The report originally mentioned in this thread cites the booklet somewhat inaccurately: "Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters".
In the Spiegel Online article mentoned by Leolaia we read (my translation):
Spiegel Online: However there is this sentence: "The vagina and especially the clitoris are barely paid attention to through naming or gentle touching (neither by mothers nor by fathers). This makes it harder for the girl to develop pride in her [genderness, gender traits, sexuality -- I don't know exactly how to translate Geschlechtigkeit]." Isn't that ambiguous?
Philipps: When one doesn't pay attention to the preceding paragraph, that may be the case. But those who have heard my talks or read the booklet attentively, know this: The preceding paragraph described how boys exclusively, due to their anatomy, receive this attention. Mothers and fathers have confirmed to me that of course they have pet names for the penis, and that they touch it during necessary actions such as washing and lubrication, and in order to offer tenderness, as long as this doesn't serve their sexual arousal. Girls do not experience this, hence the sentence. So I also demand that the parents shouldn't just pay attention to the female genetalia, rather that they should recognise the girl as a person.