EyesOpened, it soo okay to vent. I mean honestly where else would you go? This place has been a haven for myself. My mother sounds like a mixture of both your parents. My brother never really took to the Truth because he had to chose between my dad and the organization. He was very rebelious and without real guidance ended up in jail. And all my mom says, "Is Woe is me" or " He was nothing like you "- translation: He would never do what he was told, when I told him( i.e. follow the borg's outline for his life).. I don't even have the heart to tell her it's mostly her fault. She just mentally washed her hands of him, since he wouldn't do things the borg's way,. She did not spend any real quality time with him, Too many meeting and days out in field service. Whatever It's amazing how narrow minded and short-sighted JW's really are. But you never see it when your "in".
For myself.. I just faded and like you most of my so called friends (only had a few) never really called after a few months, of not seeing me. Where's all the love that Jehovah's organization is suppose to be known for! Thinking back I'm really glad that most are too busy preparing for field service or meetings to care about the one's who have already heard "the call" from Jehovah and keep up with me.
I'm glad you found this site. I'm still healing in a way. I'm reading many books about JW's as I can. It helps me to realize I made the right decision. I'm glad you've already made friends, this is very helpful. Just try not to let bitterness over take you. You want to be free to live life and not think aobut what you missed in the past. Or your still letting them keep a hold on you. I look forward to reading your post!
P.S. Why are you and your wife still divorcing, now that you are getting along better than before? Ever thought about counseling? You've been married for 20 years!