JoinedPosts by okie46
What theBleep-Down the Rabit Hole
by frankiespeakin inhttp://www.bleepstore.com/servlet/-strse-136/what-the-bleep-do/detail
disc 1 - what the bleep down the rabbit hole.
what the bleep down the rabbit hole delves into the theoretical underpinnings of quantum physics.
What is the JW View of Clowning :o)??
by Seeker4 in(i threw this into the "jw view of cloning" thread yesterday, and thought maybe a few would like to have some fun with it so i gave it its own thread.
there was this comment in a letter to the body of elders about clowning in march 2003:
"as to the matter of clowning, we can see from phil.
"Thou shalt not clown"
What theBleep-Down the Rabit Hole
by frankiespeakin inhttp://www.bleepstore.com/servlet/-strse-136/what-the-bleep-do/detail
disc 1 - what the bleep down the rabbit hole.
what the bleep down the rabbit hole delves into the theoretical underpinnings of quantum physics.
I saw "What the bleep do we know anyway" and think it was one of the most fascinating movies I have ever seen. Very insightful, it really makes you think about things in a more open-minded way. I especially liked the part regarding how we have to create new pathways of thinking in our brain to change negative thought patterns.
The Gentiles Times Reconsidered--Again but this Time By Using the Bible
by thirdwitness inthink about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
Hey thirdwitless what's your agenda? What is your explanation for being on this website if you know so much and are so holy than you should know what a big sin you are committing by being here on this website.
What bothers you more, snakes or spiders
by free2beme init is pretty common among us humans to have an issue with one of the big two.
we either have a discomfort with them, or just dislike them all together.
personally, i am not real against being around either, but if i had to choose which one i see in a more negative way, it would be spiders.
SPIDERS... I am petrified of them, especially those little, black, furry jumping spiders. If you look at them, you can't figure out where their eyes are because they have all these bright, colored spots on them, and they are so aggressive, they will jump right at you.
Also WASPS... I can't stand the way their legs hang down when they fly around.
Get Your Smurf Name!
by apostawriter in.
be sure to share it with us... visit www.dfmenow.blogspot.com and scroll down to the smurf picture.. daniel (odoriferous smurf).
I am boozy smurf
Have you ever had acupuncture? What else can I try for high blood pressure?
by dmouse ini had a bit of a shock last month when, in a routine check-up, my doc told me i had high blood pressure.. i can't remember what the reading was the first time but the next few days it was averaging 150/100.
not wanting to go on drugs for the rest of my life i decided to look at alternatives.
there are some chinese clinics in the town where i live so i tried one of those.. they recommended a course of herbal medicine and acupuncture.
dmouse.... do you watch your sodium and alcohol intake??? Sometimes blood pressure goes up when we are under alot of stress.. Are you still dating that mean girl??? That might be raising your blood pressure.
I'm a grandma!
by Out At 22 in.....and i'm barely 28 y/o!
lol my 17 y/o stepdaughter delivered a healthy baby girl almost three weeks ago!
it is really weird seeing and holding that baby and being called "grandma".
Congratulations!!!!!!! My first grandchild was born when I was only 37. It is fabulous being a Grandma!!! You get to spoil them and then send them home. I have two gorgeous granddaughters now and they are so precious and so much fun. Enjoy!!!
Welcome to so many New ones...Question...
by xjwms in.
i found this place from randy's ..."freeminds".
how did you begin your search?
I googled "Jehovahs Witnesses" and found Randy's Free Minds site first, then found this site. I first found it several years ago, but did not join til recently, I have never been on a discussion board before and was a little nervous about it at first.
How do you say good-bye?
by hambeak inmy doctor called me today and told me i have a very aggressive case of colon cancer.
i go back on monday for more tests and maybe surgery and chemo i don't know.
my partner is a total mess over this and he is all i have.
Hambeak... Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for you and your partner. Don't give up. Please explore all of your treatment options and keep us posted as to how you are doing. We are all rooting for you to win this battle.