I love the new mag your handing out in the door to door ministry. Can I make a contribution to the worldwide work? lmao
I love the new mag your handing out in the door to door ministry. Can I make a contribution to the worldwide work? lmao
hi there this is jake and gary asked if i could post and tell you thanks.
his surgery went well and dr. thinks he got all of the ca.
it is called adno carcinoma something like that.
Woo hoo, great news! Thanks for the update. I was thinking about him today. I'm so glad all is going well.
Congrads, congrads... bow's at your feet!
when i left the witnesses, a person from work gave me a video about the witnesses that his church uses.
i thought it would be interesting, so i set down and watched it.
what i found was another example of one church taking about another, to then counter with points that support their way of thinking.
I may not want to go the KH anymore, but I hate when people who've never been starting doggin witnesses. I feel like they can't really relate to how it really is. As far as ex-JW's being negative about the organization, I understand how they feel and just try not to let the bitterness of the situation get to me. I much rather move on with my life. I'm not saying I don't reflect on the past or crack jokes like the rest, but I've decide not to let it consume me.
I don't know if I'll try another religion out, in general the thought of church (organized religion) makes me sick.. I rather focus on my just being a good person and a positive member of society.
And that's my 2cents, keep the change.
a quick example i would like to share with you guys to show the way the elders are carrying on today.
my father a ministeral servant, had an affair with another woman, and is still with this other woman.
(shes not a jw, but a so called "bible study") he lives with her and when consulted by the elders and asked "are you having pre marital relations woth this woman" his reply is "i cant im impotent!
This is rich! It's almost too stupid to be true. "Sorry we didn't believe, but now it's still too late even though he's still living with the chick". Oh give me a break! They should still be able to do something. I agree with another poster. Play their stupid azz game and get married and repent later. At least she'll be happy. And tell her to marry a worldly man.
when things are going well, you can sorta ignore all the crap the jws have brought to your life, but sometimes you gotta let go, get it out.
i was talking with a nurse today who has to deal with the jw demands about blood transfusions, and i found myself speaking outright against the jws and their f*cked up beliefs.
if i could destroy that religion i would.
Andre... that was mean! and funny. lol
I really don't hate the society, I kinda of pity them because they are not living life.
When I told my mother I didn't believe anymore, all she could really say was "what else it out there".
ok everyone,.
give us one (maximum 2) word(s) that best describes yourself.... for me, its adventuresome
sure we got to know a lot of people, we knew a lot more people then the average person, but how many real friends did we ever have?
a friend that we could trust, that we could confine in.
i can say i had just one, bro x and even then i still had to be careful, bro x is an elder now and he tells me that im the only real friend hes ever had, he cant freely talk to anyone.
I use to think 3 but if they knew I was on this site probably only one. I need to find that one real friend. We lost contact about a year ago.
maybe this needs to be posted somewhere besides the humor section as i think there's more truth to this scenario than not.. .
a young monk arrives at the monastery.
he is assigned to helping the other monks in copying the old canons and laws of the church by hand.
lmao... good one!
where is the link to the 2006 district convention program?
i need a copy of it.. thanks.
Mulan, I was wondering why you were asking. How sweet of you!