What if you don't have a kitty? I have a dog?
JoinedPosts by earthtone
Kittens! (fluff)
by Mysterious inshare your cutest kitten moments and stop thinking those horrid apostate thoughts.
my kitten who is about 16 weeks old now woke me up this morning by trying to nurse .
he came from a shelter so we think he might be a bit insecure ^_^ even though we adopted him at 7 weeks.
Hello. Welcome me! Welcome me!
by raylo inhiya folks.
just joined on board and figured i'd say a quick hello to all.
i'd get into more, but i'm soooo watching this ingrid bergman marathon on right now on turner classic movies...
Welcome ! Welcome!
Have you ever fallen asleep while praying?
by JH in.
i don't know about you guys, but i never pray before eating and never pray before going to bed.. first of all i like a hot meal, so i don't pray before eating, and i also never pray before going to bed, because i might fall alseep before i say amen.
been there done that...
All the freakin time. But I guess it doesn't help to do it while your laying in bed! lol.
Alleged Polygamist/Pedophile Warren Jeffs Taken Into Custody
by Country Girl infbi: fugitive polygamist arrested near las vegas
las vegas, nevada (ap) -- the fugitive leader of a polygamist sect has been arrested in southern nevada, the fbi said tuesday.. warren steed jeffs, 50, was taken into custody after he and two other people were pulled over late monday by a nevada highway patrol trooper on interstate 15 just north of las vegas, fbi spokesman david staretz said.. the leader of the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of latter-day saints was wanted in utah and arizona on suspicion of sexual misconduct for allegedly arranging marriages between underage girls and older men.. since may, jeffs has been on the fbi's ten most wanted list, with a $100,000 reward offered for information leading to his capture.. the other two people in the vehicle were identified as one of warren jeffs' wives, naomi jeffs, and a brother, isaac steve jeffs, both 32, staretz said.
they were being interviewed by the fbi in las vegas but were not arrested.. jeffs was in federal custody in las vegas pending a court hearing on a federal charge of unlawful flight to avoid prosecution, staretz said.
I'm glad they caught him, but I was thinking that someone will just replace him.
Was Lot A Righteous Man?
by jayhawk1 ini just have to ask this question.
was lot a righteous man?.
2 peter 2:7,8 says "and he delivered righteous lot, who was greatly distressed by the indulgence of the law-defying people in loose conduct- 8 for that righteous man by what he saw and heard while dwelling among them from day to day was tormenting his righeteous sould by reason of their lawless deeds.".
Hell No!
So he offered some men shelter. Okay.
True he didn't know they were Angels, but dd he have to offer his daughters to the ENITRE CITY. They would have been dead, when those men got through with me.
And why?... For some strangers, he knew nothing about? Oh come on. The account makes no sense. I've posted this before and have no problems posting this again: I got an extreme feeling of satisfication when they told Lot no and grabbed his azz, to rape him! Yes, I kept thinking. There is justice in this account.
What part of the bible makes no sense to you?
by JH in.
please make this less than 100 lines....
Most of what doesn't make sense to me has been mention
I was at this last convention bored out of my mind when reread the story of Lot. I was disguisted thinking about him offering his daughters to the ENTIRE city to rape. TO RAPE! HE SAYS DO WHAT IS GOOD IN YOUR EYES. You got to be f**king kidding me, right. And he was praised for this. I was so happy when they grab his azz, and tried to do the do with HIM.
I also read that account your talking about at the covention. How she had to prositute herself to get the old man to marry her. Very sickening.
I understood that to mean that he did not want them to ge to puffed up with pride over their own accomplishments, and stop giving him(Jah) is due(praise)
He just got away with too much sh*t, Unbelievable!
The rape laws are utterly ridiculous.
The whole Sarah and Hagar problem. Plain jealousy That's why the Jews are having problems now, those who want Gaza and the rest of Israel are descendant's of Ishmael. They see it as getting there just rewards.
My family is making me nuts
by NowImFree ini need some advice all.
my mom, elder brother and sister and her family are all jws.
the only one who isn't a jw is my father.
Try not to take it too personally. She thinks God is telling her it's the right think to do. It's hard to get through to people when it comes to their religious beliefs (I know, I was once like this). And God (the borg) is telling her not to let you in too close. How can you argue (or get through) that?!
Drop Dead Gorgeous!
by Outaservice inback when i was attending kingdom halls, our circuit had a lot of 'drop dead gorgeous' women, many whom were married to the geekiest looking guys.
i always asked myself, "how did these 'dorks' do it"!.
was this because selection was limited, or was this just a peculiarity in our area?
You say your looking sspo ( batting eyes).lol
Correctted to say...I'm jokin everyone! lol
What are you gonna be for Halloweeeeeeen!
by mkr32208 ini'm trying to come up with ideas for a halloween costume!
the kids have already decided.
my 4 yr old told my wife "don't let daddy be the cow this year, he was so silly..." so my cow costume from last year is out!.
lol, cuties Mrk.. I take it they were princesses?
I wanta be a salon girl. The naughty nurse is played out
Yahweh and Baal: The True Story
by under_believer inhopefully good for a laugh, i cooked this up after reading another thread about yhwh being the same person as baal: .
"they seem to think that you're the almighty.
they do not, baal.