i perfer not to say just because I am not disfellowshipped, I just faded 12 years ago successfully and am not even visable on their radar and I don't want that to change but I will say San Diego County.
JoinedPosts by YoungAmerican
What Cong you from???
by fluke inhey guys.... .
just wondering what kh you guys attended and or congregation you are from?.
me, i'm from hayes cong london and golden ash northants... spent time in others too but mostly those... oh, also a short spat in kempston cong bedford... all in england... :).
Earthquakes in one place after another!
by YoungAmerican inmy mom just called me from back east to tell me that she just heard of a 3rd big earthquake within 24 hours, this time in peru.
samoa, indonesia..... she is freaking out..... we better all get ready .
My mom just called me from back east to tell me that she just heard of a 3rd big earthquake within 24 hours, this time in Peru. Samoa, Indonesia..... She is freaking out..... We better all get ready The end is upon us!!
You know what they are all thinking happened here.....
by YoungAmerican ini read this in friday's paper and thought how all would be commenting on how jehovah protects his people.....of course nothing is ever said all the many other times bad things happen, then its always satans fault..... .
shooting rampage botched in germany when gun jamsby the associated press |friday, july 31, 2009 9:39 pm pdt.
berlin ---- an 82-year-old man who planned a shooting rampage at a meeting of jehovah's witnesses was deterred because his submachine gun jammed, police said friday.
I read this in Friday's paper and thought how all would be commenting on how Jehovah protects his people.....of course nothing is ever said all the many other times bad things happen, then its always Satans fault....
Shooting rampage botched in Germany when gun jams
By the Associated Press | Friday, July 31, 2009 9:39 PM PDT ∞
- BERLIN ---- An 82-year-old man who planned a shooting rampage at a meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses was deterred because his submachine gun jammed, police said Friday. He was overpowered and arrested.
The man entered the group's meeting hall in the western city of Bielefeld on Thursday evening, wielding the weapon, police said in a statement.
The hall was evacuated and the man quickly left the building, waving the gun as he walked toward his car. He was then overpowered by two Jehovah's Witnesses and arrested.
Police said the man also had a samurai sword and a knife.
Notes found during a search of the man's apartment suggested that he had intended to shoot into the crowd, according to police. Investigators believe that a technical defect prevented him from doing so.
He apparently blamed the Jehovah's Witnesses for the fact he had lost contact with his daughter years ago, police added.
- BERLIN ---- An 82-year-old man who planned a shooting rampage at a meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses was deterred because his submachine gun jammed, police said Friday. He was overpowered and arrested.
Summer Assembly info
by YoungAmerican indoes anyone have the dates and locations of the assemblies of the summer and the theme.
just so i know what i'm talking about when my mom asks about it.
Summer Assembly info
by YoungAmerican indoes anyone have the dates and locations of the assemblies of the summer and the theme.
just so i know what i'm talking about when my mom asks about it.
Does anyone have the dates and locations of the assemblies of the summer and the theme. Just so I know what I'm talking about when my mom asks about it.
Funniest Meeting Memories
by YoungAmerican inthere are always so many bad memories related here i thought it might be nice to change it up a bit.
what are some of your funniestmemories of the meetings, or even field service?
things that happened things said?
Chill Rapunzel! It was funny at the time, when I was a kid. No harm. It was just funny. Don't get YOUR PANTIES all in a twist>
Funniest Meeting Memories
by YoungAmerican inthere are always so many bad memories related here i thought it might be nice to change it up a bit.
what are some of your funniestmemories of the meetings, or even field service?
things that happened things said?
by the way, how do i change the formatting and font??/ This is just weird.
Funniest Meeting Memories
by YoungAmerican inthere are always so many bad memories related here i thought it might be nice to change it up a bit.
what are some of your funniestmemories of the meetings, or even field service?
things that happened things said?
There are always so many bad memories related here I thought it might be nice to change it up a bit. What are some of your funniest
memories of the meetings, or even field service? Things that happened things said?
I remember when I was about 12 or so, there was an very elderly lady, maybe 85 years old or so, Sister Crowe. She had gotten up to
go to the bathroom during the meeting and I remember seeing her walk back down the aisle to return to her seat. She had her
granny panties down around her ankles and didn't even notice. You could here kids snickering and giggling all the way up
the aisle until a sister got up and helped her back to the bathroom. It was hilarious!
Your JW Baptism
by LouBelle ini was 16 years old when i got baptised - 1992 - it was at one of the two day assemblies.
only a few of us got baptised.
i pulled out the pictures - there i stood proudly with a friend of mine in our cosies (shirts over) towels wrapped around us.
I always remember speakers saying during the baptism talk that this date (fill in the blank)
would be a date you always remember because it is THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY OF YOU LIFE! Well, I never could
remember the exact date, even when I was still in. I just remember it was in June of 1975 at the big assembly
at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. Wow, I was only 14! I hadn't even thought of that in a long time. Never
really realized actually how friggin' young I was. I felt so pressured to do it. My dad was an elder too.
I fortunately had a great family life considering some of the stories I've read here. But very strict.
My parents meant well and loved me and my sister dearly and treated us with lots of love and respect.
They were just so duped by the promise of paradise and living forever....... ahhhh how very sad.
Global Campaign with World Wide implecations???
by YoungAmerican inmy mom asked me today if i had received my may km yet.
i wish i could have been honest and said, "of course not mom, i don't go to the kingdom hall anymore and haven't set foot in one in over 10 years", but instead i said "not yet mom, probably tomorrow night".
anyway, she said something about the part where they usually make the announcement about the upcoming summer conventions instead saying something about a "global campaign with world wide implecations".
Thanks, I haven't navigated through this site enough I guess to find the answers to my own questions. I have just been soooo very screwed over by my upbringing that I can't seem to shake loose from that little nagging voice in the back of my head that scares me with what if's all the time. I am really beginning to think I need counseling.