out there for witnesses.
Whatever.......brainwashing I tell you......that's all it is.