You are Dionysus, god of wine and theatre.
You are fun-loving and a little crazy.
Posts by dust
Which God are you? [Fluff]
by Sirona inquiz - which god are you?
my result:.
Are Interracial Relationships—A Taboo Subject?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #cc0000; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #cc0000; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #000000} --> are interracial relationshipsa taboo subject?the exposure to individuals of other racial backgrounds was helpful in my past .
jehovahs witness life to see past racial prejudice.
i am grateful for the exposure.
Race is a man-made taxonomy that observes some randomly chosen properties of the human body, skin colour being the most prominent one. As such, a "mixed race" is only a "race" that can be defined linguistically by means of two or more external points of reference. If those man-made reference points are ignored, the "mixed race" would only be "another race", based on the combination of genetic properties. If the reference points are changed, what is called "race" today could instead be classified as "mixed race".
An example, through the times skin colour and shape of nose have been important characteristics in determining race.
Race 1 is characerised by the combination of the genetic proterties skin colour A + nose shape C.
Race 2 is characerised by the combination of the genetic proterties skin colour A + nose shape D.
Race 3 is characerised by the combination of the genetic proterties skin colour B + nose shape C.
Race 4 is characerised by the combination of the genetic proterties skin colour B + nose shape D.
So is race 1 a separate race, or is it a "mix" of races 2 and 3?
If race 1 (A+C) is a mix of race 2 (skin A) and race 3 (nose C), then logically race 2 is also a mix of races 1 (skin A) and race 4 (nose D). Which makes race 1 a mix of a mix with itself as a component.
So, we have to decide whether the points of reference ("proper races") should be the two genetic combinations 1 and 4, or the two genetic combinations 2 and 3. This choice is a random one. Which makes the classification into "races" and "mixed races" also a random classificaton. -
Are Interracial Relationships—A Taboo Subject?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #cc0000; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #cc0000; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #000000} --> are interracial relationshipsa taboo subject?the exposure to individuals of other racial backgrounds was helpful in my past .
jehovahs witness life to see past racial prejudice.
i am grateful for the exposure.
I tend to say that I belong to the race called Homo Sapiens, and I would definitely not like to marry a Homo Neanderthalis. So I married another Homo Sapiens, and I have to admit that the colour of eyes, hair or skin wasn't important at all. (I've seen reports somewhere that the genetic variation is larger within a group of persons with the same skin colour than is the difference between the average 'white' and the average 'black' person.)
Why are people so focused on skin colour anyways? Lactose tolerance/intolerance should logically have the potential to be a more decisive factor, considering the consequences in the kitchen. 'Do not marry a person with another level of lactose (in)tolerance, it's against the principles of nature.' Now, THAT would be something, wouldn't it.
But a thing that I have never understood, is this -- I don't know if this really is the situation over there in America, but this is at least what I've seen in a couple of American soap operas here in Europe: If an American is the owner of a skin that is not completely palish pink (also called 'white' for some mysterious reason), then the person is called 'black'. Why isn't it the other way around, that if a person's skin isn't completely black, then the person be called 'white'? -
It sucks to be hurt on purpose ...
by reneeisorym ini sent out wedding invitations last week.
apparently they caused my parents to get a divorce.
i got an e-mail from my mother saying that she left my dad, is filing for divorce, and that dad thinks she left because she wants to go to my wedding and he won't let her.
Ask your grandparents if they would come to your funeral if you died, and if they say yes, then ask them to explain why. -
by Carmen ini found this board and have been reading what a lot of people have to say.
i've found it very useful, interesting and informative.
i'm 19 and am in a relationship with a jw who is 22. i know that this is a subject that has probably been posted many times but i wanted to see if anybody could offer me any advice.. i'm catholic myself and studying to be social worker with a major in theology.
Noone should tell you how your boyfriend will react to being shunned. We are all different. My wife (ex-JW) know that she would be shunned, but still she DA'd herself, moved together with me and later married me. She is a marvellous woman, and she knew what would happen when she chose me above them.
I don't quite know why she never decided to return to the organisation, it's probably a combination of things. One of the things was: She learnt to think for herself (I wouldn't let her "agree" with me just to agree -- I insisted that she make up her own opinions, and here I'm talking about everyday situations as well as religion), and one of many nice consequences of this is that she now knows what we all know about the teachings of the WTS. But of course it is never pleasant to discover that a huge part of your life (including huge parts of your identity) has been built on misconceptions and information control.
I have written a few posts on the topic earlier, please see if anything of it can be of use for you. -
If "I laugh every time he acts clever" means that I laugh every time he pretends to be clever, then does "he acts white" mean that he pretends to be white? How can anyone pretend to be that pale? I mean, I can pretend to be sad or happy, but how can I pretend to be white without actually becoming white (e.g. by using paint?). "The house acts white, it pretends to be white, but really it isn't."
Hm... But if someone acts wisely, then maybe to act whitely would mean to act in the same way as white acts. Which means that white isn't a colour, it's a creature. Which means that I'll never have dare to wash my clothes again. Because... they could "become white", and I don't want any creatures that close to my body.
Somehow I am glad English isn't my native language. These adjectives and adverbs really scare me... -
I have a talk!
by Zico inabout 7 months ago i asked the school overseer to take me off the school, as i was 'busy with work exams' things have been good since then (well, sort of...) no talks for 7 months!
but then, my wonderful father, decides to ask the school overseer to put me back on!
he puts me back on!
Would a God of love kill 6 billions for disagreeing? Well, according to Romans 2:14-16 God won't do that. So maybe one doesn't have to be a JW afterall... You must only obey the Law. Hm... Which Law? Have a look at Romans 13:8-10. So, according to Paul, everyone knows how to love, and that's the important thing. Also relevant: 1 Sam 16:7.
In other words, no matter what God decides to do, the JWs have a problem with their teaching. If he kills, he has to kill all those children that aren't baptised because they are not mature enough, and he will have to kill those who according to Romans 2 and 13 shouldn't be killed. If he doesn't kill, then you don't have to be a JW to survive. -
Origins of the stake instead of the Cross
by wab07 ini have been a member on this site for a few months now and this is my first post.
anyways, my mother is a loyal jw and i often email her asking questions hoping to give rise to contradictions in the her beliefs.
i recently asked her when and why the cross was replaced with the stake.
Junction-Guy: Exactly my point. :)
The Standfasters
by dust ini don't know where to ask, but this section is probably better than both the medical section and the entertainment section.
:) .
does anyone know what eventually happened to the standfasters?
The ones that broke away from the Bible Students during WWI because they (the Standasters) wanted to be politically neutral. Klein writes about the incident in the WT Oct 1, 1984. The only information I find about them is this schism, but I can't seem to find anything on if, how or when their organization came to an end.
The Standfasters
by dust ini don't know where to ask, but this section is probably better than both the medical section and the entertainment section.
:) .
does anyone know what eventually happened to the standfasters?
I don't know where to ask, but this section is probably better than both the Medical section and the Entertainment section. :)
Does anyone know what eventually happened to the Standfasters?